
Department of Defense Official Website trial operation, and comments!

Since yesterday, The People's Republic of China Ministry of Defense official website test run. Department of Defense official website owned by the Liberation Army Daily, China military network upgrade revision made in China, military networks, based on original content, add some dynamic information, such as the Department of Defense working dynamic and international military news.
China's Ministry of Defense official website

test run

contractors Department of Defense Web site of the "China military networks," one editor told reporters after the revision to upgrade the Department of Defense Web site, the original site of some sections will remain, but will add some new content, such as the Ministry of Defence work dynamic, international military news. By then, the site will be and the overall style of the State Council ministries and commissions have been close to the official website. According to report, Department of Defense Web site launched on August 1st test run, to seek the views of all sides for debugging, formally launched until Oct. 1.

new weapons the U.S. Department of Defense Web site as

official website of Chinese Ministry of National Defense, "8? 1" on the line, what kind of foreign Department of Defense Web site? Powers of Department of Defense Web site is not only the military to transfer their voice heard outside the window, but also to establish its image as a deterrent or even build a platform.

world's first U.S. military official web site should be set up in 1994, was just outside the Pentagon issued press releases to facilitate a window. 15 years, as the Internet and media industry, the rapid development of the country today, the Ministry of Defence website has He initially Youle worlds apart, the main contents are Hangai press release, Guanfang documents show, the basic 情况 Jundui introduction, electronic government, national defense Jiaoyu and a variety of topics and other aspects.

States Department of Defense Web site press release that hits the highest part, in developed countries usually have just released out of text pages between early stage, now its a lot of news to the form of high-quality multimedia . In particular, a large number of high-quality picture, although the costs are high, but often subtle shaping for justice will be the U.S. military, professional, and other powerful image. Because these images for convenient, quality sound, has become a national U.S. news media made an important choice products, which virtually made for a very good image of the U.S. military propaganda.

encouraged to play a big role in morale website

Department of Defense Web site is important to understand the situation of national armed forces the window, so that countries military sites often introduce their own armed forces, the composition, mandate and functions of military power, and directly subordinate all branches, agencies and the military link. United States and Japan the composition of the military institutions and units usually have their own public website, to learn more about the military situation, you can follow the link to view the content.

example, in Japan Self-Defense Forces, large high integration level of staff supervision department (equivalent to our military's General Staff), defensive big school, Institute for Defense Studies, as well as sea, land and air from Guard, small self-defense division, regiment level units have their own web site, and sought to highlight their features. In the U.S., to a small battle ships can also have their own place online. This is not only a kind of international publicity and display, but also a way to encourage morale.

"Heroes" to attract young recruits

In addition, the developed countries outside the military network is often of concern for emergency production of hot issues and special reports, such content and documents relative to the daily news more to attract public attention. For example, the U.S. Department of Defense Web site on the two most important feature is the war on terror and also a timely launch of "heroic deeds" in the media; the Japanese Self-Defense Forces Web site were all topics of major concern in Japan missile defense, U.S. military restructuring and reform of the SDF.

Moreover, the United States and Japan are the Ministry of Defence website on military science, defense information, recruitment information and the military lifestyle information and other columns. This area is popular to the public knowledge of national defense and improve military support community. On the other hand also to facilitate the recruitment, by showing through the "packaging" of military life, to attract young people to join the army.

Japanese network attached great importance to the United States to update

is worth mentioning that the armies of developed countries more emphasis on website content updates and technical maintenance.

Japan's defense ministry, often the same day will be the Internet. White books each year and other important documents will be promptly published on the website. United States Department of Defense Web site has a large number of video programs, great views, but the playback speed and effectiveness are comparable to professional video website; site features a more comprehensive search engine, not some government departments of internal site search function "exists in name only" phenomenon. (Morning News International Herald Tribune)

link 20 police officers were promoted Yujun Guan

recently, the Navy and the Ministry of Public Security held the rank of, respectively, rank promotion ceremony, three officers promoted to Admiral, 12 officers promoted to rear admiral, two naval officers promoted to major general professional skills; three police officers in police forces promoted to Major General People's Armed Police, many of whom are capable walks of life. (

