
20070417 & 20080421


"within 5 minutes in the bedroom, I only boiled water can be subject to review by horse or pharmacological ... ..."
"In theory, humans are in a state of starvation, and eventually consume the first movement access to food by the spiritual interests of the state than in a multi-functional against ... ... "
" And then my life will be wasted in the ideological struggle in the ... ... "
" both the ancient scholars, plato, or modern media scholars (both can not remember a name), are rational in the relentless struggle to spend their life ... ... "
" and their struggle has led to more questions about the production ... ... "
" said White the means trouble for ourselves ... ... "
" good ... throw a coin to decide ... ... ... "
" positive on the go, then climb back bed NDS ... ... "

================ I split time line ========================= ===

"within 5 minutes in the bedroom, I only boiled water can be subject to review again Pharmacology or Pharmacy or immune ... ..."
"In theory, humans are hungry the state, the first movement of food consumption and, ultimately, be the spiritual benefits obtained in the functional than the prohibited multi-state ... ... "
" And then my life will be wasted in the ideological struggle in the ... ... "
" Whether ancient scholars plato, or modern media scholars (both can not remember a name), are rational in the fight against the merciless killing of their life ... ... "
" and their struggle has led to more doubt production ... ... "
" it means trouble for ourselves ... ... "
" good ... throw a coin to decide ... ... ... "
" positive on the go, then climb back bed MHP2G ... ... "

not find coins ... ...

