
a 10-year-old boy to dig my pockets

For the first time, to go abroad to come back, just under the train, found the zip package has been opened up. Opened it, the data also. However, the space data thieves more rows of characters to write: so beautiful package, which hold onto the money, you put no money what width? A waste of my feelings!
The second time, I stay home during the day, is the Internet When I heard a voice transmission over the kitchen, I tiptoed over to see the original is a thief pry my security doors and windows. I walked out of a kitchen knife and said to him: "What do you want, do not go I call the police." Thief calmly put away tools, and then I throw in a sentence: "You're sick, ah, the family was , make some noise Yeah! depriving the I white Mangliaobantian. "said as he turned away ... ...
the third time,natural evolution of property.&rdquo, I am a person walking in the street, a 10-year-old boy to dig my pockets, I turned and said to him: "Kids, Cut what?" "nonsense, of course, money." returned the boy. I think he was a child, to frighten him, said: "I do not have money, you need to do another dig, or else send you to the Public Security Bureau." Kids stared at me: "You do not have money, what is also fierce fierce?" Said End angrily away, at the moment I was speechless with anger.
Fourth, I Xiaye Ban home late, I wash in the bathroom, I heard the door has happened, as if someone at the door to pry my lock. So I yelled: "Who? Doing?" Who knows thief at the door answered: "do not sleep so late,discount Louboutins, engage in any practice?" Finished on the very quiet. Moment, I know what to do, enough to create misunderstandings ... ...

