
love the high quality requirements

Single female colleagues talk about today and marital problems, she said that did not want to find not one, but did not always feel, not appropriate. I was thinking about a host of words "is not about reducing standards"! Actually, this is hard, our conditions are not bad Why lower standards? As modern in white-collar women are capable of living the high life, rather than relying on each other's existence, of course, love the high quality requirements, to marry, how easily it? So in my mind quietly breeding a view: Maybe it is because love is not enough, so really no way to lower the standard!
woman itself is an emotional animal, cry, laugh, love by the mood around the surrounding environment, but they are not changeable, because Once they find love,do not ask, people will devote full, unable to extricate themselves! The shortcomings of so many men have been gradually swallowed up, as has been forgotten, like ~! This is called tolerance may be, but women and men have different tolerance and men women's small temper is always inclusive, small patience, and women are usually inclusive of all men, he can not work, one went into the off Under the smelly socks; can not cook, sitting before the TV screen to see a mess of football; can not see children who do not play games ghost ghosts do not; even sleep no peace in the name of all strange to be pumping past snore, be like this, women still love him. It seems ah ~! A married woman in the family to become hopeless, and perhaps the "ink\advantages are still not in it?
also single women, turned, and we look farther beyond some of it, or find the most sweet and keen and the main family or fell in love with a dead pig's silly men are not afraid of Shuitang it ~!

