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IIS is the acronym for Internet Information Server is Microsoft's Internet server software, including the WEB, FTP, Mail, etc. servers. Because IIS, FTP and Mail server is not useful, usually only with IIS WEB server with its. In this paper, Win2000 Server Edition operating system as an example, WEB server installation and setup methods.

present the ideal platform to run IIS Server Edition and Windows 2000 Advanced Server Edition. Win9x/Me years have IIS, but only PWS (personal WEB server), function is limited, only supports one connection. WinXP in the IIS only supports 10 connections. If you want to use IIS, please use the Windows 2000 Server Edition.

IIS is the Windows operating system comes with the component. When you install the operating system if not installed IIS, open "Control Panel" -> "Add or Remove Programs" -> "Add / Remove Windows Components" -> double click "Internet Information Services" -> select "World Wide Web server" installation.

[center] basic set [/ center]

one, open the "Control Panel" -> "Administrative Tools" -> "Internet Services Manager":

in the "Default Web Site" on the right mouse button, select "Properties\

"TCP port" is a WEB server port, default value is 80, do not change.

"IP address" is the WEB server's IP address binding, the default value is "All Unassigned\By default, WEB server will bind to all IP in the machine, including dial-up Internet access by dynamic IP.

2, click the Properties window above the "Home Directory":

in the "Local path" on the right, is the site root directory, that site document storage directory, the default path is "c: \ inetpub \ wwwroot". If want to Web documents stored in other places, can change this path.

3, click on the Properties window of the "document":

here to set the default home page documents the site. In the browser enter an address (such as http://user.dns0755.net/) when access IIS, IIS root directory in the Web site's home page to find the default file, if found on the open, can not find on the show, "The Page can not be displayed. " Please add the required here, the default home page file name, add finished up and down the left arrow can arrange them in order to find the file name.

4, this, WEB server set. IIS has been available WEB services.

If you have good website, please copy the web files to the web root directory, and confirm the site's default home page file name already in the window above the search list. After the open ie, enter, to see your site.

If you do not do a good job site, in the web root to create a new htm file named "default.htm\such as "my website." Save the file, open ie, enter look.

