
Oh ... after reading girl cry

Please filial children each patient sees the bottom!
wedding day, Mom asked me: sitting in the corner begging look like two people?

I think the last time, there is an old man staring at me, next to a woman, I found my head down looking at them quickly. I do not know them but not like a beggar, even the clothes off the new print can tell. Mother said that they 佝偻着身子 like beggars, old lady's side leaning against the cane's sake.
mother said Tianchi orphans, not relative to the other side, if you do not know that they go on the bombers. Now beggar bad lot, actually, like other in front of the hotel, see Which wedding to pretend to eat the black liquor relatives.
I said no, called Tianchi ask, right? Tianchi Huanglihuangzhang Huadu my hands off the ground, said last creak Wu Wu Tang Shu and the Church is their home Aunt. I glared at my mother one: almost the relatives away.
mother said Tianchi not you orphan? There would be no relatives then? Tianchi afraid of mother, bow is a distant relative of his family, not from a long time. But marriage is a major event, the family did not come to mind pleasant for a relative is a pity, so I trust in Tianchi ... ...
shoulder blame his relatives also say that earlier, should they transfer table, since it is relative can not sit spare table. Tianchi let them sit there and say that's stopping it, take another table to eat them too uncomfortable.
until I opened it on the table also sat Tang Shu and Mrs Hall. I express gratitude through that table wine, Tianchi hesitated and took me around wiping from their past. Back to see their heads buried in the very low, thought I Tianchi to pull back: Tang Shu, Tang aunt, we give you two toasting!
They looked up and stared at me a little bit do not believe. The old couple's hair is gray, and looks very old should look like seven or eight years old, Mrs Hall was empty eyes, face, eyes flashing though, but I suddenly facing uncertainty. I have good shakes of uncertainty in her eyes, did not respond. Aunt original Church was blind. Tang, Tang Shu, Mrs Hall, it is I wife Xiao Jie, beautiful will our toast to you now too! Tianchi in use accent remind them.

Oh, oh. Tang Shu crooked stood up, leaning on his left shoulder and right hand together his wife, to put that glass trembled slightly, the finger back are yellow cocoon, thick folders that keep black mud every where. Day facing LOESS overturned them back too soon tired knees. I was surprised to find that Tang Shu's right leg is empty. Church aunt is blind, Tang Shu is lame, what a couple ah? Do not stop, and you sit down. I walked past hold on to them. Tang Shu shook it down, and missed by the eyes of the court his wife, tears suddenly straight on Ba Da Ba Da, see Tang Shu silently patted her back. The tried to persuade them to two, but Tianchi took my leave.
Tianchi me say so when they go home to their money right, so pitiful. Both are disabled, it simply can not figure how to spend the day. Tianchi nodded and said nothing, tightly hugged me.
first year of New Year's Eve, under Tianchi that stomach pains have not eaten dinner back room to sleep. I let my mother boil point and rice also followed into the room. Tianchi lying in bed, eyes, tears still simmering.
Tianchi I said without such, the first year of a New Year's Eve dinner is not with us, this room also ran. As if we were ill-treated you like family, a feast you have stomach pains, how can such a thing? In fact, I know you're not a stomachache, speak what is it?

Tianchi bored for a long time that I'm sorry, he only remembered Mrs Tong Tang Shu and his dead father and mother there. He could not help but fear the table, upset her parents before they push that stomachache.
my arms around him said: What a silly boy, we would like them to see their opinions on after New Year has become, say I want to know is how They got along.
Tianchi forget that, particularly difficult piece of mountain walking. You will be tired with, and so after the road leads to our birth, it'll take you to look them up.
my heart want to say: so when we have children they did not necessarily in it! But did not dare speak out, saying one to give them some money and resent it!
second year I was just away on business during the Mid-Autumn Festival, Mid-day it can not go home. In particular, I would like to Tianchi and parents, I told Tianchi talking on the phone.
Tianchi think I asked how do I get sleep? Tianchi wrote on the Internet or watching TV, then sleep not work like that too severely eyes open.
night, we talked until the phone too hot not to call up. Lying on the hotel bed, looking out the window round the moon, how I could not sleep. Eyes open tears to Heavenly Lake, like father, like mother. Tianchi estimates did not fall asleep thinking, maybe being online fugue. Turn over and I open the computer, re-apply a QQ number is called "reading you" want to tease about Tianchi. At last glance, Tianchi really in, I take the initiative to add him, he accepted.
I asked him: such a good day for Family Reunion, Why are you still hanging it online? He said: Because my wife away on business, want to sleep so she went online to see. I am very satisfied with this sentence, followed by play: wife not at home, you can find a lover instead of, say, the Internet, talk to **** about. Half a day before he knocked a line: If you are looking for a lover, then I'm sorry, I did not find the person you are, goodbye. Sorry, I did not mean that you do not get angry. Ba Baba, I quickly made in the past. After a while he asked me: how do you are wandering what Internet? I said: I am working away from home and would like to father and mother. And her boyfriend had just finished, telephone or sleep on the online.

I would like my father and Mother, the only pro from home, son wishes to support and not. Pro-out, the child wishes to support and not. How about? I repeated these words hit the past. I am a little inexplicably, Tianchi how to say this is the case? You call "reading you\There are things in my heart for a long time will get sick, your plenary will be a little more comfortable, anyway, I do not know you, as you listen to a story! So, I accidentally learned Tianchi been hidden in the heart of the matter.
30 years ago, my father was not getting married soon 50 because he was crippled and poor home with no girl is willing to marry him. Later, the village had a beggar came and helped a blind old man is also a woman. Very sick old man, father to see them in their own poor let them rest. The old man did not think a stay here no them off, then the old man's daughter, who is blind woman that married my father. Gave birth to my second year. My home life was very hard, but I have never been hungry meal. Father and your mother can not field species, have no income to someone else's home stripping corn kernels, one day taken off all Xuepao fingers, wrap the cloth and then peeling the next day. For my school, at home raising three chickens, two chicken-sell for money, leaving a raw eggs I eat. Niangshui begging in the city when she heard the baby to go to school in town to eat eggs, eat our house and baby, the baby will be more intelligent than the city. But they never eat, I saw your mother back to the eggs reached the mouth after licking the pot in the remaining egg white eggshell, tan arms around me crying. Say whatever they refused to eat eggs, and father knowing it to use a stick to fight after the angry Mother. Finally, I would compromise on the assumption that the three of us ate a piece. Although they agreed, but each time also symbolic teeth touching.
village's people never called me names, call me a lame blind users. Father and mother heard someone call me will be with the man hard. Mother took the bricks will not see random drop, mouth also swore: ye Sha Qiandao, we lame blind, my baby and hard about it you would not allowed to call out. You will not like me baby one. That year in the exam, lame blind test of the county home the first good news to father and mother had a really beautiful. Out of town for our family all the tuition and fees, send me to school that day father for the first time out of the mountain. On the car that will, I am tears rushed straight out assassination assassination, father leaning Shui hand for hand I Calei: into the city must learn, after the city looking for work in a bride. Someone asks you about your father and mother you say you are orphans, without father and mother, or others will look down on you. Especially not the daughter married, people will shun you. Miss you marry a wife, I have no face to see the ancestors.
father! Do I let dad said, What is this nonsense, not useful to ye father and mother would not recognize it? Mother said that it is the truth, to listen to. Do not you remember school? As long as you say you are lame blind home, people will run you get looks of contempt. Beginning teachers do not even like you. After you take the city beautiful will our wives say home is your Aunt Tang Shu and Hall. Mother finished in that Ma Lei. Dieshui, not to his wife back home, along the back will not help your mother revealed the secret of. And then to my arms hides the 10 cooked eggs on Mother dragged away.
flutter of my tears descend assassination assassination, disability is not their fault, that God unfair to them. But they had a perfect Tianchi to me. This silly Tianchi, this father and mother, no longer perfect. I am very angry, so how he look down on me?
that later, you tell your wife, and together they are your Tangshu Aunt? I knocked the last sentence.
I did not believe. Wife looking for is I'm not father and mother, so why did father and mother can not recognize it? But I out years, father and mother have not been to my school once. The first year of work, I would like to play with them into the city, they refused, saying that people know my father and mother are in my face, smearing people with disabilities, affect my married wife. Lifetime in the mountains of the do not want to go out. Mother says she is coming from the city, but also much to complain meaning. Later, I talked about the first girlfriend, when I think about the same time when the family took her Huile Tang. Who knows home, she left a meal left no dinner, I hurried outside, she said, and such people live all day she could not get along. Gene said we have problems at home, certainly not after the health of children. How far I am so angry that she rolled far. Home, your mother in that cry, father also called me. That I do not listen to their words, insist not broken our family of incense.
Later, I met a second girlfriend is now my wife. I love her and are afraid of losing her dream, her family and very rich, relatives are more superior people, with the warning I am afraid only a lack of filial piety. But the holidays, I wanted one to them, heart block up fast enough, uncomfortable.
that you never tell your wife? Maybe she does not care about that?
I did not say, nor say. I think if she agreed with my mother would not agree. I live with them, father is a face of the people outside. If the father and mother came not in their faces discredit it? I can only learn in time to travel secretly to go back a fancy 2. Thank you for listening to me so much, my heart now more comfortable.
down the net, and I still do not feel Italian. Said the mother never too ugly child, dog sees a poor family, see what we have done? I understand the helplessness of Tianchi, but also to understand his father and mother's difficulties. But they did not know I shift the an innocent caught in unjust of adversity.
days will be up bright, I knocked on doors of the department manager, told him something below him sole treatment, I have a very important thing to do as soon as possible, everything will please him. Then simply pack up my luggage I went straight to the railway station. Fortunately, catch the first train.
piece of mountain road is indeed difficult to follow. First leg is still too strong, then grinding blistered feet, I can not walk. It is noon, the sun then tan formidable, I only breathe a copy. Back to the water about to finish, and I do not know how many miles to go below. Took off his shoes and squeeze the blisters, which will be pain I cried out loud, really want to call to take me home to Heavenly Lake, finally refrained. Reed pulled a flower from the roadside at the foot pad, foot feel more comfortable. Tianchi's father and mother think of labor at this time also at home with legs came suddenly to look strong, stand up and continue moving forward.
when the old village head brings me to the door when Tianchi, then a red sunset is burned according to their doorstep on the old date tree. Jujube sitting under the Tangshu, Oh no, Tianchi's father, married father than to see more old, hand peel the corn, quietly leaning on his crutches incomplete piece of the leg. Mother kneeling on the ground ready to receive a good corn drying hands is a one way line and look inside. This, like a painting, the painting is the world's most perfect father and mother.
me step by step to their front walk, to see my father, in the hands of corn dropped to the ground, jaw boss, surprised and asked: Do you, are you hanging over it?
Mother groping in the side of the question: his father, who now? Days, Tianchi home. Ah! In, in which? Mother panic to he found in my direction. I bent over to lay down their luggage, and then grabbed her hand, facing them, with deep pain, heavily kneel down: Dad! Mother! I'll take you home! Davis two dry cough, the tears silently out from the face covered with wrinkles. Anjiu said that the baby I did not raise A white! Mother hands in rubbing back and forth from a body, and then hugged me, line by line the tears from her eyes dearly empty flow into my neck.
I go with father and mother when the village was put firecrackers. I was a father and mother scenery. When the Heavenly Lake opened the door and saw me standing on either side of the father and your mother is not surprised when the small, stared stunned at that one go without.
I said: Heavenly Lake, I read you. I Zan father and mother take back. Such a perfect father and mother, how can you throw them in the mountains?
Thank you!
Tianchi broke down in tears, hugged me tightly, as the line as none of my tears into my neck.

seen moving, all the love their parents, all children of filial piety, must be reproduced in this article (together all the love their parents, be kind to parents)

