
Please stop using the visit to attack cnn cnn website it

1. We now use the same access to cnn's website, simply be a form of flood attack.
2. Flood attack, the simple point is that each site has its own that can carry the maximum number of simultaneous connections , for example, 100 000 the same time online, when the operation of this value, the server will crash, or stop in response to external requests (known as the visit could not). So when we organized a number of machines, or use a large number of distribution around the world chicken, visit on the server, the server may be a denial of service.
3. For the cnn of the organization's corporate users, cnn will be how to deal with it?
easiest way, is now in use approach is to visit the country cnn's ip, the United States, the film has been screened carriers, large-scale organized by ordinary Internet users to access, almost impossible to reach cnn the server, even cnn server where the network segment.
and cnn use cdn network acceleration technology, so users access door may have been distributed to hundreds of the world into 10 cdn server.
4. professional hackers do not choose to use this easy to filter out the attack, the general If you want to use ddos attacks, hackers will control the different countries, different lines of servers (perhaps hundreds of thousands of units). cnn's website to send packets, each machine can create a lot of connection requests, the server refused the server to make cnn The purpose of the final collapse.
5. At the same time as the network in which each machine, different operators, each operator's access to different ways to cnn, the bandwidth can also play together in different lines so that the final data traffic cnn network operator can stand, and congestion cnn network.
6. Conclusion: This kind of transition to the professional staff to do, and now we do may be killing the enemy 1000, from the loss of 800 of the method, the ultimate congestion possible bandwidth of China's exports will be! we can through other way to express their dissatisfaction on cnn. Thank you

