
Joke 2

Everyone happy is my wish:

26 words of Cinderella as the beautiful bride prince, after a very, very happy.
the previous day, every day fetching water, wood, cooking, laundry ... ... often have a meal without a meal,
now just to wait on her ladies have several dozen,
and tribute around the food and the court of poly From time to time feast, Mikuriya refined Han Banquet, afternoon tea and midnight snack, let her eat even more happy for them!
Today calculation, Cinderella has married into the palace for years,
Prince's attitude to her more and more cold,
common to the young beauty in her he shook his head looking at the ectopic sigh, Cinderella baffling ... ....
One day, her impulse to wear out glass shoes,
unexpectedly "Clang" bang! Crashed and broken shoes,
Cinderella fairy mother rushed to get,
cents after seeing her mother could not help shaking his head: Oh, I forgot to remind?, Glass shoes and load limit of 100 kg ... ...
original gray This girl does not take that to heart, but then she really could not stand, Prince Mei-Mei Kau plan to do a new mistress!
she was determined to come the most bogus weight-loss center actress.
waitress took her into a three-warm oven.
Cinderella into the inside and found that there are two more than his bloated old lady in there,
will introduce myself:
? are good, I was Cinderella. 2 is ... ...?
I was Snow White, Sleeping Beauty

27 I go to the desert ant, why the sand did not leave his footprints, leaving only the two line on the road?
answer: because it is riding a bicycle!

home from the desert ant, he did not notify any person, but his family knew he was coming back! Why ah!
answer: to see his bike parked downstairs ...

ants fell from the Himalayan mountains is how, after death?
answer: starvation. ~ So Gone down because of too light to be a long time ...

28 G: I have also had almost married a girl with
A: how was it?
G: Then she went to another primary school

29 If you think English is easy, take GRE.
If you think Math is easy, try Wavelet.
If you think Life is easy, find a girlfriend ... ...

30 go to the movies occasionally find often with the intent of subtitle translation is slightly different ...
a film in front of ...
Actor Actress: Are you kidding? (Are you kidding me?)
and Subtitles: Katie you are right?
Actress: No, I am serious!! (not! I am serious!)
now Subtitles ...: No! I Cerritos child!

31 neighbors to the pavilion near the market snapshot half-length photo shoot.
She entered the pavilion, took the picture, then wait for photos automatically flushing,
photo rushed out, she took a look, exclaimed: My God, I like photographs taken of monkeys!
later, a woman said coldly: Sorry, that was my, you have to wait five minutes.

32 a person looks like a hotline walked was struck.
a person looks like a phone number, I went to was wrestled to the ground.
a woman looks like a dumpling, I went on being inclusive.
former personal long as I am, that I

33 old father to his son a story: Once there was a frog ...
Son: Dad I want to hear sf
father: once in space a frog ...
Son: Dad I have 8 years old, grew up good, I want to listen to X-rated ... ...
Father: boo ~ well, son. Keep it down, do not let your mother hear. . . .
... ... Once there was a naked frog ...

34 Xiaoming it on tomorrow To test nest, but in the evening watching TV
Xiao Ming mother worried to ask: the book is finished it? Exam tomorrow ah
Xiao Ming would readily replied: Mom, I have read.
mother very happy Xiao Ming Xiao Ming praise: good, then you must test tomorrow is good
very Xiaoming cried and said: Mom, I said, 'Mom, I see , finished '.

35 animals army troops called up to fight
then all the forest animals to come to medical
monkeys are not ranked first
his army to look at his long tail
so Yayi Yao mind to come to him after the break ...

go and saying: monkey tail off, and is disabled, no soldier friends ....
second After the monkeys to see such acts of rabbit
also resolutely to his long ears to break the
enters ...
Medical, said: rabbit ears cut off, is disabled, no soldier friends. ..
third in the black bear thinking ..
『my ears so short tail with almost no how to do? 』
Kind of rabbits and monkeys to help him find a way ..
monkey suddenly shouted: I know your teeth to interrupt you even disabled it!
monkeys and rabbits was a harsh meal
K of the black bear all his teeth broken .....
bear the pain, but also very happy though to go in the
physical examination shortly after I saw the bear muzzled out
cried ......
by! .... Do not they say I'm too fat Rights

36 soldiers a day, driving home Mr. Wang.
Suddenly, next to the whirlwind had a big Ben, from his side to open out of date, the driver shouted at him:
"Dude, Ben is too large to open it?" finished, "Sou" and click Biao distance.
Wang is Greatest Fire, stepped on the gas chased up.
seeing fast catching up, and the driver then shouted at him out of his head:
"Dude, Ben is too large to open it?" Then, "Sou" and then disappeared.
"by Niu B What!" Wang Ma Wan comfortable after the point of heart, so is no longer chased.
has opened for a while,
Wang to see big Ben just that bike overturned in the street, he was very curious, slowly driving around.
saw the driver was under pressure in the car, faintly say:
"Dude, Ben is too large to open it? know where the brakes Well?" ..

37 One time my brother hit me, hit my head from a package. Later my brother to install stuff, could not find package, I was head of the pack Naqu hold things up.

38 has never been offered a large ox blood came out from the hospital,
asked to go along with Xiao Ming:
"Why do they give you an 'A', gave me an 'O' ah ? "

39 a student driver's license test in the United States, prompted turn left in front of road signs that he is not certain, ask the examiner:
" turn left? "
A:" right "
So ...... hang ..

40 day a skeleton went to a bar, the bartender said: I have a glass of beer and a mop ... ...

41 One day a? female drug users caught police
police saw her hands have tattoos
asked her why do you name your boyfriend stabbed in the hand
He called the Little good is not ... ah .. not. Say it!
he? a drug Ah .... the woman said
addict looked up and saw the angry look
with the police?
this is "hate," and the ....

This story tells us ...... After tattooing, it is best not to put on weight

42, a lawyer back parking lot, found his BMW's headlights had been crashed!
and there are many scratches! Not found near the vehicle!
but at least he found a note in the windshield wipers on Re!
he quickly picked up the paper point of view, how to contact with each other!
note reads:
reversing sorry I do not hit you in the light!
witnesses saw when I left this note!
have to nod and smile!
They thought I was leaving my name and phone for you!
........ but I do not ..............!

43 I hate two kinds of people:

First, racial discrimination;

second is black;

Third, do not know the number!

44 class name, if not to the final grade will be deducted 50 points! When read to a brother I do not know how to dance the past, and he shouted: "Teacher, you have missed the point!"

Nianyuhuajia down at the old professor said: "No ah ~"

45 a ugly girl in particular, are an old maid was also marry.
Finally, she thought of a way, "If smugglers can be captured, then sold to other family belongings like a wife." So every night she's most dangerous streets in the stroll, where I heard a woman missing, go where.
effort pays off, happiness really come a! ! ! Two kidnappers cast her head, stuffed with cars, kidnapping her. Road transport, she has been immersed in the happiness and joy, with the kidnappers very. To the stronghold of the kidnappers, the two leaders of the kidnappers dragged her there, glad the essentials power! ! Pulled her head a mask, chieftains shocked! ! Half speechless. Snapped?? Snapped?? Gave them one slap, howling Road: "You is not ruined my reputation do later on how I mix in the underworld?? Quickly bring me back." As a result, both leaders that the kidnappers took her in person with local abduction.
car to kidnap her place, the kidnappers say that no matter what, she did not get off, she was walking with them non-"I want to get married!" said a woman wronged. Leader of his teeth, concluded that the word "cars do not, we go!!"

46 robbery of a woman shaking event said: "I was great doctors, just graduate work did not find, really had no money ... ... "

actually hear the robbers burst into tears," Sis, I also doctors large, Grab your student card, or the doctors in front of a big robbery, Do not worry, we do not grab one of us! "

47 to play cs, see a bandit, carrying glasses of" 51 "straight ahead red, under the name of his party characters

"wo shi dang yuan, follow me!!!"

48 sorts of wave wake ~
teacher said 1 "" Today's lesson on the here ... ... "
wake up ~

49 Q canteen: cold weather, what to eat something more conducive to warmth?
A: eat cotton helps keep warm ~

50 brothers: Harbin were without water now, that how do you toilet?
The Young: simmering ... ...
brothers as much as possible: that dormitory building to taste not the boss of?
The Young: Take urine red stool ... ...

