
No dream of Huizhou (2)

Jixi of the "Erhu\temperature of the chaos, Li Chang-wing to avoid revenge killings, who was entrusted to Jixi Hu 3, which was renamed HU Chang-wing Jixi settled. This compared with Hu and Hu Ryongchon, and not so renowned, but also the two great great history of China - Hu Xueyan, Hu.

garden out from the purple, the plan went straight to the village of Hu's former residence, I heard that the distance to the village and a half hours to see if it was late, only Xingxing Ran back Jixi county, town attractions and little is known of Hu and three carved memorial museum, then drove straight to Jixi secondary side near the memorial of Hu.
Hu Xueyan not much time in Jixi, his family was poor, he has more than 10 years of age will be along the trail to Hangzhou Hangzhou emblem of apprentices in Jixi county where the natural heritage of Hu is few and far between, so this Memorial of Hu Jixi it is located in the city of Temple, also the origin of the school of the Enlightenment of Hu.

into the memorial, we can see the door of a couplet in "difficult business venture is difficult or not difficult to know, reading a good business is good good good effect," Hui said that this is the business philosophy of Deng Xiaoping comrades of the "cat theory" would be drew much of its essence.

Hu Xueyan Museum contains artifacts rather small, more a description of some pictures, and the guide's explanation Daoshi quite self-assured, the praise of Hu was Ruhuasiyu, it touches on a small Tianyi raw water gave away the secret, "nothing but is collusion it, so sooner or later bad luck \After the memorial because of Hu
is built, the hall's decoration is said to be in accordance with the general pattern of Huizhou people, look around, and the southern people did not make the big difference, only a few articles on the mirror, in the south has never been seen.

night free, then get up early the following day, I will insist on going to the village, although travel agents and friends there, I said a bad way to go, but not many things to see, but to Jixi, do not visit the appropriate the President's former residence, is the lack of taste on this trip too many. The village is not too far away from the Jixi County, only about 40 km, but most of these more than 40 km winding mountain roads, narrow and winding, mountain roads we had not opened, a full open for over an hour, to the village , but found no signs, just the way the villagers guided our path, the original fitness of the President's former residence, even hiding in the winding alleys.

appropriate the former residence of the President was certainly substantial and husband's childhood is spent in this, but in 1917 the President appropriate instructions from the mother with N-doctorate life back home and can not read Miss Jiang Dongxiu marriage is also here. The only difference is the result of Mr. appropriate renowned, the former residence of the President has included two brothers suitable house, a much larger scale.
fitness of the father of Mr. Hu Tiehua (Chu Liu Xiang of course not a good friend) went to serve in Taiwan, of course, he does not expect his little son would follow Chiang Kai-shek in the end his glory. Mr.

suitable for marriage room, is said to be preserved in accordance with the original, including the house's furniture, are also used in the beginning, we surprised that the "war criminals" things can be preserved, and the guide told us that these things, when they divided the original land reform to the peasants, so to be perfectly preserved, until recent years, investors bought back the government only seems to protect the role of private ownership of property really should not be underestimated. Mr. suitable for this marriage bed, no features, only a hundred years ago, it had been vacant 13 years waiting for the pioneer of the new culture, which for 13 years, the President is also suitable life, the most brilliant 13 years.

in the lodge had dim oil lamp, the relevance of the 1917 President, do not know whether the fate of the country are thinking, this "new culture in the old model of morality, the old ideas of exemplary virtue ethics" (Chiang Kai-shek to the appropriate language of the President of the elegiac couplet) in that turbulent era, in Dewey's teaching and parent Ming Nanwei double conflict, the mind does not know what kind of taste.

study doors, wood carvings of orchids, and Mr. Hu Shi as fragile and noble and pure, it touches on fitness of the best portrayal of Mr..

memorial corner, Energize presented the bouquet lying quietly in the corner a few on the remaining master in Chinese studies, as appropriate for the mentor of President and the President has repeatedly defended the author as appropriate, that Mr. suitable for more on the KMT's criticism of the Communist Party, the President may consider appropriate, "and the Communist Party is not hatred," now seen as appropriate by the President in his hometown of respect, but it also felt pleased that instead.

former home of the Heritage few relics are said to most of Taipei's Shi former residence, the number used to charge, is suitable for a lot of pictures of the friends of Mr, Way back when, "my friend Shi of" It was such a resounding signs. The few friends the photo, even accidentally discovered three Changzhou people. Changzhou New Culture Movement in China, the status of this it is evident.

fitness of his life, Mr. Chiang Tung-hsiu only married a wife, and compared with the communist literati, it is very different, Chiang Tung-hsiu is a native of Wuyuan, and Jiang said that core is a family, he has a brother called Jiang Zehan should be ranked with the family. Mr. Chiang Tung-hsiu is suitable for birth to two sons and a daughter, daughter Evidently, son Fred, Mr. Wang and fitness of the same out of Cornell University, his later years to settle in the United States ended 86 years old, he has a son Hu complex, as the pianist . Hu Si Du son, whose name is as appropriate by the President from Mr. Dewey's unlimited on worship, Sidu regime change in mainland China, refusing a father's kindness, with a new desire to stay in the Chinese mainland, and finally in 1957 was labeled a rightist, unwilling to torture and suicide. Museum guide explained this, all the listeners are lamentable.

inadvertently asked, whether there are descendants in the Hu family here, the staff at one of the thin glasses and we say, he is the curator here is Hu's grandson, so we they converse. The original side of the house were divided into three parts, are part of big brother Hu has been donated, but of course, the Huguan Chang may also be because this has become the "public family\and his brother, now inherited by future generations with, or return personal property, to the Huguan Zhang escrow. Asked whether the descendants of Mr. and fitness of the associated, Hu Guanchang am proud to say: "ah, my house built, they still send money back several hundred dollars each." Hu Guanchang very warm, in the former residence of the door corner, close to their cell phone numbers and home telephone, he told us, no matter what time, to the door to call him, he came to the door, there are more people to He visited the former residence of Mr. Sik, for him, is the most fun thing.

before leaving, we apply the bust of former President Ju several bow, the cultural impact of this should be the whole of China with the elderly, along with his own study of democratic ideas in the United States return to China, but eventually fell into a civil war to the war criminals in the name of Chiang Kai-shek to follow the old, but because the fight for democracy and suffered cold, suitable for the tragic fact is, Mr. greatest tragedy of the Chinese nation.

