
regardless of its own duties exceptionally

Lei Feng is the ordinary and the great communist fighter. He was a military engineering unit of the PLA Shenyang transport the monitor, at 8 o'clock on the August 15, 1962 or so, the rain started falling, Lei Feng and his assistant Joanne Hill resident driving back from the site. They moved into the company car yard and found a lot of mud and water splashed body of the vehicle, then long-distance traffic despite the fatigue, so that Joanne Hill immediately to the space launch vehicles to car washes. After a rather narrow former barracks hallway, for safety reasons, stand in the aisle next to Lei Feng, sowed the arm command Xiao Qiao reverse turn; "left, left ... ... down! Down!" The car suddenly left and into the Road Roller side ditch, the body of a fierce shake, suddenly knocked over a normal drying of clothes quilt with square wooden sub, unfortunately fell down Lei Fang Lin pole hit in the head, instantly threw himself to the ground and fainted ... ... comrade They immediately put him on a stretcher to a nearby hospital, immediately rushed to the hospital at all levels of heads, while the fastest speed of the medical experts in Shenyang received Lei Feng bed. As the skull injury, leading to brain dysfunction, Lei Feng, the working people of this good son, an outstanding member of the Communist Party of China, only 22 years old, it is so and us forever!

August 17, hope to spend in Fushun City District Government held a solemn memorial hall. Nearly million to escort the coffin of Lei Feng went to the martyrs cemetery.
in January 1963, the Ministry of Defence named Lei Feng served in class as "class Lei Feng\have issued a notice on learning from Lei Feng, "People's Daily\Chairman Mao Zedong on March 5, 1963 handwritten inscription, called the National People's "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng."

Lei Feng, this glorious name, shining in our hearts eternal glory. He dedicated all his exuberant youth of the party, dedicated people, and his lofty ideals, beliefs, morality, sentiments, in our younger generation who will continue to flourish, his indelible image of the good will always live in our hearts.
Lei Feng spirit is the spirit of communism. Zhou Enlai made a brilliant summary of it: "hate the class position clearly love, and honor the revolutionary spirit of selfless communist style, selfless proletarian fighting spirit."

Lei Feng spirit is Chinese traditional virtues and the combination of communist ideology, which is the core of serving the people wholeheartedly. In Lei Feng's life, everything shines with the brilliant idea of serving the people wholeheartedly. He from the countryside to the factory, to force, no matter what position, he is dry line, love line, drill line. All things good for the people, regardless of its own duties exceptionally, he consciously try to do so. He believes that building blocks for the building of socialism, for the people to do good,I decided to marry her go., is their bounden duty. Lei Feng short life, is "limited lifetime to serve the people among the infinite to" life.

