
aimed at the ground look a little dog in front buttoned edge of the highest appreciation

Individuals do not like the military forces model, and Pro difficulty I would like to play with friends (for as long as the doubles with good clearance is also very easy)
; preparation:
; arms 2 M3 / 2 把 M500 / 2 把 H & K PSG-1 (RIF ) / grenade launcher 1 / Rpg10 + (3-1 brush or copy to sell eggs directly to buy Shuaqian) / sensor landmines 10 + / 10 +
grenade big blood 30
drugs ; defensive armor 2 (2 species, with weapons which harm reduction)
; ammunition and more ready to point it (especially the M500 grenade launcher bullets and bombs, is beginning to get the kind that comes when the best you copy Shuaqian, and then sold to buy Squeezing brush bullets, grenades can buy their own)
; role: highly recommended by a black sister, Christina will be for computer-controlled gun (in my arms given configuration, for example, usually Christina will use M3, well, he'll automatically change attack, boss and the elite will be automatically blame him for M500), and some special place that only black sister, only faster ~ behind the Raiders in that I will mention!
with: Bh5 Only nine grid, the four weapons: m3/m500/H & K PSG-1 (RIF) / Rpg (grenade launcher, etc. only used only in special settings) on your corresponding grid on the best practices (2 individuals the same configuration), body armor, each with two boxes of shotgun ammunition, Christina and then with 2 large blood, your blood and then with a big box Squeezing +1 bullets. (Some friends might say, I played no such weapons configuration technical content, but I think ~ If it is not change weapons without Rpg, only the initial The pistol is not possible to reach the limit of time, so we do not find fault, is not there an old saying: advance preparation of its profits! are you not?)
suggest that you more familiar with the map, so running the wrong time to lose!
; Ok.Let `s go!
; into the game, Normail difficulty ~ Close unlimited ammunition ~
Game Tips: Since the challenge of time, then all things are not all pick!

1-1, really nothing to say, it is best not to kill off what fat, as long as he came out, took him around everywhere with these strange it has to trigger the story, and now I did not find out how fast trigger story!

1-2 out is run, in addition to two small Boss did not have to kill the strange, as long as Do not run the wrong way like, 1 small boss M5002, the first two Rpg of! ('ve Seen someone post that difficult problems 1-2, 3 minutes to the end, I do not run the wrong way a little Normal, only the fastest boss kill two also had 4 minutes 3 seconds, do not know Zehui Shi )
Chapter1 end

interface into the articles, the ammunition and two Rpg fill up!
2-1, the box on strange do not fight, shot off the hook bombs, rushed to the middle of two strange to the next bomb to put them down there, turn around and M3, the above matter archery, blow up a bomb, for Rpg before walking out after the dog story, aimed at the ground look a little dog in front buttoned edge of the highest appreciation, before turning away with a strange, never mind, rush, on the box down for M500, fat look buttoned directly open the door, and then skip directly to the bridge to the door .
story to hit with a sniper barrel, car bombing of the turn, then attacks off the hook after the other barrel, immediately washed for M3, the bridge turn left down the stairs, into the hole after the first three dogs, shot H-back, certainly not die, leave them alone, to red, 2 dogs, and then H once, and then continue the fight, the door on the ladder.
earth's body will be out flying insects, only the door the last body will first stand up, killing only the flies, rushed towards the door, this door is locked, M3 aimed shot smashed the lock, open flash people on the ladder, enter the terminal.
directly to a key to the room, smashed into the door, then knock down the key, the keys changed after the M3, the film's plot, open the door look at the fat fight Yang, and then go directly to the open pier flash ~ the door, then jump off, over pontoon, then climbed into the thick of ~, Skip fence, and then direct red, across the room out the blame, whether they, left open the door straight run.
go straight there after the windows, the strange fight death, there are two strange M3 went down to the ground, go to the small plot that killed two flies! Do not go up that ladder, for M3, continue to walk, have not played archery, until you reach the stairs that a group of strange M3 all brought down a few shots, then go straight up the stairs, the stairs of the blame do not fight directly on the 2nd floor, Let Christina you send in the past, the M3 and then covered with bullets, jump off the stairs directly to Ben, showed their running, open the door to Christina, Do = door, walked straight door, directly into the plot for M500, electricity Saw them three guns down, the keys, flash ~ directly open the door, into the next scene, go straight after the iron gate open collaboration, into a plot that 3 QTE, then end!

2-2, out with M3, where the dogs shot blow up a bomb, do not control the dog's life and death, turning rushed to a bomb near the shot ringing off the hook, the former walk, climb up the train left, anyway, the dog is not on the high jump shooting which left a gun to H-back, then hit explosion shells, turn left to go before the jump tub, on the right there are 2 bomb, blow up, get off hole.
for M500, to Christina for a light (the fastest way is to follow the recognized tracks to go), all odd shot it out, there are two no matter how to play all the bugs, M500 supplemented random shot on the OK to play where the (not always washed here, because Christina a light, you run too fast will be dark, can not see Road)! The end of the hole, you rolled up on the fence, then immediately turned the two strange down to the ground, the first three to go slow, whether it strange, Christina shake up the fence post, in the past for M3, the former taking four out of strange, straight ran up the ladder, go up onto the right side, then on the ladder, turn left straight run, the first one into the hole, straight run, the innermost one of archery's a drop bombs, M3 throwing bombs in the throws the shot put, and then into the elevator.
out, directly on the ladder, the plot, the direct down the stairs, open the door, so that the previous 2 large boxes to separate you and the machine gun, shot down to the ground a strange impulse came, and then attack the car shooting for the killing, then what happens to a machine-gun machine-gun kick down, buttoned it up for Rpg flash ( If it starts with a lot of trouble to attack), for m3 straight ran two ladders, straight right, do not control what archery, direct jumped.
ago to go to Christina sent to you, you then climb a ladder, go after the other play, which directly run ~ run Last throwing bombs behind the strange, turned around and shot down to the ground, to push the box which then = Christina (sister to the fastest black only get Sokoban there, if you Christina You will find that the danger is not only much slower), if Christina behind the strange not followed directly Sokoban, if there is a group to follow, it would meet all the down past, never dead did not die, turned around to Sokoban, then go straight , jumped out of Tier 1, for m500, jump into the boss battle, shot hit his stomach, boss fall, ran up against the stomach 2 guns, ok!

2-3, will play, pay attention to when playing the giant, oil drums left to it Take a rock or pole when hit, will both reduce the damage a few QTE save some time!
Chapter2 end

enter the item interface, the full complement of ammunition! m3 you use less with only a box of ammunition, an extra attack with a box of bullets! Bring your own bomb launchers sulfur, for bombs, not with extra ammunition to 2 Rpg otherwise use!
3-1, come out props, and then ship first go to map which places the lower left, some good boat control, do not open well as shipping delays, after disembarkation, from the first one up house after house to go past that which props room, turn out the odd time, do not fight , Rao directly to another window to run it in, open the box to take things jump out from another window (if there is blame it on the stand in the window to blame M3 shot down), go straight, turn right, you're up time 1 room of the house, continue straight ahead, turn left on board, set sail! Out of the gate down in front of strange, the first stop in a gate that, to kill those four strange, a little longer follow the control gate also killed (if not kill it 4 you sail between the two doors, Christina does not control the gate which first hit, then you will be bombed, delay time), the gate opened out.
out later, to the bottom right there, disembark straight crocodile carefully, on the ladder, do not into 1 room to 2 rooms, direct take things, take over, go to the other side of the house to go after the house, ran back on board.
then top right, after disembarking directly into the innermost to the right of which a small tower, take things down A strange not to kill, directly reversed terminal!
sail to the left there, left without blame, to disembark after the take stuff, flash people! To the last door there, open the door.
direct run into the jump into the water, do not shoot a bomb arrow head tube which, anyway, it Dabu Zhao you into the small village after the put Rpg, directly from the left front of the house around to shake suspension bridge, where a small channel where there was a hammer and a Xiaoguai Savage, first whether it went straight to climb to the controller, so that Christina to shake, this time that two strange jump came, rpg it out, then ran for M500 jump to where the first two Savage has come a ,3-4 gun fix it, go on a strange door access (must be kill, or you go to play bridge when it fell to GameOver Christina you had) and went out to the right directly across the bridge open, and then the stairs open the door to Christina, back straight, left, jump directly to cable car.

3-2, into the cabin out move to the left, there is little left in front of the tower there is the strange fire bomb arrows, for the attacks killed! And then jump directly to the rocker for M3, where there later to let Christina shake (with two out from behind the strange Christina handling on the line), where you continue to raft washed, ran clear strange! On the raft, alligator hide QTE attention! Opening up organ.
hole, came out to go directly into the factory! After entering, for an archery attack killed the opposite! M3 go for direct red, go straight turn left go straight on to the right of the ladder, go up the ladder again immediately after, immediately and turn the valve! Turn right and then go straight turn left on the ladder, go up first which brought down archery and then press the switch = slide over, those Xiaoguai to Christina processing, you start in the past, and turn the valve, No. 1 saws out, = it up M500 3 gun it out, then jump off, that is, that as you come in and take the ladder to the original way, not the first two ladders up after the turn left, go to another controller that is also There is archery M3 Shun strange about done! Press the Controller for M500, with the slide in the past, open the door, saw out, wait first went to valves that allow Christina to open, then you turn around point and then ran away, this time saw only jumped 3 gun it out, you directly for M3, Pao Lu, almost went there when the fire, Christina on fire off the last turn right, M3 to blame the defeat, and then turn left to jump, turn around at the door = Christina, Strange first down down to the ground, Christina first down on the people directly open flash.
followed fled the scene, as long as the station Jhso side 打怪 on the line, = he open the elevator, go immediately. The elevator, go for m3 door control where the fastest, then = he opened the door on the line, here are a saw, if afraid of him down the ladder to climb up it for M500 = line! Saw the door open time should go to your side of the time, the door opened the door!
plot, the straight down the stairs, and then the stairs open the door, on the pier , take the grenade launcher to go directly to the right, turn left into the story, last 2 minutes! Alignment of the first down that the next batch of strange 2 OK, and then for 2 on top throwing bombs to attack the strange, the right of the killing, then go for grenades from the following, approaching the door when four strange there, grenade under a buttoned 3 a fat dog door, aimed a little on the ground in front of what the dog killed the dog, then shot buttoned M500 fat, do not worry down the stairs, there are two bombs destroyed for M3, and then down the stairs to ship it directly into the Drama!

3-3, multi-hit with sniper barrels on the line, a valve that, go directly to open the valve for M3, and then do nothing to fight back to the ship directly, and only 2 flies over, shot H-down!
the first two valves, ran to the ladder was killed and then blame the attacks on the following, operator good time to go (preferably a machine gun bullet hit you on the ladder after 3 seconds, go after the left side of the machine gun and killed, open the door in the past, resort to the right, then go on to open the valve (I tried not killed by machine gun , strong open the valve, very dangerous, once killed, the death count that time the total time into the game, had to re-play), and then a bunch of flying insects regardless of the sky, directly back to the ship, on the day of opening 2 gun on the line.
and into drama, into the boss battle from the start to Christina with at your side, he took it to Rpg take over, put on, the aiming point is the lower left position of the eyes, mouth click on it (if not allowed to play on Restar)! then you get behind the cannons with Christina , you use the M500 to play the past, prospective gun, then 2-3 on OK!
; Chapter3 end

4-1, out of direct Running a small plot after ~ 4 worms, directly past the ladder, go up the insects have only, as 54, cross the bridge, there are a large number of insects, whether they continue to open the door ~ directly.
into ruins after the drama caused by the map, you fall, Christina will use the attacks to help in the above you play, turn left to jump out three strange, M3 down Forget life and death, continue to walk, there are a small channel to take the shield down on the line, then go straight, turn left on the stairs, then turn right, all the blame can escape to, then straight ahead, across the two shield a spear to take a direct right turn red in the past, and then turn right to go to Christina that directly push the coffin.
; a QTE, down to Christina, processing Xiaoguai, you rushed to the door for M500 that triggers the plot, open up a fire-breathing , a gun down, the door first do not go for a sniper shot and killed archery, and then another archery and 3 will be to shield strange confluence, Rpg buttoned it! then called on Christina jumped directly to the intermediate institutions that, first rotate once, fireball out for M3 to Christina strange behind to deal with, the down on the line, and then turning once, immediately ran to the door that! the door, go = Christina come open the door.
into a corridor, this is a QTE place, A / X / A / X / Rt + Lt. over the post, jump pull bodies!
Location not distinguish here! to face the direction you go in the North, behind the South, left is West, and the right hand is the East! pulling bodies in order are: Northwest / West / North / Northeast / Southwest! directly under the stairs to the middle, turn left go straight and then turn right (go behind, Do not take grenade launchers, and delay time), go to Christina, pull side of the body, You then go around the other side, while pulling bodies. and then there you go out to the middle Rao, on the west side of the body pulling the stairs, then ran back up the middle to trigger a number of strange little story, turn right to you in that , turn left over the three odd certainly, down the line, do not run straight into the fork in the road, have to take the shield, down, turn left go straight, do not control that archery, the rush, turn left down the stairs, into the middle of the stairs, Forget blame behind, pulling bodies, pulling End authorities blame gone. Do not take precious stones, right away, so Keruisila above, you are around the following (be careful not to wrong), enter the following strange little plot that out, never Over the past forcibly pulling bodies, and then turn around and escape of small insects, the room, ran to the middle of the corridor! directly to the Southwest ~ Forget Xiaoguai, pulling bodies, back away, boss out around out the door faster when run staircase QTE, mad by A, turned to the door.

into objects interface, the ammunition and 2 Rpg fill up!
4-2, come out straight, turn right directly in front of the fire out, the corridor has a strange, do not fight, the fire burned! grasp the opportunity to run past the end turn right, go straight, turn left, there's flame the blame, whether he is directly to blame M3 brought down the two shields, take things to the strange turn to continue down to the ground with the next one floors, stop down, on the left side of the staircase, the former walk = fire When the next turn and then deal with strange, once the fire a good grasp of the past time, Chong ~ left a little room so that you avoid the fire, turn left and continue straight ahead, do not worry red, here is the 2 fire, then go straight in the middle One door on the left allows you to hide the fire, the fire in the past do not worry red, in front of two strange to Ludu the wearer, wait a fire,Teenage moon and new moon, the fire took strange burnt! then rushed for Christina to You send in the past, for M500 (here the small size), the fetch things ~ flash, there to take a hammer attack Savage ~ Christina will be used to fight, you use the M500, edge = the fire fight. rushed you to the fire finished hide when the fire door, down the stairs, the basic fire should be the last, once red, straight known everything about genome turn left down the stairs, hide End fire. Go straight, turn right on fetch things, never archery, and rushed out, M3 kill out a way to survive, there are two export to the left of it = did not fire, clash with the past, under fire back to M500 to take a hammer to play Savage 2, the specific situation you own resourcefulness on the line! to the altar ~ altar rose, placed props, stairs open the door.
into a would-be puzzle scene, there are three layers, attention to Layer 1 = Christina on stage must go turn authority, or be burned Christina's! here
each layer can Restart, its good to find the fastest the order of the rotation body, and then Restart sub-agencies, must be the fastest, which among other Layer 3 boxes must not drive, a bunch of bugs too! 3-layer body was finished, the remains a few steps into the story ~.
Ps: in fact only a double co-operation of 4-14-2 will be faster.
Chapter4 end of the

into objects interface, the ammunition and two Rpg fill up!
5-1, out the door, the door Go straight after a small plot (who heads a lick), do not enter the left door, straight door, then continue to walk, one way to go in the end, turn the valve door, pull into the body, turn right knife gash glass! Turn left straight away, after the glass house out of a small plot lick who, M5002 shot dead, there is also a killing! go, turn the valve, open the door to go out, do not have to go into the other door! double door after right and left in a glass house (room full of licking persons), for a good Rpg, straight off the left side of the gate, continue straight, double door, open the door straight ahead turn right, go head and open the door, = elevator down, turn around and aim Rpg end of the corridor, = lick who almost look buttoned together, playing for time for attacks, = elevator door opened and immediately went, came out to Christina that the Rpg get around, and equipment in hand, the door plot, a QTE later, boss battle, boss into the mouth immediately after the target, a buttoned under (less than 1 second of your time to aim, if the play allowed Restart).
; access to goods interface, the ammunition and two Rpg fill up!

5-2, straight into the door, down the stairs, there are three strange little story, down a bit for spy killed ~, then for M3, is coming out the door when the two soldiers, shot down another tube life and death.
; go have to go first (railings that, walking along the railing means), turn left down a small wonder, direct red, out of a crowd of strange, running that the level of blame when the right turn left, 2 guns all down, and then directly open the door no matter life and death.
Turn left into the door straight ahead, do not play on the left rush, on the left of the stairs, then continue the fight (the right end of the corridor a crowd of strange, they have an oxygen bottle behind), went to see the location of the oxygen bottle, raising his hand shot off the hook, and then open it.
; go after, right straight down the stairs let you block the iron plate, a strange little story, first M500 you here two strange it out, and then for the attacks, the top two playing threw hand grenades death (especially the top which, beside there were oxygen tanks, hit it OK), killed after the red, on the ladder, go straight, jump off to the left to go, there are four strange (and possibly killed by Kristy 1-2 a), the left has a box to hide what the fastest speed with spy killed three holding AK, the remaining months of the change to take electric batons after M3 down past it, and then jump to the conveyor belt on the stairs (where a little trick, two places where transmission is not affected middle), go ahead, jump on the right side of the table, on the stairs, a strange M3 shot down to the ground, opening the door into.
; go away before that, above a throw hand grenades, sniper killing, but the first jump Do the conveyor belt, and a strange attack killed the head (above the ladder there are three rows, the first killed in the first row of the ladder 1, which is ranked No. 2 on the ladder), the conveyor belt, take the middle, red to half of the rise of the throwing hand grenades killed.'s strange to play down the oxygen bottles on the conveyor line, after killing a number of fast red (this point in time is also not afraid of a thrown grenade), at the end of the left on the table, there are also strange Rao In the past, down the stairs, turn right on the console (do not call), the first turn right straight ahead, then turn right down the stairs, go straight, turn left, go straight and then turn left, turn right at the end is the power switch, double open! for Rpg, same route back to the console, halfway out the big bugs, look it out, then pull the switch! on the conveyor belt that left gaps in the railings went past, from the middle of the left conveyor belt 2 has been washed, and then top railings that stop gap = 1 boxes, in the past, immediately rushed, stage door, go in after the jump, first do not open the door to see Christina take over the body of the Rpg, equipment in hand. then the door after the boss battle story, rpg buttoned !

interface into the goods , the ammunition and two Rpg fill up! you and Christina did not need to bring canister or full M3 10 rounds of ammunition enough, saved the two position, Crane ribbon box of sniper bullets, and a large blood; you take a box of sniper bullets, and the full blast of the grenade grenade launchers;
5-3, all the scenes in the longest and most annoying one to the right straight out of ~ 1, the door, on the left side of the stairs, turn right go straight up, one way to go in the end, door! out, for grenade launchers, turn left go straight, then turn right go straight, have the right door, go in, turn left to run a few steps, turn right, across the several strange corridor out, pick up the grenade launcher, Alignment group 2, the special did not hit the Christina will help you with the sniper killing (more than 2 training, prospective, then one can under)! for M500 go right out the big bugs of the head, M500 see the right opportunity to play with white belly where it shot ok (if not immediately play standards Restart, otherwise it is easy to second you), turn right to go for M300 before, jump in the past, have a strange shot and killed with electric batons and went can be preceded by X to hide it, then blame for the attacks put the number killed, and then for M500, longer follow, but also a big bug, as the opportunity to be spotted and shot dead! door pull body, turn around and go straight out of the left console that, after the mobile platform over a small plot, the top of a fat man threw three hand grenades, killing three first-for-spy thrown hand grenades, and fat M500 shot down to the ground! and then you pull the body to Christina in the past, Then you go to platform over the place, for the attacks to help him get to play two shields and electric batons strange! far he will blame himself for a spy and killed, and the fastest speed you pull bodies! past the left for M3 turn, and then plot the first several small military rockets, direct red, half-way with two electric batons get strange, rushed from their side on the line, directly open the door into the room, went down with a gun to rocket troops, mainly his block your Road, then directly to rush the door, which brought down an electric batons continued strange, rushed to open the door!
came out, ran down the stairs turn right, go straight double pull body began to spin up a large table! the edge of the station, take the opportunity to fill your M500 bullet, and then attacks bullet filled! here is mainly attacks here H & K PSG-1 (RIF) which benefits the stability of the gun came (though I suggest you move fast, you do not fight their own fight to Christina, slow down when you call back) to rise to top, the five odd hours in neutral gear to seize them and killed them on the stairs has been run into the next scene!
; out directly to the bridge on the right before pulling bodies, and then back to the left, to Christina pulling bodies, you go first for M500, go first a lick of food in 2 shot dead, another one hit him on the line of attack slowly, and then for good grenade launcher to go directly to the other side of Sokoban, you start pushing your Christina will help you to play with the first attack will be , look behind the shadow of those who see the lick, and stop and turn around H it, if after that there continues to runs, did not turn around to continue to push up 2 boxes you can push to have enough space so that you can jump , do not lick tube there who continue to pull bodies jump into the house, and then open the door to go out (and who does not lick immortal hit), cross a suspension bridge door!
; last Boss battle, and this boss battle is the most time-consuming, the right side of the iron straight up survey 2 into the story! do not go, playing the old W1-situ M500 guns, the old hide Christina W a smooth door of the! then you and Christina retreat ~ Contact Christina to the place where he stopped, and then you press X to hide In the wall, Christina will hide in the room, and soon Jill will first come, first drop you and Christina about her, then you can continue to hide behind wall X, W will soon old said as she came , for Rpg flash out old w seize the artillery, you fill lucky shot directly into the story, if you went into a story! speed to Christina who's Rpg take over, again! (here depends on luck alone, if the old W Jill first came up first or the best, if they come with 2, it is recommended you Restart, otherwise it will waste a lot of time), the old W a pre-flash, he would first like you are rushing, hide about, so he ran Before you click, or let him hasten to get out good ~! O a, 2Vs1, Jill ~ I remember playing with the attack which insects, and then fell Jill, fell immediately after another grab insects (you fall down the stairs, started under Jill 1

