
Jazz Green

Jazz Green
British artist

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My artworks are characterised by muted, natural or earth colours and multi-layered, textured surfaces: reinventing intricacies of decay, erosion or patina - glimpses of landscapes in transition. This has instigated a critical engagement with the perceived materiality of recreated surfaces, to question their authenticity as material object or representational image. Textural build-up, layering and removal combine in a process of painting in reverse. Perception is, by definition, a matter of discernment or insight,Yang Yang was the first month, and these works manifest as abstracted , multi-sensory works, removed from their origin, a metaphorical visual language: quiet signifiers of abandonment, loss, transience or impermanence.

BA (Hons) Degree Fine Art, Surrey Institute of Art & Design, Farnham .
MA RCA Masters Degree Fine Art (printmaking), Royal College of Art, London.
Recent exhibitions:
Artsway Open 05, Artsway, Hants 2005-2006
Byard Art, Cambridge, 2006 < br> Eastern Open 06, Fermoy Gallery, King's Lynn, 2006

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