
Ten popular term psychological inventory 2008

Progress of human civilization, are from the language of the revolution began. The Internet age, who is rewriting "popular term" mean - that crash and everyone! When we QQ on, Email, or just diary, written in operation when these words, we have already quietly made history. Let us look, in 2008, born the of these phrases are implicit in what the psychological meaning in the end?

a new word: Playing sauce

Birthplace: from "off my birds, and I came out to play soy sauce" that remark is a random interviews by reporters in Guangzhou people, when reporters asked him on the beginning of 2008 there were numerous incidents of Pornographic express comments, blurted out the reflections.

selected reasons: this sentence in the network quickly spread among the various PS and adaptation of rage. This "fight soy sauce" is a joke in the network, or even derived from the "soy sauce Male\

meaning: not my thing, passing, please ignore me, civil disobedience, just to see, do not want to comment; and had nothing to do, do not want to open; seen too many such situations are Shenmeipilao can use the "fight soy sauce" is to express, nothing, bored and feeling of helplessness.

psychological decrypt: There is a saying that "bystander\Be watch the people are the most relaxed and happy, do not take responsibility, do not have to pay hard. But the comments or express feelings, have to take a brain strenuous, it is likely thankless. In today's topic of the times, the media every day, brewing all kinds of events have to pay attention to comments to follow the hype. Can be said to make every effort to keep the community with their contribution of labor - we already bored, and would rather be a relaxed and happy passers-A, glide silently name of soy sauce ... ... never involved in meaningless stupid. This reflects a psychological "individual independence\Cooperation in not "the courage to getting bumped out" show "burst trap" style of the King. Soy sauce is the psychological strength to fight a powerful expression of the playing time, please enjoy your call.

two new words: cottage

Place of Birth: This word was born in Guangdong, is a force initiated by private IT industry phenomenon, and the brand In contrast, specifically refers to a counterfeit or suspected counterfeit brand-name third-party product manufacturers. The cottage products to look like, full-featured, low cost features. Particularly in the mobile phone industry's "cottage" as a representative.

selected reasons: "cottage" products released, quickly swept through all walks of life. As long as a slightly similar coincidence, deliberate imitation spoof, will be dubbed "cottage" in the name. But in reality, the cottage is more and more, not just the high brand imitation, even people with cottage spoof.
Meaning: When the time to describe fake, can use this word. Whether counterfeiting is a brand, product, website, or who can be called "cottage Edition." Is false, but not completely false; is true, but not completely true. In a fuzzy zone, the upper and lower body is touch ball.

psychological decrypt: have a slogan called "the nation is the world's" cottage concept is "the world can be made of the private sector" - This shows the wisdom and ability of their high self-confidence, as long as you do them, we can imitate the cottage of. Imply a civilian on the high-end luxury contempt and provocation. Brand-name businesses that occupy the world are engaged in scientific and technological monopoly, stressed that he is a scorpion shit things. But the real skilled are all in the cottage, the technology is not the class, can imitate is power. "Cottage" to express our psychological needs: mass, rapid, civilians and liberalization. Let us with less money to the most need. "Cottage" has once again highlighted the need that are important, is the folk world.

three new words: push-ups

Birthplace: Guizhou in a river bridge. The evening of July 1, held in Guizhou, "Weng 6? 28 serious burn emergencies vandalism press conference," the spokesman said when introducing the cause of the incident, before drowning in the Li Shu Fan, Ryu had to play with the same stop jumping into a river through their behavior, see Lee calm down, Liu began to do push-ups on the bridge, when Liu Zuo Dao third push, I heard the Li Shu Fan saying "I go\

selected reason: In this incident a few minutes later, a forum post on there: "I do push-ups for." As a result, "push-ups" are not only sports, but was friends spoof as a behavioral phenomenon overnight fire up. 1 on the forums, doing push-ups across such a large users.

meaning: does not matter, brain relaxation, no concern, you do your

I dry my mental decrypt: "themselves well, peace and harmony" have become the majority in 2008 psychological tendencies. This year's natural disasters and world events again and again reinforce our "you're a small person, a speck of dust in the universe, to how many small small" about so many things we can not, we can do Yes, that manage themselves well, quietly luminous. "Push" is to be such a big epidemic of psychological tendencies. To see for themselves is important and should be considered a step forward in Chinese mental state, we are no longer blind to collectivism as a value orientation, is more focused on managing their own, for something around that can do the best, can not do not insist. When things happen, I exist, but I can "push" form of existence - if everybody can manage themselves, and the world peace not far from the truth.

new word 4: Nice / very yellow very violent / stupid naive

place of birth: the prototype for the "very good very strong\It comes from Marx's "Theses on Feuerbach\After expanding by a primary school, in a television interview he was asked to accept "in today's online media impressions\

selected reasons: "It is what is what" is a network visibility high sentence, referred to as "double very sentence." The original version as "very good very strong\Music is OPEN \Sentence superimposed on strengthening, dynamic and full of meaning compatible, available in various silent, exaggeration, ridicule, satire state apply.

psychological decrypt: "Double very sentence" can be understood as "two ruthless sentence" to express their teeth in the advertised and emphasized the user intended. We all like to judge things in the next, particularly the nature of that evaluation Watch. In 2008, the network lead to common popular event, if you want to stand out in the rushes of sound, "two are sentences," it becomes refined and powerful, can meet our needs and voice expression, especially among the hidden in praise the meaning of irony, pun, big meet our "Jokes HAPPY" psychological needs. But with a sense of humor as incisive assessment of personality is the best release of the export.

new words five: Tiger Zhou

Place of Birth: Golden State Zhenping Qin, mountain forests, the now long shot the tiger, published online that is real tiger after being exposed. That is only pictures of Tiger New Year.

selected reasons: the tiger as a week in 2008, "Public Enemies\It also illustrates the power of Internet users search for human flesh.

Words: Tiger Zhou is a behavior warning, everyone should be honest integrity, must not be hypocritical fraud.

psychological decryption: The tigers are all fiercely grasp, much of the show how human beings hate "hypocrisy\Humans are most adept at deception, cheating is most afraid of creatures, so often the face of blatant deception, very easy to anger, this is very normal psychological, so weeks before the tiger incident triggered public participation. From the burst fake tiger fake tiger and then to prove, to the end of the trial, all the power users in the promotion. Tiger Zhou let us see: not a true change will never leave. Therefore, the week we can see the tiger incident on the social psychology of "group polarization\

new word 6:? /?

Birthplace: Internet terminology, formerly of Oracle, but the font is particularly expressive , was the historical, 80, 90, after the most commonly used input method in some years, can easily play out.

selected reasons: the use of extremely high frequency, and spread rapidly, if what 80, 90, will not play this character, does not use the word, basically as a "catch up with the tide."

meaning :"?\"?\"?" Generally helpless, silent, etc. use "?" Composed from stay, to describe than to stay still keeping the network in the language used to describe people are staying, silly, very naive.

psychological decryption: This word has a very strong pictographic meaning. By itself gives a kind of visual imagination, and has a certain extension of dynamic and psychological sense of "laughter" fruit is also very obvious. Although there are re-assigned meaning, but the feeling is more consistent with the meaning and fonts, and with Oracle's flavor. This is consistent with a feature of our brain: the first is the development of thinking in images, so intuitive things, often the most easily accepted. And "?" And "?" Are used to express the psychological state of expression, neither hi nor sad, just in the middle,christian louboutin pumps cheap, the position of security and flexibility, emphasizing the very clever things that are not easy to be too intense mental health, or ?? a,?? the only happiness. This is a 80, 90 after the attitude to life, life is no big deal.

seven new words: Ray

Place of Birth: From the original Japanese anime, cartoon characters were suddenly to hit the radio waves, the state of coke in the tender. Man Mi surprised to see such things when the issue of "strong shock waves," the speech, later simplified to "mine\

selected reason: who one day is not "mine" a few do? Therefore, if the election does not come it is estimated that it will be all "mine" the.

Words: terror, was shocked, joking. In unknowingly, inadvertently read the things they do not like feeling uncomfortable or joking comments available. Ray points can also be minor injuries, libelous, serious injury, to express his pain by stimulating the degree.

psychological decryption: the word for maintaining mental health is too meaningful. When we face the exciting time, The best defense is to express it. Stimulated, and call out "Ray\For example, a person tells you that he has just laid an egg. You answer "Ray\But on the other side also does not contain so many offensive, but very tolerant. Before we see a thing, use the expression of the feeling of many adjectives, and now the word "thunder" can cover all, simple, efficient, accurate, and that is what we human beings deal with "stress events" more healthy senior expression.

eight new words: brain residual

Place of Birth: This kind of "after 90" group in the new text, the earth is called "Mars Man \People who use the brain remnants are called brain residues. First Tezhi like non-mainstream youth culture. Still later, as long as the feeling of a person is one-sided view of things, too much emphasis on individual particularity, or no practical use for some things and give up the normal way of thinking, naive demeanor are available extreme "brain disabled" to describe.

selected reasons: Martian representatives of vocabulary, set of biotechnology and medical terminology in a more direct image of the expression of contempt was intended. Than the year's "pig\

Words: head disabled, idiot, disabled, brain dysfunction, narcissistic, immature, abnormal psychology

decrypt: We say that a person has problems in the past is that he has mental problems , mental problems, sexual problems ... ... but now, we have directly said that he, brain problem - the residual brain. Can see, we are indeed closer and closer to the objective and nature, and even the irony of people, can find organic the problem. This can be seen, we are looking for reasons, like some of the reasons more thoroughly. We are also able to differentiate, the reason and others different from us, not because of moral or character on this person and they are not the same, but different way of thinking brain. This shows the wider psychological inclusive.

nine new words: a man should not be too CNN

Birthplace: CNN reporting on Tibet, "beating, smashing, and looting" incident, news reports seriously distorted misleading news audience, smearing China's image. Triggering global Chinese big sign, demands CNN to apologize immediately to the entire Chinese people, and patriotic collection lawyer, prosecuting CNN's shameless act.

selected reasons: in 2008 a very patriotic nature of the news event, set off a lot of private voluntary action, and all to "life should not be too CNN" to the collective expression of contempt, the language is full of a patriotic movement.

meaning: to remind not arrogant, too radical, sweeping, confuse the issue encountered arrogant words, behavior extreme, the idea of distorting the facts in their own time can say this.

psychological decrypt: I think we all misunderstood by others, the experience of attack, there may be a malicious distortion of facts by others, the adverse effects of their happening. Thing like this, our first reaction was anger, followed by as much as possible to restore the honor. CNN event provoked great anger in our hearts the memory of the, so the most commonly used language to commemorate our anger. Of course, "not to be too CNN" is also a laugh to ease the anger with self-treatment, when we can just use these words to convey contempt and they will reduce the anger so that we can make extreme behavior.

new word 10: house people

Place of Birth: Country of Origin Japan, otaku are referring to are not good with others, do not want to come out of their homes, Even the basic shopping done through the network to young people.

selected reasons: in 2008, home of the numbers of rapid growth, growth in the more advanced computers and networks, as network development, reducing the need to go out, most social activities are available online completed. Expected house will continue to increase the number of people.

Words: dwelling home, homes, basic to social networks, closed in their own world and interest in, only with the same contacts, in addition to their interest in all the other things do not complain.

psychological decrypt: "home" is the development of human society as a necessary stage. It is consistent with our important psychological needs of the information age - we want more self-space, to more freedom, not more obedience. In the self-made physical "home\So more and more people choose to "home" up close in their own world, had a great day to meet. But from another perspective, the house will look for a particular thing as points of interest to closing. Sometimes a result of social maladjustment. "The Real City" home-style people's great ancient seclusion, only human, after all, social animals, human intimacy, I'm afraid that out of the house to complete the real.

Conclusion: the prevalence of the word in 2008, showing that our shared psychological needs, we have to be more efficient, simple, civilians, personal life, we are more concerned about self, more know how in the social tide do a little amuse dust. A small word change the world, and these words, that we created.

