
although heart some unhappy

It also considered the conditions? It really is the so-called conditions? ? 30 days. . . Not as long or short, do not know You never know who, accompanied by 24 hours, my heart thrown a touch of evil.


I took small pieces of paper found with only two words: static park.


new moon smiled at me and said: \
my violent temper, and thought that girls misjudge people, and how I was a student of archeology, history, how have to a bit of knowledge, although heart some unhappy, but still keep grace and with a humble tone of the She said: \
did not think she heard me finish this sentence, laughing the next, said: \
I have completely silent, and I obviously just wanted to say something humble, she really put me as ignorant youths. \imperial concubine Wen Xiu moved to this point, and renamed the static park, meaning live quiet, aloof. In fact, this is a pretext, Pu Yi, the real moral is wait and see, in order to revive and restore the Qing Sajik. 1931 91 After eight incident, Pu Yi left the quiet garden, and began his career puppet emperor of Manchukuo. Jianguo, the static park has used as office space and staff quarters. because of mismanagement, park construction Chaigai more, plus the 1976 earthquake and other reasons resulted in the park devastated, ruined the environment. in October 2005, the Government initiated the protection of Teng Jing Park moved, and started to dismantle the park all subsequent construction. in accordance with established rehabilitation program, will not change the architecture of the exterior appearance, finishes materials and colors, do not change within the main structure, layout and important decorative premise, quiet garden for the overall maintenance, and appropriate increase in facilities, follow the repair old as the principle of trying to restore quiet garden of the historical original, now Tianjin municipal conservation units. \The moon does not smile looking at the angelic face, I am a little proud of, \Unexpectedly, she smiled gently on me: \imperial concubine revolution, the real reason behind that? Yuen Yung, Priscilla the true identity of what is? \
moon this series of questions, all of a sudden gave me ask stupid,body ... do not know the girls, I thought about it carefully back to the minds of all the memory on this history, it seems unable to find an answer to.

see my thoughtful look, the new moon from his seat, while the exit, while turning to me: \Garden of Serenity see! Oh, and do not forget to account end up with ... ... \So I collect myself, realized a very serious tragedy, that is, the table scraps that will eliminate about 300 in my pocket brothers! !

I leave with sadness, the Mediterranean restaurant, but the loss of economic conceal my excitement and joy, one seems to be a feeling of love was beginning to fill up every cell of my body. However. . . She asked those problems on the static park, the answer is what it is?

