
and also to directly linked to the health of pets

QQ baby to make more healthy heart flies faster, we also spend a little more thought, often to her feeding, often with her play, let's look at a few baby's Tips QQ feeding it!

1. Q pet growth rate of the top

How to Get Your Pet Baby Q looks fast than others? ! We have to look at the unique skills, Q-line pet baby's growth with the value of the length and mood, if you feel the value of Q-time pet baby is \the fastest.

2. Q mood of happy pet limit

how to make your precious pet is always Q \! Is very simple, the mood value pet drop once every hour, and also to directly linked to the health of pets, as long as you have to tease each hour about your little baby, little bit of his body parts, while maintaining his health, Your baby will have been \

3. Q pet health Sunflower Collection

Q hungry baby it, I do not cares. Q baby itch it, and I did not put through. Q baby it was sick, I can not care. Trouble ah really sick, but also let it see a doctor to take medicine. Not give that \

Q hungry and itching when the baby most at risk. So long as hunger in the Q when the baby that once fed, Q baby when it itch immediately give it a bath, it will rarely get sick.

4. Q smart pet feeding of double

If your baby has any of the conditions, you can double-click the Q baby's body, pop-up dialog box there will be rapid feeding intelligence tips, just follow the prompts to deal with, your baby will grow too vain Q Also fat another! Under normal conditions, double-click the Q baby's body, it can be sent directly to your pet Hyun any friends of the.

5. Q pet hiding outside strokes strokes

small icon menu using the \But you have not tried another move to \Drag the little guy to the screen on the right, make it part of the range beyond the desktop, small guys, \

6. Q amused by the free-falling pet

Q pets eat sleep, sleep and eat, it also activities activities. Is it that the mouse cursor, hold down the left mouse button will not loose, not to drag the small guy was carry her up, haha, it does not know how it is. Where it Lindao high release left mouse button, it shows a \When going to the ground, it a flip,raving like he said, they stand firm, and martial arts not bad ah. If it drop when the window fell on top of, oh more interesting.

7. Q amused by the pet mouse command

you do not know your pet mouse actions can command Q it, do not believe if you click on your pet baby's left hand look at Q, and then click on the left to see Q Baby, baby you will see both Q Oh, listen to your command, click on different parts of the body Q baby has a different response, your experience more fun.

8. Q Huangdian pet amused for baby

see it dull, scare it. The mouse on it dangling, small guy for a while to grab your mouse, while they were scared of Jifeigoutiao mouse, is not it Fun?

9. Q to find the ultimate pet hide

little guy was not careful to drag outside the screen, can not see, how do? Do not worry, as long as the double-click a small icon in the lower right corner pet Q, Q pet will return to your desktop.

