
Hun Duanzi, do not like do not close!

1 day, no one man to a beach, suddenly want to swim, but did not bring a swimsuit, take a look around no one, he would strip naked swimming, is swimming, suddenly saw in the distance a woman to come this way , he immediately ran to the shore, but too far from the place where clothes, seeing women would see him, he a radical, lying on the sand, the sand by hand to cover the body, but did not cover small JJ live, this woman came here and saw a small sand JJ, kicked kick was true, said, "This stuff has the wild?"

2, ant to prostitution, plans were fresh to found a centipede. The next morning, angry ants said: "Damn, broke a leg is not, broke one are not, then break apart one is not, I broke off his mother to spend the night leg. "

3, ant and elephant were married the next day, dead elephants, ants while digging the side, said:" the happiness of one night, was dug pit life. "

4, idiot night shopping park, see couples in **, idiot love to see. The next morning saw a man practicing push-ups, silly put all the men cursed: "TMD silly X, you looking at? Idiot music" you just do silly, Di Xiaren are gone, you still do yet. "

5, two men living on the island. Hungry, decided to cut a small JJ fill their stomachs, their way to cut, and the other suddenly shouted:" Stop! "Eyes full of wisdom and said:" big twist or cut, as meat and more! "

6, one night, a naked man called a taxi, the driver stared at him intently, Naked furious and shouted: "You have not seen his mother naked man Yeah! "Driver is also furious:" I see where your money or from his mother! ? "

7, a man saw an ad: No surgery, no hospitalization, allows you to easily bigger genitals thicken! Dayton overjoyed, and immediately transfer. A few days, received packets, urgent to open a look! parade! had a magnifying glass!

8, a farmer town prostitute, prostitutes were required for Chuixiao, prostitutes unhappy that semen salty, the farmer was furious, took out 500 Tai Yuen lost in the prostitute's face, immediately presented, such as silk flirtatious prostitutes, childish, said: "Nongfushangquan a little sweet"

9, monks and nuns neighbors, tacit. day, the monk posted couplet, the joint: the ball did not do during the day, at night the ball all right, scroll reads: unparalleled prosperity angry. nun on: white sky tunnel for the evening, empty hole. scroll reads: ball ratio should be

10, after dinner leading inspection 'Jiangyin woolen mill', the names and unfortunately the door neon circuit fault, the first word of a river dawn, after leading only see five words, then asked the Director concerned: raw material is difficult to engage in it?

11, married two history teachers, and is the second marriage; After the wedding, women seeking second line out of the Union: a night raid on Pearl Harbor, Americans frightened (fine); M Qiao right: two atomic bombs, Japan and Germany (a) surrender; scroll reads: World War II!

12, an old man climax of the village by public transport to work. on the way asked the waitress: climax to yet? waitress: Not yet. for a while he asked: climax to yet? waiter said: poor old guy impatient, high tide will be called to my!

