
LeapFTP intitle

Popular google keywords:
foo1 foo2 (that is associated with, such as companies search xx xx beautiful)
operator: foo
filetype: 123 Type
site: foo.com relatively straightforward to see your site more interesting , can be many unexpected information
intext: foo
intitle: fooltitle title Oh
allinurl: foo search all sites connected xx. (Check out the location necessary)
links: foo do not know that it's related links
allintilte: foo.com

we can assist "-" "+" to adjust the search the precision of the direct search

Password: (expressed as exact quotes search)
course, we can then extend the above results in a secondary search
"index of" htpasswd / passwd
filetype: xls username password email
allinurl: admin mdb
service filetype: pwd .... or some such pcanywhere password suffix such as

cif more interesting, and again is even more sensitive information
"robots.txt" "Disallow:" filetype: txt
inurl: _vti_cnf (FrontPage key index of Rights , the scanner's CGI library generally have to)
allinurl: / msadc / Samples / selector / showcode.asp
/../../../ passwd
/ examples / jsp / snp / snoop.jsp
intitle: index of / admin
intitle: "documetation"
inurl: 5800 (vnc port) or desktop port, and other keyword search
webmin port 10000
inurl: / admin / login.asp
intext: Powered by GBook365
intitle: "php shell *" "Enable stderr" filetype: php direct search phpwebshell

foo.org filetype: inc

ipsec filetype: conf
intilte: "error occurred" ODBC request WHERE (select | insert) plainly is, can try to look up the database search, for now popular sql injection, will developed oh
intitle: "php shell *" "Enable stderr" filetype: php
"Dumping data for table" username password
intitle: "Error using Hypernews" ;
"Server Software"
intitle: "HTTP_USER_AGENT = Googlebot"
filetype:. doc site:. mil classified military-related direct search word < br>
check multiple keywords:
intitle: config confixx login password

"mydomain.com" nessus report
"report generated by"

google cache utilization (hoho, the most influential things) recommended you search time and more "select Search all sites"
Special Recommendation: administrator users and other related things, such as name, birthday, etc ... ... the worst thing in the dictionary can also be used as
cache: foo.com

can access similar results

first Zhaozhao website address of the management of the background :
site: xxxx.com intext: Management
site: xxxx.com inurl: login
site: xxxx.com intitle: Management
site: a2.xxxx.com inurl: file
site: a3.xxxx.com inurl: load
site: a2.xxxx.com intext: ftp:// *: *
site: a2.xxxx.com filetype: asp
site: xxxx.com / / get N-2 domain
site: xxxx.com intext: * @ xxxx.com / / get N a e-mail addresses, as well as the mailbox owner's name what the
site: xxxx.com intext: Phone / / N phone
intitle: "index of" etc
intitle: "Index of". sh_history
intitle: "Index of". bash_history
intitle: "index of" ; passwd
intitle: "index of" people.lst
intitle: "index of" pwd.db
intitle: "index of" etc / shadow
intitle: "index of" ; spwd
intitle: "index of" master.passwd
intitle: "index of" htpasswd
"#-FrontPage-" inurl: service.pwd

allinurl: bbs data
filetype: mdb inurl: database
filetype: inc conn
inurl: data filetype: mdb
intitle: "index of" data
... ...

number Skills set:

3) "http:// *: * @ www" domainname find some ISP sites, you can check each other's ip virtual host
4) auth_user_file.txt not practical ,Jonathan Lee, and too old

5) The Master List mailing list to find the

6) intitle: "welcome.to.squeezebox" a special kind of management system, the default open port 90 < br> 7) passlist.txt (a better way) dictionary

8) "A syntax error has occurred" filetype: ihtml

9) ext: php program_listing intitle: MythWeb.Program. Listing
10) intitle: index.of abyss.conf
11) ext: nbe nbe

12) intitle: "SWW link" "Please wait ....." < br> 13)

14) intitle: "Freifunk.Net - Status"-site: commando.de

15) intitle: "WorldClient" intext: "? (2003 | 2004) Alt-N Technologies. "

17) intitle: open-xchange inurl: login.pl

20) intitle:" site administration: please log in "" site designed by emarketsouth "
21) ORA-00921: unexpected end of SQL command

22) intitle:" YALA: Yet Another LDAP Administrator "
23) welcome.to phpqladmin" Please login " -cvsweb
24) intitle: "SWW link" "Please wait ....."
25) inurl:" port_255 "-htm

27) intitle:" WorldClient "intext:"? (2003 | 2004) Alt-N Technologies. "

These are some loopholes in the new skills in 0days announcements

ext: php program_listing intitle: MythWeb . Program.Listing

inurl: preferences.ini "[emule]"

intitle: "Index of / CFIDE /" administrator

"access denied for user "" using password "

ext: php intext:" Powered by phpNewMan Version "can be seen: path / to / news / browse.php? clang =../../.. /../../../ file / i / want

inurl: "/ becommunity / community / index.php? pageurl ="

intitle: "ASP FileMan" ; Resend-site: iisworks.com

"Enter ip" inurl: "php-ping.php"

ext: conf inurl: rsyncd.conf-cvs-man

intitle: private, protected, secret, secure, winnt

intitle: "DocuShare" inurl: "docushare / dsweb /"-faq-gov-edu
"# mysql dump" ; filetype: sql

"allow_call_time_pass_reference" "PATH_INFO"

"Certificate Practice Statement" inurl: (PDF | DOC)

LeapFTP intitle: "index. of. / "sites.ini modified

mysql history files
NickServ registration passwords
passlist.txt (a better way)
passwd < br> passwd / etc (reliable)
psyBNC config files
signin filetype: url
spwd.db / passwd
wwwboard WebAdmin inurl: passwd.txt wwwboard | webadmin

"#-FrontPage-" ext: pwd inurl: (service | authors | administrators | users) "#-FrontPage-"
< br> inurl: service.pwd
"AutoCreate = TRUE password =*"
"http:// *: * @ www" domainname
"index of /" "ws_ftp. ini "" parent directory "
" liveice configuration file "ext: cfg-site: sourceforge.net
" powered by ducalendar "-site: duware.com
" Powered by Duclassified "- site: duware.com
"Powered by Duclassified"-site: duware.com "DUware All Rights reserved"
"powered by duclassmate"-site: duware.com
"Powered by Dudirectory" ;-site: duware.com
"powered by dudownload"-site: duware.com
"Powered By Elite Forum Version *.*"
"Powered by Link Department"
"sets mode: + k"
" Powered by DUpaypal "-site: duware.com
allinurl: admin mdb
eggdrop filetype: user user
etc (index.of)
ext: ini eudora.ini
ext: ini Version =... password
ext: txt inurl: unattend.txt

filetype: bak inurl: "htaccess | passwd | shadow | htusers"

filetype: cfg mrtg "target [*]"-sample-cvs-example

filetype: cfm " ; cfapplication name "password

filetype: conf oekakibbs
filetype: conf sc_serv.conf

filetype: conf slapd.conf

filetype: config config intext: appSettings" ; User ID "

filetype: dat" password.dat "

filetype: dat wand.dat

filetype: inc dbconn

filetype: inc intext: mysql_connect
filetype: inc mysql_connect OR mysql_pconnect

filetype: inf sysprep

filetype: ini inurl: "serv-u.ini"
filetype: ini inurl: flashFXP . ini
filetype: ini ServUDaemon
filetype: ini wcx_ftp
filetype: ini ws_ftp pwd

filetype: ldb admin

filetype: log "See` ipsec copyright "

filetype: log inurl: "password.log"

filetype: mdb inurl: users.mdb

filetype: mdb wwforum

filetype: netrc password

filetype: pass pass intext: userid

filetype: pem intext: private

filetype: properties inurl: db intext: password

filetype: pwd service
filetype: pwl pwl

filetype: reg reg + intext: "defaultusername" + intext: "defaultpassword"
filetype: sql (" values * MD "|" values * password "|" values * encrypt ")
filetype: sql (" passwd values " | " password values " | " pass values ")
filetype: sql + "IDENTIFIED BY"-cvs
filetype: sql password

