
the real life can be with him who had.

To all the friends both married and unmarried

This is a good article article.
If you no time to savor
also when you have time to settle down in his heart,
intention of watching.

good article really is not much ... ...

single, it is often not an aristocrat. Single may be more free,
but there is also a synonym for freedom, called loneliness. Because when people are not like a person alone;
sometimes good things to share with people, sometimes sad need for comfort. Single noble causes because
economic independence, the independence of personality and emotional independence. What is independence?
independence is necessary but not dependent,
an independent people who need the opposite sex, instead of relying on the opposite sex.

do lover, she should first friend. After she became your friend, appears in your life,
be possible to know you, know you, know your strengths
and you feel good, further development of the emotional,
become lovers, object. The color of the world, not just white and black,
between black and white still has a long gray area. As long as we live, can find each other's strengths to produce a good impression,

This is the natural process of emotional development.

』『 love at first sight and the feelings 』『 single-mindedness is not realistic,
we need is not that unrealistic and illusory feelings. Been described with different contacts, as if picking up rocks in the sea, we will pick up like that one. Once you picked a favorite stone, have decided to take home,
treat it well, because that is your only stones.
and to remember that since then not to go to a beach.

always believe,
I have found the biggest, most beautiful and for me that one.

contacts with different important than how good he was,
but he how good you are. If a person in very good condition, with 100 points,
but this by, he is just to give you 34 or 12 very;
the contrary, another person may be only seven or eight very,
but he is dedicated to treat you, then you should choose that one?
In fact, the conditions for everyone are the same.
no matter how good you are also better than you.
Although you can not do a best man 『』,
But you can do on the other side a better person 『』. Each boy can say:
『Although I am not the world's best men, but I was the world's best men you』. In turn, is the same girl, this is everyone can.
feelings most important thing is that he's good for you,
rather than how good his own.

But if there is a man himself has been very good,
is sincerely for you, really love you,
then you can really put life entrusted to him.
women now consider the only condition of marriage,
should be that you love him, he love your,
is not sincere to you,
with him would not have pressure, will not be happy,
rather than what he has!

world of true love is hard to come by. In human life,
hard to find a
you really love, the real life can be with him who had.
If you are afraid to express,
or afraid of what would,
missed only one true love life may be,
then pity,
they must be take the initiative to say what the heart.

if a boy because of his girls to take the initiative and look down on her,
then the boys are not boys, but the beasts. What's more, face important than happiness,
face the moment if you can sacrifice in exchange for a lifetime of happiness,
is very worthwhile, courageous to say what heart,
do not hide their true.

do not say that Fate has not, in fact, everywhere fate,
but it is fleeting, if not to grasp 『Fate,
it were not『 』up. Most of the women is the emphasis on spiritual feelings,
men indulge in substance. In addition to obliging boys girls outside,
girls should learn to responsibly,
to all the world will be obliging of girls,
all used to a girl.

fortitude and righteous and can not discuss girls favor,
so to learn to sweet talk girls talk about things more.
men for sex and love;
women, for the love of.

keeping up a relaxed, enjoyable feeling vulnerable long! A difficult and painful to maintain up hard feelings long,

this time should have a choice. We are all mortal,
to the ordinary and well-being and happiness of love. All the feelings, the result of the process far more important. Why?
because all feelings are not the results.
What is the result? Married?
live happily after marriage the day it?
shows that we do not judge the results of the feelings of the value of its feelings,
nor the length of time on the set of its value.
in terms of feelings, whatever happened in there,
all existed in something of value. The feelings of every section of the world, every minute, every second
are worth cherishing. Marriage is a life where the biggest gamble. In this infinite time,
we have to show each other the most ugly side to the other side to see.

marriage and love is different:
love to spend two hours dressing themselves,
Energetic attentions to each other, caring, easy task. But the marriage can not always maintain the high-pitched state. Therefore, marriage is a big bet,
the need for well prepared, well-planned, full of letters,
and then gave it a charge, even if it is still likely to lose . So if the bet before, you know
not willingly, not love him, do not say to him through life,
that such a bet is doomed to lose.

Do not
for any reason other than love marriage.
feelings valuable is not what can be obtained from the other side,
be dependent on the one hand is being felt need.
was dependent on me, need me,
I will be satisfied.

the face of feelings, we are not to be taken are the three policies: the first is not anxious: Do not rush to get married. Although marriage is
very beautiful things, but not to worry,
that is you is you. The second is fear: Do not be afraid to pay.
each other a lifetime effort required to maintain the good feelings. 』『 You can not get a good feeling,
you can only find one of your loved one,
to work together, create, complete a good feeling.
If you're not determined to make a man, you're not a good woman.

not a bad man in the world would be a good woman,
bad men will only have the poor woman; the same, no one would be a good man bad woman. Moreover, there is a feeling in
with us to work together who want to do it well. Success of this partnership is a great opportunity,
key is are you willing to pay it.

third is not to give up. When you hit me, frustration, hurt,
when you feel disheartened, disappointed when,
a man unconditionally, and always on your side,
support you, encourage you, comfort you,
allows you to stand up and face the world.
this force is then the parents can not give us the pro's,
is another good friend does not give us,
only in the journey of life found in the beloved companion,
only can give us.
fact, love is life's only truly valuable;
the only real thing worth pursuing. As long as you have a loved one,
you have a driving force,
you can face the world.

