
Virtue ancestors I transcript (Wang Bi version)

Chapter Road to the eternal Tao. Names can be named very name. Unknown beginning of heaven and earth, known the mother of all things. Guchang no desire to watch his magic; often want to watch go around. Both, but with a different name, with that of the mysterious, occult, of all miracles.
chapter for the United States and the world knows that beauty, ugliness has been. Known for the good of the good, bad Slovakia has. Therefore, whether with students, ease of complementation, the length compared with dump heights, with voice and, after hand in hand. Agency inaction is a matter of sage, line teaching without words; and endure all things for Yan, and refuses to have, to not rely, off the ground Frydman home. Only Vladimir husband home, based on Ephesians go. Chapter
not worthy and so people do not fight; not the goods against your rare, so the people not to steal; not seen to want to make people into chaos. The wise are the rule, empty their hearts, actually its belly, weak chi, strength of their bones. Often no desire to make people ignorant. Wise not to have to husband. As in the tenth.
Chapter Road washed and used or surplus, like all of the cases Yuan Xi; fell its sharp, its divergent solution, and its light, with its dusty, Zhan Xi may or deposit. I do not know who's son, as the Emperor first.
Chapter heartless to all things as straw dogs; saints heartless to the people as straw dogs. Between heaven and earth, its Tuo Yue Down? Virtual and unbending, dynamic and more out. Much to say a few poor, as Shouzhong.
Valley Chapter of God die, is that the mysterious female. Mysterious female door, is that the root of heaven and earth. Amid If the deposit, do not use the ground.
Chapter VII of the everlasting and unchanging. World so long and for a long time who can, with its non-self, and it could be longevity. The wise body and the body after the first; outside the body and the body of its existence. Their selfless non-evil, which gives it private.
Chapter VIII of charity. Water benefits all things without struggle, a fine crowd of the evil, so few in the Road. Home Improvement, good heart deep, and good kernel, articulate letters, are good governance, something good will, good when moving. Husband is not the only dispute is therefore not in particular.
Chapter held the profit of, as it has; hides the sharp of the, not long protection. Feast, it can keep Mo; wealth and arrogance, since left its blame. Served its purpose, the ways also. Chapter X contains soul
hold a business can be almost free from? Tuan gas caused by soft, almost baby can? eliminate Cosmic, can from falling Down? patriotic rule the people, to ignorance or Down? day of the opening and closing doors, for female Down? understand Sida, to inaction or Down? health of domestic animals of. Without possessing, and not rely as long without slaughter, is that the Xuande.
Chapter XI 30 spokes of a wheel, when it is not, use a car. Gems that the device, when its not, there are devices used. Chisel family-you think that room, when its not, there is room only. So that the interest that there have no use.
XII five colors blind and, pentameter is deaf, five flavors to make people cool, crazy heart is galloping hunting, the goods against very rare line of harm. The wise are not present for the belly, deceased he chose this.
Chapter XIII s hate if frightened, if you scourge of the body. What if the shock s hate? Pets for the next, was the surprise if, if the loss of surprise, is that if the shock s hate. What if the body of your great evil? I were so big, as I lead you into thinking, and I was no body, I have and hang it? So you being a member of the world, if it could send the world; love being a member of the world, if they can trust the world. Chapter XIV
not seen as the barbarians sounding name, do not listen to the famous Greek say, not sounding name of the micro-pump. The three can not be induced interrogate, so confused one. It is not Jiao, its next Bumei. Shengsheng not name, revert to nothing. Is that no form of shape, nothing of the like, is that the vague semblance. Meet the not seen his first, was not seen subsequently. Executive Gu Zhidao to this for a royal. Knower of ancient beginning is that the Road century.
Chapter XV Gu Zhishan to persons who, through subtle mysterious, deep not know. Fu Wei can not know, so strong capacity whom? Yu Xi Chuan involved if the winter, still like a general fear neighbors, Yan Xi certain of its customers, Huan Xi Ruo-Bing is going to release, if the Park, London Come the Kuang Xi its Ruogu, muddy If the turbidity of its Xi. Practice makes perfect in order to quiet the fecundity of cloud? Makes perfect security in a long time and moving Xu Sheng? Paul who do not wish this for profit, the only non-profit husband, so it can cover not new into.
Chapter XVI To virtual pole, keep quiet Benedict. Things and make, in order to view my resume. Among the husband objects, each reverted to its roots. Static return to their roots, saying, It is called complex life. Fu Ming Yue Chang, Yue-Ming Chang know. I wonder often, to make any rash fierce. Chang Yung-knowledge, capacity Naigong, the public is king, Nai-day, day is the Road, Road is a long time, no body does not Scots.
Chapter XVII Congress, know there is the next, followed by pro-and goodwill, followed by fear of, then humiliates. Unbelief Yan, Yan did not believe there is. Yau Come its your words and things off the ground then, the people are that I am naturally.
Chapter XVIII Boulevard waste, there is righteousness; wisdom out there is a large false; relatives could not and, with Hau Chi; national dizzy, there are loyal.
XIX Discarding Chi, Min-li times; must Jen abandoned righteousness, the people re Koji; never clever disposable profits, no thieves there. That the text of these three deficiencies, so that a sense of belonging? See Su Bao Pu, a small private few desires. Chapter
his secrets worry, the only of and A, quite different geometry? goodness and evil, certainly far are? people of the fear, not fear. Wei Yang Zai Xi of its waste? Everyone Hee hee, like to enjoy Tai Lao, such as the spring stage. I alone Xi Zhao its not like babies who are not children; by by fortune, if not the return. Yu Jie You everyone, and I alone, if left. I fool the heart zai? Slow-witted fortune, laity Visible, alone if I faint. Laity tsatsa, I alone am Men Men. Dan Xi certain of its sea, drifting without Xi only. Jie You to everyone, and I alone am stubborn like vulgar. I alone (For) different from the people, and eat your mother.
the twenty-first chapter of the volume of Comte, but Tao is. Road for the property, but disappointed but muddled. Indistinct indistinct Xi Xi, which like; disappointed muddled Xi Xi, which matter. Yao ming Xi Xi, which has fine; its fine even true, including the letter. Since the current and ancient, its name not to read just the public. I know why the public Fuzhizhuangzai? This.
Chapter XXII song is all, really regrettable that are straight, hollow the surplus, the Democratic is new, from at least have as many doubts. The wise hold a ceremony for the world. Do not see it clearly from, not from the actual occurrence of Chang, do not Zifa so active, not Zijin so long. Husband is not the only dispute it with the world exemplifies the struggle. The so-called music is full of ancient persons, not at virtual speaks? Honest and return of all.
XXIII Greek word natural. Therefore Piaofeng not end North Korea, Showers not all day long. What this is? World. World still can not for a long time, but conditions in a human being? So those who engaged in the Road, Road, Road were the same in Germany and were the same in Germany, who lost with the loss. With the Dao, Tao also happy for; the same virtues and virtues will get it; with the missing persons, lost are glad of. Yan Shun enough, there do not believe Yan.
enterprises who do not stand twenty-four chapters, cross those not, since the see who is unknown, naturally those who failed, Zifa had no power, Zijin are not long. Road is also in, say I eat redundant line. Objects or evil, so a proper way are not office. twenty-five chapters there are things
hybrid, the first world health. Xi Xi Liao lonely, independent and not changed, but not the almost week-line, can master the world. I do not know its name, named as Tao, whom were strong, say big. Major said, died, died, saying far, far away, saying anti-. Oxbow big, big, real big, WANG Yi-large. Domain has four, while one or the Yan Wang. People the earth, to Heaven, Heaven Road, Imitation of Nature.
root of Chapter light weight, quiet for the impatient monarch. Saints row is separated from baggage all day long. Although the wing concept, Yan Department aloof. But since the Lord of Wan Sheng, and to light as the world? Range from loss of this, then the loss of ankle Jun.
27th chapter charity no rut, truthfulness flawless Exile; good number do not raise policy; good and can not open closed independent Jian, good knot cordless about the unsolvable. The wise are always good people, so that none is abandoned; always good things, so nothing is thrown away, is that the attack out. Gushan others, poor people of the division; poor people who, good man of the capital. Its not your teacher, do not love their seniority, though Chi fans, is that to be wonderful.
twenty-eight chapters Zhi Xiong, keep the ER, as Brooks. To Brooks, separated from Changde, revert to baby. Zhi Bai, keep the black for the world style. For the world-type, Changde not Intuit, revert to non-polar. Zhi Rong, keep their shame, as the world Valley, Changde is enough, reverted to the Park. Park was scattered devices, saints used, then the official long, so do not cut a large system.
Article IX will be the intention of seizing the world at it, I reflected a last resort. World artifacts, not to have, not the Executive has, for the defeat of those, who lost in execution. The wise are doing nothing, so there are no failures, no enforcement, so no loss. Therefore, with the object or line or, or? Or blowing. Or strong or lean, or fell or destroy. The wise go even to extravagance, to Thailand.
30th Road Junior to take charge of those chapter, not to a strong military power the world. Being to good also. Teacher Thistles and thorns grow wherever. After the army, there must be regularly through the years. Were only good fruit, not to get strong. Jin-fruit not freeze, fruit not freeze cutting, fruit not freeze pride. Results can not be helped, strong fruit not freeze. Zhuang is the old thing, is that not Road, not Road already.
31st Akio good soldier who, inauspicious, or evil things, so a proper way are not office. Gentleman's residence is your left, to be used while you the right. Soldiers are inauspicious, non-gentleman device, a last resort and used, tranquil as the. Won without the U.S., while the United States and those who are happy to kill. Fu Lok killers, are not allowed to carry on Dezhi in the world. Kyrgyzstan is still something left, Xiongshi still the right. Pian Jiangjun the left and the right home on General, Office of the words to the funeral. Killing of the people, to weep for sorrow, defeat, to the funeral Department of. Chapter Road
32nd regular anonymous, Park is small, and the world monensin minister also. If we can keep the Hau Wong, things will be from the Philippines. World of consistency, dynasties nectar, the people of orders from both Mo. Before the system known, were also both the husband will know just, just so I do not know Almost. Analogy Road, in the world, still Kawadani of the Jianghai. Appreciating who
33rd chapter wise, knowing those out. Surpass others, strong, strong self-winner. Rich contented person. Those who wish to impose. They were long without losing. The deceased died without life.
34th Avenue, the Pan-Xi Chapter, and whose left and right. Everything relies on the rather born to endure, does not name off the ground there. Clothes keep things rather than the main, and often no desire, that can be named in the small; all things under Yan instead mainly be called great. Not since the end of its larger, which gives it great. Chapter Executive
the 35th elephant to the world. To not harm, Anping too. Music and bait, passing only. Road exit, short by his tasteless, as the lack of view, listening to the lack of smell, can not be used in both.
the 36th chapter of desire Xi, will be solid Zhang; will want is weakness, will enhance the strong points of; would want to waste the, will be solid Xing; will allegedly attempted to grab the, will be fixed with it. Is that the twilight. Soft strong victory. Fish can not be off in the deep, sharp country can not be seen by others. Chapter Road
37th regular nothing and everything. If we can keep the Hau Wong, all things will come of. Of and wish for, to obscure the happiness of the town of Park. The nameless Park, Cardiff will no desire. Do not wish to static, and the world will be custom.
the 38th chapter on the virtue is not virtue, is virtuous; losing Germany under the German, is not moral. Without thinking on moral inaction; while that under the German whom. Whom no thought on the kernel; on whom while that justice. On whom the MO of the ceremony should be, then Rangbi and throw the. Therefore unjust morality, misconduct and then Ren, Ren then lost meaning of justice and then ceremony. Husband ceremony were the Faithful thin, and chaos of the first. Before the know, Road, China, and humble beginning. Is a real man office of its thick, not thin their ranks; Office In fact, the Chinese are not home. He passed away to take this.
39th Xi Chapter was one of those days to get a clear, to get a-ning, was one with God, Spirit, was a valley in order to profit, all on a Whole, Hau Wong was one that the world is. The cause of, Heaven to clear the fear of cracking, to not be afraid to waste rather, the Spirit of God is nothing to fear break, Google is nothing to fear earnings will exhaust, all free to students will be afraid off, Hau Wong not to your high the fear of kick. Therefore you with cheap-oriented, high the following as the base. Hau Wong claimed is isolated? Few? Not Valley. Not to be cheap based this evil? Non-Down? It caused the number of public opinion without opinion, does not want?? Jade, Luo Luo as stone.
first Sishi Zhang action against the Tao, the weak Road purposes. World all things are born, is born of non.
41st chapter sergeant told about the Tao Qin and-bound; told about the Tao, if the deposit if the dead; Corporal news Road, laughter. Do not laugh, not for the Road. Therefore, there are the suggestions? Ming, if ignorant, into the Road, if the withdrawal, if the category Yi Road, Sheung Tak Ruogu, Pak if disgrace, if less widely Germany, Jiande, if stolen, quality true if Yu, generous no corner, good time, great sound Xi Sheng, invisible elephant, Road hermit. Fu Wei Road, and into good credit.
42nd Chapter Road, one, one two, two three, three things. All yin and yang, that and the inflatable. People of the evil, the only solitary? Few non-hub, and that the said princes. Therefore, material or loss of the benefits, or benefits of the loss. Taught in person, I also teach the. Strong beam shall not his death, happiness of the thought Godfather.
43rd chapter Futuresoft thing in the world, ride the world matter to Kennedy. No it was seamless, I know doing nothing is the beneficial teaching without words, inaction and the benefits, and the Greek world.
44th chapter name and ID what the pro? body and goods more than what? get sick and die what? Therefore in love will be a very large fee, and more possession of death will be thick, contentment is not shame, to know not only the Scots can be long.
45th chapter Dacheng if missing, do not harm its use. Big profit if red, its use is not poor. Wat Lao Tze, the most delicate humble big debate if Ne. Ankle Sheng Han, Jing Sheng heat. Quiet as the world is. Chapter
46th world tactics, but to shit cursory. World Without Road, his military was born in rural. Great to not know enough trouble; blame great in enriching an. Therefore, the foot contentment, often suffice.
47th chapter no family, know the world; not peep-you, see Heaven. Its a Mi Yuan, knows that the indemnity less. The wise are not do with knowledge but not the names, not made.
the 48th chapter to learn more, day loss for the Road. Loss of another loss, so doing nothing. Nothing and everything. Conquering the world with nothing, and something happens, not enough to take the world.
49th chapter saint uncertain heart, heart to heart with people. Good and my goodness; inefficient; I Goodness, German good. Believers I believe it; unbelief, faith; I, Dickson. Saints in the world nervous fear, as the muddy world of their heart, people are note their eyes and ears are children of saints.
the 50th chapter highlighted the danger. The only students, 10 have three; die only, 10 have three; one of the students, move them to death, also 10 three. And for what reason? The thick of its life and life. Cover those who smell good regimen, land line does not encounter SI Hu, who the military is not Kohei; nothing cast their horns, tiger claw nothing to measure it, nothing to allow the blade soldiers. And for what reason? Its not death.
51st chapter Dawson of the German animal of, shape of, as the situation. Are all world worshiped Road and Guide. Road respect, your virtue, Fumo often the order of nature. Health of the oxbow, the German animal. Length of education, the poison of the Pavilion, the raising of the cover of. Without possessing, to not rely, for without a. Long and not kill. Is that the Xuande.
the fifty-second chapter there before the world that the mother world. Vested mother to know these children, both know these children, rehabilitation keep his mother, no body does not Scots. Plug the dollar, closed its doors, life is not ground. Open the dollar, the economic answer is yes, life does not save. See Little said, provides that said, keep strong flexibility. With its light, reverted to its exhaustive physical calamity tomorrow is to practice often.
the fifty-third chapter that I refer to know however, line the road, the only facilities that fear. Road even barbarian, and the public good path. In addition to North Korea very, very wu Tian, warehouses and even virtual; services Wen color, with a sword, repulsive food, and goods, more than. Pirates for the praise. Non-Road also zai?
54th chapter who does not pull good construction, good person does not hold off, children and grandchildren to worship stopped working. Repair of the body, its moral is true; revision of the family, the moral is I; repair of the village, the German is long; repair of the country, is the abundance of its German; repair of the world, its moral is universal. Therefore, Inward Gazes, family-home concept to concept of rural village to the country view country to the world view of the world. I know why the world is contingent zai? This.
the 55th Chapter of the thickness with Germany than in the pure. Worm does not sting, wild beasts not far, grab a bird does not stroke. Weak bones soft and solid grip. Unknown female to male of cooperation and full, fine matter to have. No. all day without saying, and the matter to have. Know and say often, often said, to know clearly. Yue Xiang probiotic. Qi Yue heart so strong. Zhuang is the old thing, it means that no Road, not Road already.
fifty-six chapters were not made known, the speaker do not know. Plug the dollar, closed its doors, its sharp setback, solution of their points, and its light, with its dust, is that the Xuan-tong. It can neither pro it, nor sparse; can neither profit it, nor harm; you can neither it, nor cheap, it is expensive for the world.
the 57th chapter, is running the country, with strange use of troops to take the world without incident. I know these zai why? This. The world more taboo, and people filled with poverty; people more weapon, the State AIDS faint; people taki clever, odd things from AIDS; Act Zi Chang, thieves over there. So saint cloud? "Of my own people by doing nothing, I'm so quiet, the public self is, I do not do the people from the rich, but the people I have no desire from the Park."
The 58th chapter of his own Men Men, The Min-soon-soon; its political tsatsa, its people completely lacking. Blessings in disguise of the Forest, Fu Xi curse of the V. Who are familiar with the most? Its not working. Is complex for the odd, good recovery for the demon. One of the fans, the day fixed for a long time. Sage side is not cut, clean and not injure, but not wantonly straight, light without Yao. Running the personnel
the 59th day, Morrow stingy. Fu Wei Ho, is that early clothing; early service that is heavy and Jide; no be unable to re-accumulate virtue, every nation is Mozhi extreme; Mozhi extreme, can the country; the mother country, may be long. Is that the deep root of solid analysis, longevity and the road.
60th chapter governing a large country, if cooking a small dish. Tao-hand the world, the devil is not God; non its ghosts are not God, God does not hurt; Non their God does not hurt, saints do not hurt. Husband is not with the two injuries, so Germany turned over Yan.
61st Chapter powers were dirty. Turn the world. The world of female, female often Jing Sheng Mu to static for the next. Following is a small country by big country, then take a small country; small country the following powers, then take power. Or under it to take, or take a bottom. For animals, however big country and people, a small country but who want to personnel. For proper place between husband and large are advised for the next.
the 62nd chapter of the Olympic Road are all things. Good man's treasure, the security of poor people. Good word to city respect, U.S. firms can join. Bad person, why abandon that be? It established the emperor, home Excellencies, although arch Bi to be the first of four horses, as got into the Road. This Old Road by what your reason? Do not say? To obtain, the guilty to prevent evil? So expensive for the world.
63rd chapter inactive, do nothing, taste and tasteless. Small number, complained to Germany. Figure difficult it easier for greater than small; the world will be difficult for the trade, world affairs will be in fine. The wise are not as large end, which gives it great. Light Snow husband will Guaxin more easily will be more difficult. The wise are still in trouble, so hard to carry on without end.
the 64th chapter of its safety and easy to maintain, its not easy to seek trillion. Yi Pan of its crisp, its micro Fugitive. Whom was not, was not arbitrary rule. Encircle the tree, born Haomo; climb the ladder from the base soil; a thousand miles begins with one step. For the defeat of those, who lost in execution. The wise are doing nothing so that nothing is lost, no enforcement is therefore not lost. People's engaged, often in the failure of a few percent. No funerals also. Reverence as before, no to failure. For by saints unto the goods are not your rare; school do not study, you all have been complex. Assisting all things natural, and dare not.
65th chapter Guzhi Shan Dao, non in order to clear the public, will be humble. The people of the refractory, its wisdom and more. Therefore, the country with wisdom, the thieves of the country; not to wise rule, the country's interests. Both are tolerant of this type known. Often protracted known type, is that the Xuande. Xuande deep men, and far from the truth, and the thing against men, and then even Dashun.
66th chapter Jianghai so for 100 Valley king, under its good, so for 100 Valley king. For the people is, again revealing the will to. For our ancestors, will be from behind. The wise Department on the people is not heavy, but people do not harm the former Department. Music by pushing the tire of the world, with its indisputable, therefore compete with the world monensin.
the 67th chapter that I Road world are large, seems unscrupulous. Husband only big, it seems unworthy. If Shaw, numbered its fine also husband? I have three treasures, hold and protect the. First of mercy, second is Kim, third is unimportance. Chee Yong and it could be; thrifty and it could be widely; unimportance, and it could synthesizers long. Yong Chee and this house, homes Jian and wide, and after the first round, die with him? Fu Tzu to warfare, victory to the Code fixed. Days to cure to the Ci Wei.
the 68th chapter of good for the persons who are not armed, and skilled persons anger, defeat the enemy who is not good and make good use of people who is under the indisputable virtue is that is that the use of suffrage is that with days , the very old.
69th chapter have made use of troops? "I dare not stressed and the customer, not to retreat into the inch ruler." is that the no-line, busy movement without arms, still invincible, no military enforcement. Disaster is greater than underestimate the enemy, underestimate the enemy a few Sang Wu Po. Therefore, adding the anti-soldier, sorrow wins carry on.
70th chapter Wuyan very easy to know, very friendly. Admitted of the world to know, monensin line. There were words, do a royal. Husband the only ignorance, is not I know. Those who know Greek, I were you. The wise are brown Huaiyu.
know I do not know on the 71st chapter, I do not know know disease. Fu Wei disease disease, is not sick. Sage is not sick, their disease disease, is not sick.
72nd Gateway Chapter people fear big Wei Zhiyi. No narrow their home, their health without disgust. Husband the only tire of, is not tire. The wise knew that no self-view; self-love is not from you. He passed away to take this.
73rd chapter is the courage to dare to kill, not the courage to live, both, or profit or damage. Tian Zhisuo evil, who are familiar with it so? Is still difficult for the saints. Tian Zhidao, indisputable and good win, without saying that good should not call and unsolicited,? But good plan. Justice has long, thinning and losing. Chapter Minbuweisi
the 74th, but since the death to fear? subject the public often afraid of dying, but for the odd person, I get the Executive to kill, what am? often kill those who kill the Secretary, husband on behalf of the Secretary kill those who kill, is that the generation of Dajiang chop, chop husband on behalf of the Da Jiang who has not hurt the Greek carry on its hands.
the 75th chapter of hungry people, many of its tax on food, is hungry. The people of the refractory, its on the promising, is intractable. The people of the light died, their survival of the thick, light is dead. Free to students as the only husband who is trust them.
the 76th chapter of students who are weak, the dead are strong. The students also Roucui all vegetation, the dead are withered. Therefore, those who die, only the strong, weak and live classroom. Is a strong military power are numerous, strong wood is off. Powerful office, the soft office on.
77th chapter Tianzhi Dao, its still bow with? high suppression of those, who give the next; more than a loss of those, who make up the shortage. Tian Zhidao excessive loss can not be replenished. Live by is not, losses are more than enough Bong. Practice makes more than to instructions from the world, only Dao. The wise is not dependable, off the ground instead of Office, that it does not Xianxian. Chapter
78th World Mo weak in water, and able to win crucial Mo strong, its not to easy to Taiwan. Weak strength of victory, the victory just soft, admitted of the world line of Mo do not know. Saint Cloud is? "By country scale, is that the main Sajik; by the State ominous, is the king of the world." Right and proper if the anti-.
the 79th chapter and great resentment, will be more than complain, safety can be good? The wise executive left deeds, not responsibilities to others. Secretary virtuous deed, no thorough German Division. Heaven no pro, often with good man.
80th chapter a small country. So that the device instead of Shi Bo, near death, to our heavy resettlement. Although Zhou opinion, no high-risk of, although the hoplite, nothing Chen. People tie knots and use of complex, sweet their food, the United States of its service, security of their home, their popular music. Across neighboring countries, the Voice of the ear towards each other, people to die of old age, no contact. Chapter
81st letter words are not beautiful, kind words do not believe. Were not good defense, defense of poor persons. Those who do not know Bo, Bo did not know what. Saints do not plot, not only that the more people have not only had more to with people. Tian Zhidao, good and not harm; of the sage, as not fight.

