
such as Tu.

Bana, Devil's gentle. Legend has voluntarily put into the hell of flowers, was sent back to demons, but still lingered in their lives on the road, demons can not bear, then agreed to allow her to open this road to the community spirit of people who left a guidance and comfort.

is said to spend only open in their lives, generally considered to be open only to pedestrians in the Dark III river Lethe other side of the escorts of the flower. Blood-red flowers,20 grams of osmanthus., like flowers, and flowering without leaves, is the only flower Underworld. Floral magic legend, to arouse the memory of the deceased. In their lives this way a large number of large number of open flowers by far looks like a carpet of blood, but also because of its red, as fire has been called \The scenery and colors. When the soul through the Lethe, they forget the lifetime of all, everything had to stay in the other side, the deceased took the guidelines on the marching toward the nether world of the prison.

Bana can not see when the leaves of flowers, the leaves do not see when the flowers, mosaic the two do not meet, life and life-phase fault. This is the reason, \Spring bulbs, summer growth of foliage, autumn erect flowering, winter leaves and slowly receded, when flowers do not see the leaves when the leaves do not see the flowers, mosaic the two do not meet, life and life-phase fault. Compared with read Xiangxi lost forever. Cycle of the mosaic that never meet, and never the twain shall meet with the meaning of tragic love.

in private, before and after three days Jiaochun other side of the spring equinox, autumnal equinox is called three days before and after the fall of the other side. Is Shangfen day.
Bana open in autumn during the other side, very punctual, so be called Bana.

and where most of its growth path in the field, river trails and cemeteries, so the alias is also called the dead flowers.
a fall, the bloom was nearly out of Yao Yi rich ruby red and black flowers, the whole film looks
Bana is startling crimson, fiery, such as blood, such as Tu.

Man Chu Sha Chinese name comes from Sanskrit \Chu also said Buddhist Sand Man Wah (Mansfield Sand China) is the open sky flower, white and soft, Seeing this flower, since the removal of evil.
Buddhists, Tu millet is the last blooming flowers bloom, Kaidaotuni Hua Shi, and only open in the forgotten past lives of the other side of the flower.

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