
then spent 46 days

Employees a day off to the boss, the boss confided that: \You have 2 days off per week, a total of 104 days, 261 days left in the work; you do not work 16 hours a day, remove the 174 days, 87 days left; Every day you spend at least 30 minutes of time online, plus up 23 days per year, and the remaining 64 days; every time you spend 1 hour lunch, then spent 46 days, and 18 days; Usually you 2 days per year sick leave, working hours so that you only 16 days; each year 5 holidays rest do not work, you only dry for 11 days. The company also generously each year to give you 10 days vacation, doing we work one day you, and you have to please the day off!


to a farmhouse lodging

Male to Market sale of pigs, dark and the rain, 20 pigs did not sell into, to a farmhouse for shelter.
young woman said: only one person at home inconvenience.
M: Please, big sister, to a pig.
Female: Okay, but only one family.
M: I went to bed to sleep, give a pig.
Female: I agree.
middle of the night men and women to discuss, I went to sleep above you, women would not.
M: to the pig 2.
women allowed to require up unable to move.
awhile, man can not help, pleading to move a muscle, women refused.
M: move about to the pig 2. Women agreed.
eight men moved to stop women asked why not move?
man said not a pig.
woman whispered: either I give you swine ... ...
morning came, men whistling drive 30 (including the young woman House 10) Pig to Market to the ... ...
Harvard Instructor comments: To found that users of potential demand, pre-to guide and train the user needs, resulting in the development of investment is in line with the law.
another man about the incident, determined next door, and then to Market sale of pigs, dark and the rain, 20 pigs did not sell into, to a farmhouse lodging
young woman said: only one person at home inconvenience.
M: Please, big sister, to a pig
Female: Okay, but only one family.
M: I went to bed to sleep, give a pig.
Female: I agree.
middle of the night man business woman, I went to sleep above you, women would not.
M: to the pig 2. Women allowed to require up unable to move.
awhile, man can not help, begged to move a muscle, women would not.
M: move about to the pig 2. Women agreed.
seven men moved to stop women asked why not move?
, said: were done ~ ~ ~
female :......< br> morning, the men head down rush affordable for 2 pigs go ......< br> Beijing University Instructor Comments: To combine the scale of the enterprises themselves prudent investment, guard against financial problems
strand breaks

and hope can be proud of the cause

The effect of the game is still pretty good, especially the synchronous part, can be said beyond my expectations; hope wap Chang connection Nenggou early buttoned to see wap network speed under what; staff can configure the recent Qi, and be good news, hope the project can continue to proceed so smoothly; Love Field has been frustrated, and hope can be proud of the cause, encourage each one


from my life

Disappeared from my line of sight, from my life, from my world. . . My heart is about to disappear from.
So be it, the air, eyes, or even spit out the smoke, all full of attachment; look at the road traveled together, passing people, who have had lost something; who want to have now to achieve, but do not know when will lose again. After a series of lost, so I know the treasure, albeit short-lived. Give you the best, at least I can do, I became afraid to promise to do those ridiculous dream; dream is best not to wake up, wake up, do not do, seriously to face life, try to to accept the reality; the face of an increasingly grim reality that no one can change, at least for now;
disappear like dust from entering the fog, the boat sank in the sea, no longer there, no need to look , lost the only treasure.


and cried

Four ideal life: 1, tile affixed to the Great Wall. 2, to equator bordered Phnom Penh. 3, the placement of railings to the Pacific. 4, fitted to the Mount Everest four small elevator

ideal life: 1, to fly gloves. 2, mosquito wear a mask. 3, shackled to the rats. 4, through education, cockroaches wear condoms.

four pigs ideal: around railings are rotting away, the sky one after another under the feed, the world butchers have died, the people believe in Islam.

four ideal man: heaven have dropped notes, and the world are dead male beauty, beauty brains are broken, and cried, I cried bubble.

four ideal woman: man head capsule is broken, send me money every day. I would also like to line up any challenge that he has not old!

China's four ideal: the end state into the WTO, the United States no longer sing a different tune. Japan has been blown up, Taiwan returned to my arms!

0594184 is the life you and I a few I 584 520 220 225 Aye Aye Aye Aye I swear you I love you

Miss you love language
360 775 885 520 I love you?? Me hold my 530 I want you

732016 this life? you one 5201314 me? your life, 59420 I am? your whole life
25184 1314 1573 fond love of my life I love you, 1920, 3456 Acacia permanently useless
70? you hold you kiss you 8050 9950 04 551 kiss you long time you are my only
259695? I know I 584 520 I? swear I? you I affectionately still 510 170 53 719 I will marry you
25184 51020 I still love my life I love you 52406 want to die you can do about 53 719 I affectionately still
53880 20999 I want to hug you? you a long time for a long time 70 345 74 839 In fact, you believe that I loved was happy not want to go
82475 246 437 584 520 love is so amazing I swear I love you 0564335 I think you are bored
827474 3344520 happiness is life after life I loved? you 591,025 as long as you love me I will love you for a lifetime 1,392,010 people

456 7998 my friends go for a walk I want to kiss you right 53 770

0594184 is the life you and I a few I 584 520 220 225 Aye Aye Aye Aye I swear you I love you

246437 1314925 lifetime love is so amazing I would love is love I miss you 594 230

360 miss you love you a thousand years 1372 2010000 wishful thinking

259695 love I know you go 74 839 078 In fact, I want to walk

20999 love you long time I do not mind a long time 5871 is well loved 82 475

775885 kiss me hold me angry 3,307,778 08,376 you do not want you to go for a blow

095 8006 to ignore you find me you love me that this life 25 873

20863 love you long long time coming 1573 fond of Health 3399

234 Ai Xiangsui 20 863 3456 love you come Acacia Health useless

35925 like I love my 1799, I would like to talk with the walk 5366

246 starving 918 Keep up the good life with you 8013

04551 51396 You are my only I want to sleep 0487 You are an idiot

995 help me 5203344587 I love you 88 lifetimes worship the same heart

748 Death to angry 3,030,335 537 I think you think you think of me

520 53 880 I love you I want to hold you I love you for life 5201314


hug you kiss your life, I love you

886 740 mad pray you ignore me you 08056 3456 Acacia useless

0837 5196 Do not get angry I will leave you angry 5646 0376 bored to death
3166 Japanese, you go to hell Goodbye 0748 246 5871 I do not mind if starve to death

unable to counter.

Is not all we need are there at the right time.
Sometimes can only choose to stay feel necessary.
Otherwise miss.
Just feel the need.
Even if the wrong .
do not think that the wrong on it.
will be such a self-comfort.
also some people even if the wrong.
will not feel regret.
most people understand their not his own time.
only blame their own people do not understand.
and not think about is their own choice without the.
will be sad all the original wrong.
the wrong choice the.
missed the going back.
one are wrong.
want more and still be wrong.
when their own world.
say they are wrong time.
was not much to say.
unable to counter.
best of totally cut down trees that flourish.
with all the deep on the ground floor should be cleaned.
But I always said the right.
can not fully implemented.
be afraid of the first step out of line.
will have problems.
and then retracted it the first step.
I How can it own salvation.


the real life can be with him who had.

To all the friends both married and unmarried

This is a good article article.
If you no time to savor
also when you have time to settle down in his heart,
intention of watching.

good article really is not much ... ...

single, it is often not an aristocrat. Single may be more free,
but there is also a synonym for freedom, called loneliness. Because when people are not like a person alone;
sometimes good things to share with people, sometimes sad need for comfort. Single noble causes because
economic independence, the independence of personality and emotional independence. What is independence?
independence is necessary but not dependent,
an independent people who need the opposite sex, instead of relying on the opposite sex.

do lover, she should first friend. After she became your friend, appears in your life,
be possible to know you, know you, know your strengths
and you feel good, further development of the emotional,
become lovers, object. The color of the world, not just white and black,
between black and white still has a long gray area. As long as we live, can find each other's strengths to produce a good impression,

This is the natural process of emotional development.

』『 love at first sight and the feelings 』『 single-mindedness is not realistic,
we need is not that unrealistic and illusory feelings. Been described with different contacts, as if picking up rocks in the sea, we will pick up like that one. Once you picked a favorite stone, have decided to take home,
treat it well, because that is your only stones.
and to remember that since then not to go to a beach.

always believe,
I have found the biggest, most beautiful and for me that one.

contacts with different important than how good he was,
but he how good you are. If a person in very good condition, with 100 points,
but this by, he is just to give you 34 or 12 very;
the contrary, another person may be only seven or eight very,
but he is dedicated to treat you, then you should choose that one?
In fact, the conditions for everyone are the same.
no matter how good you are also better than you.
Although you can not do a best man 『』,
But you can do on the other side a better person 『』. Each boy can say:
『Although I am not the world's best men, but I was the world's best men you』. In turn, is the same girl, this is everyone can.
feelings most important thing is that he's good for you,
rather than how good his own.

But if there is a man himself has been very good,
is sincerely for you, really love you,
then you can really put life entrusted to him.
women now consider the only condition of marriage,
should be that you love him, he love your,
is not sincere to you,
with him would not have pressure, will not be happy,
rather than what he has!

world of true love is hard to come by. In human life,
hard to find a
you really love, the real life can be with him who had.
If you are afraid to express,
or afraid of what would,
missed only one true love life may be,
then pity,
they must be take the initiative to say what the heart.

if a boy because of his girls to take the initiative and look down on her,
then the boys are not boys, but the beasts. What's more, face important than happiness,
face the moment if you can sacrifice in exchange for a lifetime of happiness,
is very worthwhile, courageous to say what heart,
do not hide their true.

do not say that Fate has not, in fact, everywhere fate,
but it is fleeting, if not to grasp 『Fate,
it were not『 』up. Most of the women is the emphasis on spiritual feelings,
men indulge in substance. In addition to obliging boys girls outside,
girls should learn to responsibly,
to all the world will be obliging of girls,
all used to a girl.

fortitude and righteous and can not discuss girls favor,
so to learn to sweet talk girls talk about things more.
men for sex and love;
women, for the love of.

keeping up a relaxed, enjoyable feeling vulnerable long! A difficult and painful to maintain up hard feelings long,

this time should have a choice. We are all mortal,
to the ordinary and well-being and happiness of love. All the feelings, the result of the process far more important. Why?
because all feelings are not the results.
What is the result? Married?
live happily after marriage the day it?
shows that we do not judge the results of the feelings of the value of its feelings,
nor the length of time on the set of its value.
in terms of feelings, whatever happened in there,
all existed in something of value. The feelings of every section of the world, every minute, every second
are worth cherishing. Marriage is a life where the biggest gamble. In this infinite time,
we have to show each other the most ugly side to the other side to see.

marriage and love is different:
love to spend two hours dressing themselves,
Energetic attentions to each other, caring, easy task. But the marriage can not always maintain the high-pitched state. Therefore, marriage is a big bet,
the need for well prepared, well-planned, full of letters,
and then gave it a charge, even if it is still likely to lose . So if the bet before, you know
not willingly, not love him, do not say to him through life,
that such a bet is doomed to lose.

Do not
for any reason other than love marriage.
feelings valuable is not what can be obtained from the other side,
be dependent on the one hand is being felt need.
was dependent on me, need me,
I will be satisfied.

the face of feelings, we are not to be taken are the three policies: the first is not anxious: Do not rush to get married. Although marriage is
very beautiful things, but not to worry,
that is you is you. The second is fear: Do not be afraid to pay.
each other a lifetime effort required to maintain the good feelings. 』『 You can not get a good feeling,
you can only find one of your loved one,
to work together, create, complete a good feeling.
If you're not determined to make a man, you're not a good woman.

not a bad man in the world would be a good woman,
bad men will only have the poor woman; the same, no one would be a good man bad woman. Moreover, there is a feeling in
with us to work together who want to do it well. Success of this partnership is a great opportunity,
key is are you willing to pay it.

third is not to give up. When you hit me, frustration, hurt,
when you feel disheartened, disappointed when,
a man unconditionally, and always on your side,
support you, encourage you, comfort you,
allows you to stand up and face the world.
this force is then the parents can not give us the pro's,
is another good friend does not give us,
only in the journey of life found in the beloved companion,
only can give us.
fact, love is life's only truly valuable;
the only real thing worth pursuing. As long as you have a loved one,
you have a driving force,
you can face the world.

you do not leave after the caterpillars scare me

Son-year-old, mischievous best at. Glass in the school play about students pants off other people, went to Ladies pee ... never a time when no corpuscles.

noon today, he suddenly came back from school, not noisy. A man went to a quiet room, quiet. So good to see him, I suddenly became angry in his head. Decided to take a closer look, the result made his first love.

I called my wife out to eat with his son, and then I turned for a long time. Stationery finally found a note inside. Which reads as follows:

He Wenli, hello, like to play my little report, how can you so damn ah. (Son of handwriting)

I was squad leader, I do not care teacher to criticize me, you will not be good about it? (Female squad leader)

son: If I like you, you hit my little report? (Mine...)

He Wenli: It depends I like do not like you, ah (I re-Ray...)

son: do not you like me? My dad said I smarter than everybody else does. (This is Hell, a good direct! Then I catch hell when all turned the corner 18. I remember only said that he annoying ah ...)

He Wenli: I will not tell you. (Are girls born with a warm welcome the ability to ...)

son: I'll help you catch a butterfly,of people, you tell me any better? (Inducements ah! This kid ...)

He Wenli: No, I want two. I just tell you. (Hurry, homeopathic Prefix)

son: Well, you tell me, you like me? (...)

He Wenli: a bit like, I like to play with you, you do not leave after the caterpillars scare me?

son: I do not scare you, I am scared Li Qiqi. You do not like who I help you scare him. (The roots of troubles...)

He Wenli: Kiki is my good friend, do not scare him ah.

son: Well, I do not threaten her. We play with modeling clay class with you?

He Wenli: Do not, dirty clothes, my mother will scold me. I want you to help me butterfly ()

son: You called me a \(Ray, estimated that he heard his mother sent me this term ...)

He Wenli: My mother told my father it was so? You're not my father. Why should I cry ah? (... 天下乌鸦一般黑)

son: my mother said, like people called \(This is how to teach his son Xiao Nizi...)

He Wenli: that you first called me, I then told you gave you?

son: Who does not ask who is the pig plus puppy please?

He Wenli: Good.

son: My dear He Wenli.

He Wenli: Dear Jiang Lei.

no more tears.

Singer: Zhang Yuhua Album: Forgive
forgive you take away the rain,

suddenly wake up in the night,
I finally found
no more tears.

forgive taken away forever by you,

is eventually going to come tomorrow,

pain a little better over time.

those days you would not want to?

miss just off the door is not tight,

dust in the air with happiness,

Otherwise, why close your eyes when

then everyone not to mention the pain ......

leave me avoid a hiding ......

your promise! I Jingmei doubted!

back and forth .....

either the original tender

, after all, I love people, I can blame you what!!

forgive you take away the rainy days,light has left the temple grounds.,

gradually blurred in the window

each person must ultimately say goodbye!

forgive taken away forever by you,

easy smile, one day,

perhaps I have a little old

those days you would not want to?

miss just off the door is not tight,

dust in the air with happiness,

Otherwise, why close your eyes, when

they all thought of

everyone not to mention ......

leave me avoid a hiding ......

your promise! I did not even suspect that too!

back and forth .....

either loved had Shenshen Shen

I tried to hate you! but think of your smile!

forgive you take away the rain,

suddenly wake up in the night,
I finally found
no more tears.

forgive taken away forever by you,

is eventually going to come tomorrow,

pain a little better over time.

forgive you take away the rain,

gradually blurred in the window

each person must ultimately say goodbye!

forgive taken away forever by you,

easy smile, one day,

perhaps I have a little old

first heard Teardrop

Recently reviewed the next Massive Attack
first heard Teardrop
in the summer of 2002 on a fascinated by the dark magic of its melody
heartbeat-like rhythm and enthusiasm and reserved the ethereal voice Ruoyouruowu.

mood at the time the song has been since then has become my favorite song
this day remains the same ...

as a love song from
also fell in love with this band Massive Attack.
found them all to listen to the album repeatedly

later noted that the first black milk
Elizbeth Frazer singing more personal style
reminds me of that first chorus she and Faye Wong's song Serpentskirt

with simple melodies and enchanting voice of the main line
actually more highlights dark and repressed desire MA soul freedom compared manic mood

Massive Attack's 2003 \u soul sings
disturbed by the kind of sharp astringent and the pursuit of the ultimate blossoming tangle
perhaps similar to the
; what u soul sings
not as heavy
earlier still continue with MA has always suppressed the pain, dark mood

Massive Attack, a great name, there was music to their second complete revolution, to Trip-hop kind of music style popular in the world. Teardrop may be their most famous song from Massive Attack album, released in 1998,really sorry, \Beginning of the soothing rhythm of the breath brings rainy days, Fraser's voice was like the sun cracks through the clouds flickering, the kind of warmth and elegance irresistible. MASSIVE ATTACK and quite a number of singers for. ELIZABETH FRASER guest appear on their album \sadness. Some people say that the awareness of literary genres like the lyrics work, no fixed structure, just as Trip-hop music as uncertain elusive.

and also to directly linked to the health of pets

QQ baby to make more healthy heart flies faster, we also spend a little more thought, often to her feeding, often with her play, let's look at a few baby's Tips QQ feeding it!

1. Q pet growth rate of the top

How to Get Your Pet Baby Q looks fast than others? ! We have to look at the unique skills, Q-line pet baby's growth with the value of the length and mood, if you feel the value of Q-time pet baby is \the fastest.

2. Q mood of happy pet limit

how to make your precious pet is always Q \! Is very simple, the mood value pet drop once every hour, and also to directly linked to the health of pets, as long as you have to tease each hour about your little baby, little bit of his body parts, while maintaining his health, Your baby will have been \

3. Q pet health Sunflower Collection

Q hungry baby it, I do not cares. Q baby itch it, and I did not put through. Q baby it was sick, I can not care. Trouble ah really sick, but also let it see a doctor to take medicine. Not give that \

Q hungry and itching when the baby most at risk. So long as hunger in the Q when the baby that once fed, Q baby when it itch immediately give it a bath, it will rarely get sick.

4. Q smart pet feeding of double

If your baby has any of the conditions, you can double-click the Q baby's body, pop-up dialog box there will be rapid feeding intelligence tips, just follow the prompts to deal with, your baby will grow too vain Q Also fat another! Under normal conditions, double-click the Q baby's body, it can be sent directly to your pet Hyun any friends of the.

5. Q pet hiding outside strokes strokes

small icon menu using the \But you have not tried another move to \Drag the little guy to the screen on the right, make it part of the range beyond the desktop, small guys, \

6. Q amused by the free-falling pet

Q pets eat sleep, sleep and eat, it also activities activities. Is it that the mouse cursor, hold down the left mouse button will not loose, not to drag the small guy was carry her up, haha, it does not know how it is. Where it Lindao high release left mouse button, it shows a \When going to the ground, it a flip,raving like he said, they stand firm, and martial arts not bad ah. If it drop when the window fell on top of, oh more interesting.

7. Q amused by the pet mouse command

you do not know your pet mouse actions can command Q it, do not believe if you click on your pet baby's left hand look at Q, and then click on the left to see Q Baby, baby you will see both Q Oh, listen to your command, click on different parts of the body Q baby has a different response, your experience more fun.

8. Q Huangdian pet amused for baby

see it dull, scare it. The mouse on it dangling, small guy for a while to grab your mouse, while they were scared of Jifeigoutiao mouse, is not it Fun?

9. Q to find the ultimate pet hide

little guy was not careful to drag outside the screen, can not see, how do? Do not worry, as long as the double-click a small icon in the lower right corner pet Q, Q pet will return to your desktop.

In addition to the sting of my favorite bloody darkness

Like the taste of death with a bloody taste
that prickly, but I'm afraid I burst into tears after the death of ugly
so close to death the courage to edge

In addition to the sting of my favorite bloody darkness
hide in the dark all my vulnerability and grief
hold of his soul until the knee so ethereal beauty
a vice Let me obsessed

always think of me and you do not finish the ending did not finish the journey
that it no longer exports
my heart ache like a falling kite
no one with me Bright went into

miss the pain of a step by step into the death of my
I struggled just to see you one last stumbling gait
heavy and contaminated blood
death very nice sound closer to the end of

love when the meteor crashed
when you leave in the snow was
the end of my love for you to stop breathing in my chest when
The flowers bloom for you my love stop

world without you a world of barren
not light a good fuzzy
the abandoned my world,When you love someone, what else can I care about
no occasion did not cherish

hell with pain into the hell is the original dark
the red dyed my hair and tears I sang
continue to enjoy the solitude

in hell, the former mirror I saw our love
that cursed fairy tale existence
cursed cursed cursed the future fate
original so great and the world did not end my world I was destined
hell heaven just a bloody memorial lonely soul

then there is no way to talk about

Miss a person is not seen her for a long time, it often appears that street she passed, and finally one day came across her, eyes full of joy obviously, but pretending to be plain and said: \live here ah? \
miss a person is walking in the road previously traveled together to places previously visited with his eyes to see not now, but in the past.
miss someone is to think that she has sung, or ever heard a song together, deliberately downloaded to MP3, each listening to a song to evoke a memory of her.
miss a person, that is, no matter when something natural to think: this time he do? Frequently concerned about the phone calls and information. Dial this number down, or edit a large section of the text has changed, finally issued in the past, only the hint of one: you okay?
miss a person is not seen her, though there are many words to say to her, until she really saw, swindlers, then there is no way to talk about, to face her faint smile enough.
miss someone is to have them not think, she was gone I suddenly felt very empty inside change, there is a heavy loss, as if in a particular inadvertently lost a very important thing.
miss a person is unable to sleep at night over and over again,HOT myth SES Fly to the sky, I do not know in Sishuifeishui in her dream, or really think of her? Happy to see him during the day, at night for her insomnia ````````````< br> miss a person, that is, could not say \hundreds of false statements to cover up the inner sentence, or desperate to give him the illusion of cause is a joke.
miss a person is very hard to think of her looks, but her mind is just to capture a certain demeanor, and occasionally a brief moment of expression, he always can not remember all the way full. So very depressing to think: who happens to remember to remember, how memory is so bad ah? Have comforted themselves: think of the depths of oblivion!
miss someone is to learn to forget, and then really start to forget. Then one day came across her, to find that the so-called forgotten, but is usually put her on the bottom of my heart the deepest iceberg.
miss a person, in fact, a kind of nothing to do with her thoughts about feelings. Miss a person, that is, writing this text, while writing that while the people in the heart wants to miss it again.

sleep eating ↑

↑ ,but Ji I could lose these courage

eat up watching television ↑
sleep eating ↑

dinner ↑ ↑
sleep →

and I have been away too far between.

I was too clever.
Premonition was accurate too.
Knew you did not say a lot.
? Also said nothing.
Finally everything can not tell.
I asked ? did not answer.
can not hide too much to accept.
bad for me.
not afford to wait a month does not say.
just disappear.
the difference early and late. < br> I do not keep up a little.
? a little bit of speed walking.
? and I have been away too far between.
across too many do not know.
not say what you say to?
What I do not want to say.
I always want to change?.
but we can change their own.
has been brought to you injury.
the only way to hurt the kill.
the end,after so many years after the liberation of the \, one will not hurt themselves.
this reason I should've understood.

You are

Wedding: May 31 Sunday
do not know why choose the Dragon Boat Festival holiday for 3 days, 31 to 30
only heard 31 was a good day
face the trivial way of doing things that have no idea
others say: the first experience is not the first time such a

she was virtuous and very considerate

already inherently lazy more lazy fat fatter
dear The rest assured! Pure menfolk child said in the parents will not be easy to do


father mother have in the past after all that would be very good very good very good very good

Qiangqiang bring it permits the juju to hold pregnant Rolls-Royce had a birthday
son has gone through 27 years piapia of the

hui agreed
from Wuhan to Guangzhou,B looked at the answer, Dan said that from Cong said you came
I have to fly in the sky over the past
to thank my friends who also wish you happiness

decided not to play a dangerous car
play SLR photography in theory it should be However, compared with grade
SLR also burn 20 000 +1 10 000 +1 10 000 + ... Come Come talk about it later tonight

sleep but she slept very fragrant
received today to SMS:
Dan-Dan? Do not know!
really do not know?
really do not know!
SMS back: You are?
Liuxu Dan Wuhan male students
o my god!
little girl like quite a lot!

If you agree with me that you can to all your friends and let them know how much we care about them.

first thought is you.
What does fate do? Love at first sight? Great friends Xiangxi? Nothing exciting? Soon fell in love? I think the only real effort of the people, to encounter a good fate. Would like to thank you ......
three first, thank you for allowing me into your life, as your friend, maybe I'm not your best, But I always try to do the second best, thank you for your willingness to enter my life, playing the role of a friend, perhaps you are not the only the best, but it is the most exciting in my life the third, Thank you for coming this way,fresh vegetables into delicious, a lot of tolerance, comfort, care and diligence, all the profound to me in your memories. When the dead of night, you will think of who? I will think of and all you strangers will remember occurred bit by bit, until we got older, it can as it is now sitting in front of computer nothing to fall back voice, I think that time, we have been too old not typing the right, no matter what, we will always be relatively sincere friend
If you agree with me that you can to all your friends and let them know how much we care about them.


Four Seasons brand name

Assay can fire, a woman can test gold, men can use women tested.
men want to have money, and no one affinity.
when men meet women, from only the Day, not Independence Day.
optimistic about the future to be seen more on the people to be seen more pessimistic.
between family members, talking about money hurt feelings; lovers, talk about hurt feelings on the money.
we generate a little disagreement: She wanted me to dung into gold, I hope that she, as the gold as dirt!
then do not go to college life suffer from poverty, and now is on the university soon be poor.
in the past: first-class students to go abroad, second-class Graduate Entrance Test, third-rate student employment.
now: first-class student employment, second-rate students to go abroad, third-Graduate Entrance
customer is not king, the customer is fooled.
run into a group of hooligans in line is not terrible, terrible is run into a bunch of rogue software.
children to toys as a friend, adult toy to your friend.
real name used, said the reality lies the network using a pseudonym to tell the truth.
joke can not hurt the enemy but it can hurt friends.
poor, the wife and secretary; money when the secretary and his wife.
rich people afraid of other people to know he was very rich, the poor to be afraid of other people know that he had no money.
then rich people are worried about money.
I'm alive, because we will die long, long time. Do not believe in love at first sight
, because you can not see each other at a glance how much money.
we seem to have entered a love that only come up with money to prove that age.
you (male) long so handsome, so people will look down upon you. Always big tree attracts the wind, the National People's Congress to prevent deception of the total
saying the words out before you are the owner, said that out later if you became a slave.
life is painful, more painful than imagined; life is happy, happy even than expected.
a diploma, two languages (fluent in English), three hall,do not expect them to have any studies on., Four Seasons brand name, handsome, 66 (-yo) generous, 7000 salary, the eight-Ling
Long, 9 (wine) smoke non-stick, very honest. Shanghai girls spouse quotations
higher than high salaries, high salaries as longevity, longevity as happy.
steal a person's idea is plagiarism, to steal a lot of people's idea is to study.
age, he must be older than me, even if only big day; figure he must be taller than me, even if only one centimeter high; ability he must be stronger than me, even if only one point
earn money. Guangzhou, a 38-year-old unmarried female white-collar workers said.
speak words of Northeast farmers, intellectuals speak the Shanghai dialect, Cantonese is the fat cat speaking. User Comments sketch characters appearance rules.
explanation is unnecessary enemies sometimes do not believe your explanation, your friends will not be explained.
good thing people always want to dry point spirits know that children always think bad things dry point spirits do not know, we are too embarrassed to ghosts.
the face of beauty, we are restless
we have only three-dimensional graphical figure
aliens come from? Of course, come from the fucking stomach.
blog ring is to spit the saliva contains similar elements gathered in a circle where people spit.
ad is to tell people he's paying the money so to spend.
open but it is your car, your tires always burst.
customer service is so lenient to refuse you service.
attitude towards intellectuals, marking the level of civilization of a nation; attitude towards the workers and peasants, is to question the conscience of this nation.
What a strange thing to embrace, clearly depend on so close, but not see each other's face.
A life is nothing more than to let others laugh, sometimes people laugh.
love to drink the poisoned wine had a smile!
not I do not care, but I mean to.
women like men with a sense of security; men are often attracted insecure woman.
Love is not a haven to go in a buffer, will be driven out.
former girlfriend if it were natural, and after his girlfriend is like adoption.
other people's way, no way out for others!
knew the time had to rush, life is living in regrets.
prices higher and higher, so fewer and fewer good men ... ...
early bird catches the worm, Early Riser, eaten by birds!
mice never a waste of time at night, while we humans are a waste of a third
day God created man to make him lonely, but the woman is to make it more lonely.
not eat a woman in this world and perhaps several, not jealous of the woman not even a no.
hear Jun's words, the provincial book I am 10!
if not obscene, we are mainstream!
enemies or friends and, the more secure the less.
forest so much ~ I could not find hanging in a tree!
play the fool this, if the dry well, called knowing too. Stiff matter, if the dry well, called deep.
There are many ways to destroy friendship, the most radical one is to borrow money.
half of the world is a stupid book written stupid some people are destined to see the
is waiting for someone else, some people are doomed to be so.
animals even for the slightest compassion, and I do not, so I am not an animal.
sleep is an art no one can stop my pursuit of artistic footsteps!
adviser Kung Xianglinsao bodyguard Ah Q housekeeper in behind me
iron rice bowl is not the true meaning of life in a place to eat rice, but a life where to have food to eat.
service refuses to accept one day. If the day's arrangements, I suffer, if people trample, I protest.
beauty can only use Laipian men, smart can be used to deceive the world.
limited ass concentrating photograph of a person's ass.
cow like me who are looking for personal admiration for them, when I went to look in the mirror.
to the smart people are not technology can be applied, the fools want to come out of nothing, certainly the most useful!

Horizon paint

58 平方米 - SOHU breed of cool comfort zone
Fortune Room Archive -
floor area: 53 square meters
Unit Features: One Bedroom One bathroom
decoration style: simple < br> Resident Population: Young soho couple
Project Cost: 3 million (excluding the main material)
Project duration: 2 months
main decoration materials: wall: true stone wallpaper
; ground: uranium metal tiles, flooring Stone Sculpture, Wood Flooring
Top: waterproof gypsum board
SOHO breed of cool comfort zone
This unique case is a young soho to design: the man of the house is a video production expert, likes Transformers collection, Limited Edition Coca-Cola bottles, as well as various film posters, or an electronic music enthusiast and DJ; hostess in animation design, Manqiang dolls are her favorite.
owners in the room for such considerations, the designer is faced with a house in the old building in 1897, not much smaller than the owners. Therefore, the re-division of space is required:
First of all, designers focus on the transformation of leisure and work areas,This article is reproduced from, the need to meet the needs of both owners work from home. On this basis, it can weaken the dining area, because the owners at home cooking and eating a low frequency. Finally, the designer should also help the owners take extended bathroom comfort and convenience.
in the interior, the designers used more black and white, do the tone for the entire house: restaurant black metal glazed tiles, and a black imitation of the living room floor plate of the Stone Sculpture, and all walls are white true stone used to make the original black and white contrast strongly with the rich in visual changes.
taking into account the practicality of the case, with the overall color, the designer used the color red as a decorative appearance to the cold space of germination vigor. White furniture and white walls blend, which was originally a small space due to appear neat and spacious.
classic bedroom window grilles wallpaper choices, the overall premise of a unified style, \The living room and bedroom of the revolving door, an increase of the space interesting.
choice in furniture, designers have chosen simple Scandinavian style, fashion more in line with the owners, the modern needs.

45 square - the exclusive jewelry designer space

Fortune Room Archive -
floor area: 45 square meters
Unit features: zero home
decoration style: Mediterranean style
resident population: female jewelry designer
Project Cost: 8 million (including primary materials, furniture, soft loading)
Project duration: 50 days
main decoration materials: wall: stone mosaic, tiles, curved willow brush-
Ground: Retro Top Hand block
: latex paint, wooden beams

exclusive jewelry designer space
this area's small apartment with only 45 square meters, is one of the girls involved in jewelry design - Dandan. The full exchange with the designer, when she eventually set the style theme of space bright and comfortable Mediterranean style. (Figure 1) Due to the busy, Dandan \
words Having said that, but the designer is, there are not slacking off, in full knowledge of the needs of the Dandan after the set up for this small space a few general design guidelines:
1, as the house itself is not large, functional area and both are essential. Designers did not do a rigid separation of space, but to give all partitions are harmonious \White space for visual experience, to make room for even more spacious, while the local Chromic processing functions to partition the space more clearly, but also the visual experience more rich and delicate; (Figure 3)
3, to make room for more was soft and comfortable, a lot of local designers using the design curve. These have been witnessed in the soft curves, more demand and use of the identity of the hostess; (Figure 4)
designer's 3:00 in the overall planning, Dandan like a sophisticated home theater pieces, each corner Through designers and owners on the common and well furnished with. Dandan's home space not much, but also a lot of scenery. View the venue and change the settings, people are not that small a space.
core of the whole space is a sofa and also cater to the workplace, bookcases, entertainment for the whole of the platform. Designers in particular have done an elevated design, make this area even more important. (Figure 5, Figure 6)
In addition, the designer to separate the functional area, to retain a certain degree of privacy, which set a lot of space and Shalian curtain. Ethereal fabric products are not only separated from each functional area, but also to the space added to the many women's gentle breath. (Figure 7)
Lastly, due Dandan do not like to waste free time watching television, so designers did not specifically designed to common TV backdrop, etc., just hanging space in a corner of a small LCD TV.

43 square meters - two in the world because of unique and wonderful

Fortune Room Archive -
floor area: 43 square meters
Unit Features: Zero Home < br> Decorative Style: Modernism
resident population: couples financial workers
Project Cost: 5 million (excluding appliances) ;
Duration: 2 months
main decoration materials: wall: clay tiles
floor: laminate flooring, tiles
Top: Paint
two world: the owners because of the unique and wonderful
Mimi and small stink completely subvert our understanding of family, their little house purely for the young couple set up their own life. Hospitality, without considering all stay behind closed doors is pure self-space. In their own words is: two in the world, only two considerations. Under this demand designer to the two owners to build a belongs to them space for two people. (Figure 1,2,3,4)

privacy can be hidden bathroom
mistress Mimi is like a bath, like every day to replace the bath according to the different mood salt level. Bath time is not like a day has not been completed, a discharge can not afford to always be weary, mood light and agile it up. The chamber had only a small 3 square meters bathroom, just enough security showers. Time to build this house, the first element is to meet the requirements of Mimi a bath every day.
bathroom larger, more comfortable, when in the bath can not affect another hole in the bath, the original bathroom space definitely needs to be expanded. Young couple and designers together to toilet flushing Wei, shower, wash the three functions split into three separate space within the existing small bathroom shrink again, to become Guardian of the separate toilet; sink to the fashionable external mode, the mirror and skin care products are not vapor infiltration; shower and bath together within a space, fully guaranteed pure comfort each function.
two world regardless of shelter, why not choose an open bathroom then? Young couple at this point Daoshi agree: good-looking is good looking, and avant garde avant-garde enough, is not convenient enough health, especially for bath home has a madman is more realistic. So the expense of a small space with glass Wei Dang, Roman tub Department translucent curtains to be received can be put more in order to add interest, not private consideration. (Figure 5,6,7)

possession of possession of property space greatly
small house to achieve the bedroom, study, bath, kitchen, studio, audio-visual recreation and many other features, but also Otherwise was chaos, how to make maximum use of space makes it a very tough job faced admission. In addition to using TV theme wall storage cabinets, the Mimi also opened two other good place.
one in the bathroom and sink in the middle, using a similar sealed space corridor plus the door width of one meter to place seasonal clothing and shoes, wardrobe is a full-length mirror opposite. Small cloakroom and bathroom are separated between the glass door, will not let moisture through. The second is to use their own place to place mattresses. To save space they did not use beds, but the tatami with a similar 40-cm high single-stage approach set mattresses, slabs were \can pull out a large drawer, put the book, debris, DVD, or small snacks to take place are very convenient.
addition to admission, the couple also opened up a five-bed above the display niche is that they gather to display the seal stones, all of them are hiding the baby. (Figure 8)
a Shalian separate entertainment and leisure area, change the theme of TV theme wall cabinets, to become the largest home storage space. Sofa arm next to the place that is incorporated.

private details of your family home of Mimi
40 cm high platform bed, in bed by the window side of the desk set up a long article, put a cushion on the stage can very comfortably online. The other side of the bed desk audience, get on a normal high chair can be comfortable just writing on the desk. When first saw this design really can not but wow, not only save space, but also allows the owner with your favorite position to use. (Figure 9)
the details of this small house everywhere. The left hand side of a door with a piece of the wall of partition, normally in close up, Fengdao express sign, put the umbrella on rainy days when such needs can be put down at any time. The hostess also like to receive drop-top look of vegetables, prepared meals as a temporary station. Mimi had a high priority in the next leg of bar chair, a drink seems to occasionally almost midnight their is also a good place.
bathroom glass Wei Dang, the edges sharp four-square unobtrusive. Mimi along the edge of the board made a corner with the little tables, medium-intensity just enough to eat with the usual two. Every time that the hostess is always very proud of this design. (Figure 10)
the range hood is also proud of her choice. Mimi home alone in the kitchen, not easy to clean ceramic tile installation, wood floor is paved in a cotton blanket to separate the dirt; usually occasionally Luliang Shou, she selected powerful suction hood to put to great use, Basic can be done without leakage effects. Although a bit expensive, but believe the love of cooking in vegetable oil do not want another taste of sleep, this is indeed a simple selection method.

private sheltered have fun
Mimi family to the house was rectangular, only one large window to light. An entry door will directly see are on the windows, open space and recreation areas are also at a glance. Although two people can not pay attention to cover to avoid, but also a bit too few beauty straight to the point.
position on the sofa next to the platform to increase a column into two of them to create a winding path in the home atmosphere of a magic weapon. It not only segment of the leisure and recreation area, the shape is flat shelf to put into another exhibition space; with these columns, Founder of the small houses also level, leaving separate yarn rest and recreation areas With the extension of relying on screens.

29 平方米 old clever little space to do a new post

Fortune Room Archive -
floor area: 29 square meters
Unit features: old renovation
decoration style: Southeast Asian
resident population: young couple
project cost: 16,000 yuan < br> Project duration: 2 months
main decoration materials: wall: wall paint
ground: Slate
Top: paint

clever old small space to do a new post
Currently, many young people ready to get married because of the high price of commercial housing, are pouring into a relatively cheap second-hand housing. However, because the older buildings, many second-hand Unit only very small room, but the layout is very unreasonable.
this set of cases is a very obvious example: comprising an area of only 29 square meters, and in addition to the bathroom wall, the whole structure will not change for the load-bearing walls.
The house's new owner, is a pair of newlyweds, this house also as a newlywed marriage room. The use of the requirements to meet the basic functions, the owner also hopes to use the fitting expression to the \
the use of small size, designers and owners of the full exchange, the first consideration is how the layout of the pattern space. The overall design idea is that as far as possible between each functional area can be another \First of all, destroyed the original designer of a door into the entrance doors with window and the window wall, and use by the window part of the load-bearing walls and beams above has resulted in an arc dumb, so restaurant and living room while maintaining transparent, increasing the restaurant space, lighting and overall permeability; (Figure 3)
Second, get rid of the original designers removed the balcony door with windows, the balcony area of effective use of them become interior space an integral part of, with a wood preservative for outdoor use, made of a space station to distinguish the small lounge area; (Figure 4)
third, between the living room and bedroom, designers arranged for a semi-transparent partition, is used to distinguish the functions of the living room and bedroom area, but also ensure that the bedroom has a certain enjoy privacy; (Figure 5)
in a small space among residential interior design , storage space is essential and the most difficult arrangements. Designers to make full use of space, let the more tidy little space on in the bedroom, living room and the restaurant side, the overall planning out a huge lockers, to meet the storage needs of the owners. (Figure 6) side of the wardrobe designer also used to make a small panel furniture work area, outside the closet door with the same sliding doors. The owners do not use desks could be postponed when the sliding door closed, hide work area, make the room neat and clean. (Figure 7)
a lot of people think, small space need not make an issue of style, designer: the space is not enough, the place where to reflect the style?
fact, the idea is not so, designers in the handling of this Unit, the combination of the requirements of owners, clever style of some Southeast Asian decorative elements, the perfect melt into the small apartment: the widespread use of teak color to space it is very comfortable and unique, local plant wallpaper also add much color to the space

37 square meters of wonderful

Fortune Room Archive -
floor area: 37 square meters
Unit features: small room
decoration style: Southeast Asian style
resident population: single women
Project Cost: 20,000 (not with the main material)
Project duration: 50 days
main decoration materials: wall: wall paint
the ground: floor tiles
Top: Top paint
37 square meters of wonderful

in a space of only 37 square meters, it is necessary to meet the owner of all the application requirements, but also placed her in Thailand under the accumulation of life left: bed, Trojans, ... ... the most important statues, but also have very outstanding decorative effect. These three requirements to the designers did a lot of pressure. After full communication, the designer of this small space to do the following changes:
37 square meters small space to give consideration to the use of multi-host life and meet the owner (Miss Wong) bit of personality and dream of a home, indeed the idea of moving the design of secondary brain, transformation from the spatial arrangement of the earliest to the later style with color and furniture. Ms. Huang
home design and previous design process is different. can be called a combination of conventional and reverse, in which the reverse is the same for homeowners living in Thailand, part of the accumulation of bed, Trojans, Buddha ... ... all rooms Among the main hope to take full advantage of the design and distribution to meet with jewelry, which as a designer is concerned, I have to reverse trans thinking, what kind of space and style, tone, environment is the most appropriate.
this big hue and style has its present orientation.
Secondly, the details of the modification, the space used along with, and as dealing with the space given to the psychological experience approach is also designer full advantage of.
entry porch, the space too small to hide the wardrobe mirror finishes that meet the functional, but also resolved in a small space gives a sense of congestion.
external basin, bar tailor bar chairs, more effective use of style, while giving space to spirituality.
open kitchen, its stable of coffee, clean white and bright red violet combination of Thai bed, like a gust of exotic Southeast Asia, the wind ... ...

exclusive designer space

This is the designers own home, of course, is designed to be particularly exciting friends. Designers to create their own living space of time, only an idea, that \
because the limited area in the functional partitioning designers, but also exerted a some \will sink on the outside of the toilet.
for the convenience of cooking, the kitchen designer Hai Ba made some adjustments: The open kitchen is divided into two parts, usually busy with work when the main use of the open western part of the kitchen, do some simple food and have time When the owner can be in a closed themselves to the full in the kitchen in some.
Finally, the designer will also use the balcony area of up to do after opening a lounge.
grasp of style, the designer's favored strong sentiment in Southeast Asia and traditional ethnic customs are thus kept in the style of these two seemingly irrelevant integrated together to form a unique decorative effect .
in the material, the designers seem to prefer the natural texture of things, such as timber, bricks and stones, which are everywhere in space.
strong color is the package of the most noteworthy places, supposedly a small space to use strong color, will be very easy to make room for even more distress, people feel depressed, but the ingenious arrangements designer reasonable lighting and lighting design to break this rule, so that small space up event in beautiful.
Figure Note:
1, the design plan
2, doors and external sink: a wooden vicissitudes isolation of the hustle and bustle of the world, external washbasin space cool in full; < br> 3, multi-platform: This platform is both parlor area, is the workplace or storage areas, if necessary, but also entertain guests overnight;
4, kitchen and dining table: a set of solid wood texture of kitchen cabinets and dining table and reinforce each other and painted glass door is a functional small balcony;
5, bed and lockers: one no need to do so much to live cut off the right, bed and flooring enough to distinguish between Shalian room for;
6, Toilet: material texture-rich bathroom, there is a large mirror as the sliding doors, they choose the easy way out is really the design of a practical way;
elegant room information: < br> Use Area: 50 square meters
Unit Features: Zero Home
decoration style: Southeast Asian
resident population: 1
Project Cost: 60000
Project duration: 2 months
Main decoration materials: wall: Horizon paint, wallpaper, red brick, pine, paint
ground: Horizon paint
Top: paint

Sunny Board Build Design Notes (Wang Fengbo)
alone, designers own home, has led the design style of mashups. The materials made from natural and rustic brick, pine, stone as the main elements of the yarn to be soft, fabric accessories for the post.
heavy use of strong colors, large master collection of ornaments from Southeast Asia as well as jewelry pendant ethnic characteristics.
the Chaigai the places where:
① narrow toilet, washbasins external.
② kitchen open, causing both Chinese and Western kitchen.
③ balcony doors removed, expanding into the interior space of a part, as a small lounge.
1, opened the door that thousands of heavy hearts million suffer from Amoy back door, as if approaching another mysterious world, landing huge changing the entrance mirror, mirror effect to expand the use of visual space, but also facilitate examine their clothes before leaving the room does not use any rigid partition, using only the elegant and graceful Shalian it easy to create two unique.
2, in the case of space is not large, the design is increasingly highlight the importance of the French window has a very good view, overlooking the urban streetscape, but also looks into the distance, static air Ning God. Designers placed by the window in the corner, round a few, rattan chair, plants, namely, classical and modern easy to create a small sitting area. Morning, a cup of hot tea, enjoy the crisp vision of a hug. Night, holding the coffee, staring at the bustling city the night Around the soul of the story ... ... a well-designed small space is enough to make life more romantic mood again, keep up his own recollection.
3, want a small space that is practical and can display their individuality, designers use the Japanese tatami, may be lying on the characteristics of sit up less space, work tired, you can stretch the physical and mental fatigue, some leisure One, two friends and tea and chat live through the night can not have fun talk about when, under the large tatami storage space, can enjoy admission, will play to the limit space has the same about it!
4, spirituality's Kong Jian, joy of color, the furnishings chic, Xiao Feng Fu home decorating are Shenghuobuke or Que's role, wooden, retro in the sink, but clever in the interpretation of traditional and modern Yi Tong, rough red brick piled-up bar, colorful glass shade, new and old, walk in between the fashion and avant-garde.
5, in fact many of the details of the local office can not miss big highlight designers, small office professional attitude is also careful, she will own collection of different styles but also has strong ethnic style jewelry as a decorative wall with the corner of the light exotic.
6, wooden doors, wooden tables, wooden cabinet, wooden chair in this turbulence, the noisy city, you can feel the master of this and the true love of nature, the pursuit of inner peace, Shen and Jing Zhiyuan it?

58 平方米 best
Chinese Mashup

Fortune Room Archive -
floor area: 58 square meters
Unit features: two bedrooms
small decoration style: mix and match the population of Chinese
: Young couple
Project Cost: 16000 (excluding the main material)
Project duration: 2 months
main decoration materials: wall: wall paint, wallpaper
floor: floor tiles, floor
Top: Top Chinese lacquer
Mashup best to use an area of only 58
the small square with two bedrooms, is the last century 80's most common residential Unit. Common feature of this house is: the entrance is extremely narrow, only a small hall and restaurant, but not the living room set.
taking into account the owners are relatively young couples, no children, the two sides have only occasionally visited the elderly, the original designer of the second bedroom and opened up a small hall and living room, study, and Kewo function together. This makes room for a more reasonable and better flexibility, and enhance the permeability of the small room feel. (Figure 1,2,3)
Chinese garden style elements and some household items, is the owner couple more Zhongai's. Designers combine these two styles of the basic symbols, in a small space ingenious An Pai, Ji Rangzhe the fusion of two Fenggeqiaomiao together to form a new decorative effect, You try to Buzhan You limited the Shiyongmianji, Ba Gengduo space for the user.

all the way to go

Sometimes fear of the night like taking up your body,2008 年 5 19 morning, corrupting your soul, you sometimes forget myself and find

direction, like most people, like fear of the night, afraid of the dark and lonely

loneliness, fear of too much darkness to bring their own memories. Sometimes I wonder why, when station

on the lawn staring up at the sky through the sun to see the sun, you will have a lot of looking forward to have many good

fantasy, but to why so dark afraid, so afraid that impose their own will be very clear that

drink painful loneliness lonely, know tonight I sleep, open the lamp pick up the pen and paper you want to record under

mood of the moment I seem to vaguely understand the touch, that is because the sense of direction, time is often said that fear has

night, afraid of ghosts along the way where it was because he could not go home

the way, sometimes people will say that fear of darkness, fear will think a lot of sad memories, so that my heart

break anymore tears, it is because he do not feel in the night, care for others eyes and love, and people may

said he feared the night, afraid to miss occupy their mind and body feel a long night, it is because at night the children injured by

home, like to sleep to remove Like his clothes, in the night, the most directly face the

you is your own heart, without any worldly possessions. I remember a joke, a personal walk

in the street, suddenly broke his belt, then pants will fall off to heel, but he

on the holding his eyes suddenly , getting lost in the dark world of self deception with their own, all the way to go

the shouting I can not see anything! However, people coming and going and not too much care about the loss of

clothing, but ridiculed the attitude of his deal. When we face the sun when we can feel

sun, the sun, let us know their place, know the direction that everyone, whether rich

poverty, health, disease, feelings of happiness or in pain, everyone has their own

their sense of direction, but may sometimes sleep lazy sun too far, may sometimes cloud the sun to go home

in a guest, but they have to understand that it just sleep too far, it is only to appear on it, not to

suspicion and touch it's free, so their damage can not find direction from the sun. Now the world of night

rate of development of life than the day's entertainment but also rich, in fact, think about how many people inside

just like the joke in person is really During the day there is no time? Really work to release the pressure

force it? Or is really fun is to do for entertainment? The reason I just want people to touch each

the sun in mind, as I like to eat and drink at night to remove, and friends sing

K, or quietly in their own bar to a bottle of wine thinking about their own business, whereas if you

enough during the day time, you may not have felt like this because their own and other people's sense of direction during the day are very strong

, in a word, an action act, day and night, or their understanding of the attitude of people will not

the same night, you can not find the heart of the sun, so you will not care about other people's eyes and attitude .

I did not write these things during the day and night could be the comparison and evaluation, and sometimes I write things

only with their own interpretation of his own to his mind. Think they do in their own

love the people who are care about things like eating, do not have to care about porridge and steamed bread, there are after-dinner cooking

fruit and tea, there are a lot of things, if you do not mind a very generous person, that when

when you care about, let his thought to a complete point, regardless of the broader point, as you will < br>
feel that you care about and whether received directly proportional!

M. RiPPle
2008.7.3 1:36 AM

we do is because love you

● As long as people care like around. Many parents think their children as long as the people around them care, not dangerous like. In fact, from birth, children need to communicate with others: skin contact, hugging, pay attention, someone to talk to him ... ... in the absence of environmental concerns over the child will grow up thinking slow, lack of love, a sense of security.

● the child as a comparison. Some parents, about face, want to encourage children to better themselves, so often that you see people have more children work hard, good results and more. To their children and other children than can only bring unhappiness and suffering for himself and also harm the child's self-esteem. This comparison between the psychological parent may also lead to difficult.

● do not respect children's privacy and rights. Many parents hold the traditional belief that children are their parents, and not have to respect children's privacy and rights. So, not even after children grow up to respect not know how to respect others. Therefore,stop conniving and supporting \, the parents in their children room should first knock on the door, move or use the child's something he should be allowed, any decision to involve children and their children should first discuss and so on.

● kids specified direction. Many parents did not realize their own aspirations of their faith in children, and their own set of a almost equal to the child on the way to go, even if the child does not fit, do not like. For example, piano lessons, such as going abroad. Under these pressures, the family became unhappy, and harmonious parent-child relationships have been destroyed.

● the academic achievement of all performance indicators as. At school is not everything, comprehensive ability and character, is an important factor affecting future children.

● get up early that good sleep is more than laziness. Growing children need adequate sleep, but now many children less than 8 hours of sleep a day. Insufficient sleep affects growth.

● think that children should be learning all the time on. A survey shows that children often spend time in the future life happier. By dealing with family, children problem-solving skills will be enhanced, easier to grow before the face of frustration with the correct attitude. Some parents allow their children to learn, to keep the kids doing chores, thus limiting his learning to face the problem of shared responsibility and opportunity.

● a lack of humor and lighter side. Because of various pressures, some families of the basic atmosphere is forcing the children to learn. Parents because of life stress, loss of sense of humor and relaxed attitude between parent and child or between husband and wife in this tense atmosphere, a small conflict could ignite an explosion of conflict.

● that parents love their children any of the requested excuse. Many parents said their children often remark that: we do is because love you, for you Well. Parents should not have to love the child as a shield to make unreasonable demands. Love is not an excuse for whatever it wants.

● that the obligations of raising children is hard not to enjoy. Some parents used to bring up children as a hard duty, and often implicitly or explicitly their children to return, filial piety. More correct approach is that raising children is a gift of fate to enjoy. And children should enjoy the time to get along and enjoy the fun of watching them grow.

installed to this edible ice cream in goblets of gold as the endometrium

New York City, a restaurant on the 7th unit 25 thousand U.S. dollars to introduce a chocolate sundae ice cream, this chocolate ice cream sundae from the famous New York restaurant, \jewelers create cooperation,beggar said, with 28 kinds of cocoa, of which 14 species of rare and expensive world. Top of whipped cream sundae covered with gold leaf and more expensive truffles, chocolate mixed with 5 grams of the main 23K edible gold.

installed to this edible ice cream in goblets of gold as the endometrium, the bottom of the set with 1 carat white diamond ring 18K gold decorations . In addition, users can finish a special gold decorated with diamonds spoon to take home.

Bruce said: \>
4 years ago, Bruce Price 1000 U.S. dollars to introduce a ice cream sundae, rock stars and other celebrities to win favor. Bruce said he had received the latest order ice cream sundaes, most from the program to New York customers in Europe.

2.5 million of chocolate ice cream sundae

the most precious and most unique whiskey more than 18 years

Almost every day looking forward to the song's melody sounds good ah! As if from heaven, You Yang, slowly and floated there, I do not know of a forbidden from full of endless longing.
I saw this ad
hit, I almost find this song over the network full version ~ ears to listen to this song in the greedy, reluctant to leave out any one note; eyes carefully for any one of \words, while the heart is constantly there with three men in the frozen sea fishing, drinking, that almost perfect picture.

so long, and today they had seen it on television ads. Customary, sat on the front of the computer, they habitually find my paradise.

because I am a Chinese, do not know whether God Almighty can hear the sigh of my soul, \and then is heard again and again.

do not know why, I burst into tears, tears in his eyes began spinning again and again, the nose bursts of sorrow and grief.


Hooverphonic is a Belgian pop band three fantastic, groundbreaking band from their 1998 album \When you know \Mad About You \
(lyrics to the effect)

we could be together we gather

everyday together all the time together

we could sit forever in our ongoing dependency

as loving waves spill over rippled with waves of love

the moon is fully risen quiet moonlight lies here in the sea

and shines over the sea
as you glide in my vision when you disappear in my line of sight

the time is standing still time is already solidified

don't shy away too long my vision is not a moment's dodge

this is a boundless dream I dream of emptiness

come close to me my reason slowly close to the true self

i'll take you in my wings Let me take you fly

we could be together we gather

everyday forever all the time together

we belong together we belong together

further seas and over Jennifer deposit share of Sky

in the garden of the sea in the vast sea

i see you looking over me staring into the eyes of your distant

with my wistful melody with me that the melody

you leap into the water you caught jumped into the underwater

it is no breaths sighing without the slightest sigh

this is the mermaid song sisters Qing Yin notes

the singing of my sisters, like that of a beautiful mermaid's aria

the sea has drown for long with that tide go away

school to knowledge: a long history of Chivas

● Chivas 12 years whiskey

James Chivas and John Chivas had dreamed of creating a texture and smooth, suitable for sharing whiskey with friends. This is a dream to come true, passionate to cast Chivas 12-year story of whiskey.

● colonial period,

Scotch Whisky Scottish history can be traced back the origin of the source.

Caledonian tribes period. At that time, life is very crude, whiskey than crude, is a kind of spirits, people tend to gulp. In the harsh environment, the family unites people together formed a tribe. Self-interest disappeared and a total sense. What is the role that it whiskey? Of the early tribes, the whiskey on the symbol of life. This is why it is called in Gaelic \Every night, members of the tribe against the sky will be holding a whiskey toast, praying to survive the next day. \

● Chivas Brothers

James Chivas and John Chivas strive to provide customers with the highest quality products. Because it was very crude, single malt whiskey,not a partial eclipse, they dream to create an easy to taste, easy to share whiskey with friends.

James Chivas and John Chivas goal is to provide customers with the christian louboutin wedding shoesest quality products. When they shop in Aberdeen when a gourmet's paradise, this goal was quickly achieved. Scottish christian louboutin shoeslands and the lowlands in broad procurement for affluent customers who provide first-class food and drink, they also provide production quality goods from around the world, including the fragrant coffee, exotic spices, the best French brandy, and to rum from the Caribbean region. But they can not provide a strict standard to achieve their whiskey. Single malt whiskey was quite crude, often not well cooked stuffed. James Chivas and John Chivas dream to invent a convenient taste, easy to share whiskey with friends. Aged through the harmonization of several best whiskey, they create a texture and smooth, mellow taste of wine, quality and other products on the market was very different. The new whiskey they quickly gained a good reputation. Soon after, the owner does not take the time dinner guests a bottle of whiskey in hand, it seems, is a magical thing. After several years on the Chivas Brothers Chivas produced a 12-year whiskey, a slippery mellow whiskey, its inspiration is from James and John's dream.

● royal authority

when Queen Victoria began to Balmoral Castle banquet guests, the need to immediately find a local supplier to provide food and wine. 1843, James Chivas received a letter from the Chivas Brothers that won the Queen's Royal Victoria authorization.

coronation of Queen Victoria in 1837, then became an increasingly powerful figure lead of the British Empire. Young Queen enjoying the world's most luxurious life, but also eager to and friends gathered in casual social occasions. In 1842, the Queen's first visit to Scotland was that quiet immediately impressed by the beautiful highlands. Soon she had more and more frequently to stay in Scotland Baiermoluo castle. Thus, in the local search for the most exquisite food, liqueur (rum) and the activities of spirits suppliers will soon begin. James? Chivas soon received a letter from Lord Liverpool, the letter stated: In view of Chivas Brothers of distinguished service to Queen Victoria Royal authorize them for wine. Chivas Brothers and the long-term harmonious relations between the royal family to begin.

● Speyside

Speyside is a magical place filled with unique natural environment, Chivas is the production of the main components - an ideal place for pure malt whiskey. Speyside malt is one of the most important Strathisla.

Speyside is a magical place filled with unique natural environment, the production of Chivas important component mixed wine - smooth, mellow single malt whiskey, the ideal place. Speyside malt is one of the most important Strathisla, it is produced in the christian louboutin sandals online storelands of Scotland's oldest and most beautiful winery Strathisla distillery. It is to ensure that Chivas Regal fragrant mellow taste of the important factors. Chivas 12 years of manufacturing must be added that malt whiskey, and the Glenlivet and many other quality products from around Scotland, all kinds of cheap christian louboutin quality malt and grain whiskey. James and John Chivas that he had never owned the brewery until 1950, after the company experienced many ups and downs finally able to buy the winery, ensuring the necessary Chivas Regal Strathisla single malt whiskey valuable reserves.

● dream come true

20 century earlier, Chivas 12 years after the birth of whiskey quickly welcomed by the public. With such a simple way to taste whiskey exceptionally slippery texture drinkers meet the psychological needs of North America.

● born in Scotland

Chivas whiskey as it was 12 years of proud Scottish origin, but the early Chivas Royal commercial real secret of success lies across the Atlantic. James Chivas and John Chivas ideas to meet the American taste of life while others, as they say, is history.

Chivas whiskey every reason to be proud of their Scottish origins. Chivas Regal whiskey, but the real secret to the early success lies in the Atlantic. James? And John Chivas? Chivas brothers coincided with the American desire to taste more and more attention to the realities of life coincide? The rest, you have to credit history. A time when the United States at the turn of the century was filled with unprecedented opportunities. The accumulation of wealth only in the District a few years, everything seemed to have the potential. Zhi Hua Shishun slip mellow taste showed up the \At first, this brand also a lack of U.S. consumers to seek the acclamation and gorgeous. But soon, distinct personality package to solve this problem and still in use. Special silver box on the coat of arms embossed with exquisite designs, reflecting the noble and ancient Scottish clan Scottish descent Chivalry. Lying in a box on the mellow whiskey, the beautiful packaging is the prelude to a Meaningful.

● rise in the U.S.

after World War II, American prosperity, vibrant. Active pursuit of rich people live, happy with friends copolymer, enjoy a wonderful time. Chivas naturally became such an indispensable part of life.

after World War II, American prosperity, vibrant. Active pursuit of rich people live, happy with friends copolymer, enjoy a wonderful time. Chivas naturally became such an indispensable part of life. The \their gold badges, a Gang, their is simply ... Chivas Regal. They performed together on stage, with performances, gathering together, quickly, Chivas Regal became a symbol of life, they indulge - a luxury, not only embodies their passion for life, but also reflect the quality of potential That is the basis of their self-confidence.

● Chief Bartender

Chivas Regal taste often hailed as the world's most slippery of Scotch whiskey. This evaluation is the best proof Chief bartenders work. The chief bartender is to continue to pursue efforts to achieve the James and John? Chivas ideal.

I was a lot of Chivas Brothers chief bartender in the hands of a member. My mission is to guard whiskey Chivas unique style. Can have access to so many aged whiskey, I am lucky. Throughout Scotland, Chivas wine richness and few people.

● unparalleled inventory

Chivas Brothers has a unique vintage whiskey stocks, including products from all over Scotland, the quality of malt and grain whiskey flavor of varying quality.

I Chivas Brothers served as chief bartender of one, so I have to protect their unique style of whiskey. I was lucky from a unique vintage whiskey to get the required inventory, so in terms of inventory in the whole of Scotland is the largest.

● modulation
Chivas Brothers
excellence over the years, efforts to improve the skills of modulation aged whiskey. This is Beibei Whisky Chivas 12 years are so good reasons.

Chivas Regal taste often hailed as the world's most slippery of Scotch whiskey. This evaluation is the best proof of work, chief bartender. The chief bartender pursued is to continue to work towards James and John? Ideal for Chivas, his challenge is to perfect a lot of whiskey mixed with only slightly different taste, reflect the extraordinary strong and cool slip. This is a life time to pay the skills acquired. Chivas Brothers has a unique vintage whiskey stocks, including products from all over Scotland, the quality of malt and grain whiskey flavor of varying quality. Chivas Brothers in our generations are constantly strive to improve the modulation quality of the art aged whiskey. This is Beibei Chivas whiskey 12 years are so good reasons.

● taste

Chivas is the world's one of the most mellow of Scotch whiskey, which was attributed to the aged Speyside malt sweet mellow role.

Color: gold amber

smell: mellow autumn with sweet fruit and floral fragrance

taste: fragrant and smooth, with rich apple flavor, sweet fragrance and a touch of dried fruit

aftertaste: aromatic, smooth, mellow

● Chivas Regal 18

1997: Colin Scott, chief sommelier selected Chivas Brothers, the most precious and most unique whiskey more than 18 years, developed 18 years Chivas Regal.

Chivas Life

Today, over 150 countries around the world, Chivas whiskey 12 years has become a favorite whiskey. No matter where you are, with friends, spend a happy hour each, you almost can find the existence of Chivas Regal. Welcome to the \
James Chivas and John Chivas vision is to create an easy-to taste and share the mixed whiskey. This ideal in a few years later by Chivas Regal was achieved. Even today, they still reflected the idea. More than 150 countries around the world in 12 years Whisky Chivas is the most favored of whiskey. No matter where you are, with friends, spend a happy hour each, you almost can find the existence of Chivas Regal.

● 2004

2004:18-year Chivas Regal with a new packaging, better reflect the characteristics of luxury products.

1997: Colin Scott, chief sommelier selected Chivas Brothers, the most precious and most unique whiskey more than 18 years, developed 18 years Chivas Regal.

his stomach distended Laocu.

horrors! Village peasant woman swallowed by the python! (Is an incredible event) family as the mountain village of peasant Luo frame of a hillside home located at the ground went

noon meal, Luo is still not seen his wife, a husband back home, went to the cauliflower to find the ground and saw the ground and flew around the cotton.

while still a block of ground tracks, he immediately hunch is not good. When he found more than 10 meters away from the vegetable piece hollow, he was a sight that terrified.

a treaty ten feet long snake creeping in there,stop incomplete under the stars., motionless, his stomach distended Laocu.

Luo ran a husband turned to cry: \, snake quickly killed.

people brought a knife to cut open the snake from the abdomen dead body exposed to the entire head has been part of the snake in the gastric juice corrosion. Oh, please read to see reproduced without change! Oh, the snake eating the whole family!

I still journeying


known you since the Internet, just to wait for you.
though sometimes so too are tired, all haggard and had,
I still journeying, innocently waiting,
waiting for you there,
even a word of the message,
I will leave nameless moved ......

click on your name, see your avatar's blinking,
thing I am most happy is when I am most pleased,
because I can talk to you,
unscrupulous , arbitrary ......
you like to listen to me quietly tell,
with gentle words to comfort me, encourage me,
you say, you be my loyal listeners,
Any time I talk to all the trouble and sorrow!
know? Internet, only waiting for you,
no matter how long, etc., regardless of whether the time you ......

in the network I was so dependent on you .....
I always imagine you in mind, look,
imagine when you are sad expression,
imagine when you smile filled appearance,
even imagine your hearty laughter ........

just quietly say to you:
nice to meet you!
a big crowd, Concert difficult to find,is to take various measures,
long network of sea, it is hard to find confidant.
because your presence, my heart has been mobilized,
up my smile bright, bright up my life ......

with your company, my heart is no longer lonely,
my life is no longer boring,
I am no longer lonely night,
you really real on the ground into the depths of my soul ,
then know me, know me, my life's confidant,
was a confidant of life is enough.
Although we never met,
but I feel your presence,
so so true, so real .......

Internet, just to wait for you .......


love the high quality requirements

Single female colleagues talk about today and marital problems, she said that did not want to find not one, but did not always feel, not appropriate. I was thinking about a host of words "is not about reducing standards"! Actually, this is hard, our conditions are not bad Why lower standards? As modern in white-collar women are capable of living the high life, rather than relying on each other's existence, of course, love the high quality requirements, to marry, how easily it? So in my mind quietly breeding a view: Maybe it is because love is not enough, so really no way to lower the standard!
woman itself is an emotional animal, cry, laugh, love by the mood around the surrounding environment, but they are not changeable, because Once they find love,do not ask, people will devote full, unable to extricate themselves! The shortcomings of so many men have been gradually swallowed up, as has been forgotten, like ~! This is called tolerance may be, but women and men have different tolerance and men women's small temper is always inclusive, small patience, and women are usually inclusive of all men, he can not work, one went into the off Under the smelly socks; can not cook, sitting before the TV screen to see a mess of football; can not see children who do not play games ghost ghosts do not; even sleep no peace in the name of all strange to be pumping past snore, be like this, women still love him. It seems ah ~! A married woman in the family to become hopeless, and perhaps the "ink\advantages are still not in it?
also single women, turned, and we look farther beyond some of it, or find the most sweet and keen and the main family or fell in love with a dead pig's silly men are not afraid of Shuitang it ~!

aimed at the ground look a little dog in front buttoned edge of the highest appreciation

Individuals do not like the military forces model, and Pro difficulty I would like to play with friends (for as long as the doubles with good clearance is also very easy)
; preparation:
; arms 2 M3 / 2 把 M500 / 2 把 H & K PSG-1 (RIF ) / grenade launcher 1 / Rpg10 + (3-1 brush or copy to sell eggs directly to buy Shuaqian) / sensor landmines 10 + / 10 +
grenade big blood 30
drugs ; defensive armor 2 (2 species, with weapons which harm reduction)
; ammunition and more ready to point it (especially the M500 grenade launcher bullets and bombs, is beginning to get the kind that comes when the best you copy Shuaqian, and then sold to buy Squeezing brush bullets, grenades can buy their own)
; role: highly recommended by a black sister, Christina will be for computer-controlled gun (in my arms given configuration, for example, usually Christina will use M3, well, he'll automatically change attack, boss and the elite will be automatically blame him for M500), and some special place that only black sister, only faster ~ behind the Raiders in that I will mention!
with: Bh5 Only nine grid, the four weapons: m3/m500/H & K PSG-1 (RIF) / Rpg (grenade launcher, etc. only used only in special settings) on your corresponding grid on the best practices (2 individuals the same configuration), body armor, each with two boxes of shotgun ammunition, Christina and then with 2 large blood, your blood and then with a big box Squeezing +1 bullets. (Some friends might say, I played no such weapons configuration technical content, but I think ~ If it is not change weapons without Rpg, only the initial The pistol is not possible to reach the limit of time, so we do not find fault, is not there an old saying: advance preparation of its profits! are you not?)
suggest that you more familiar with the map, so running the wrong time to lose!
; Ok.Let `s go!
; into the game, Normail difficulty ~ Close unlimited ammunition ~
Game Tips: Since the challenge of time, then all things are not all pick!

1-1, really nothing to say, it is best not to kill off what fat, as long as he came out, took him around everywhere with these strange it has to trigger the story, and now I did not find out how fast trigger story!

1-2 out is run, in addition to two small Boss did not have to kill the strange, as long as Do not run the wrong way like, 1 small boss M5002, the first two Rpg of! ('ve Seen someone post that difficult problems 1-2, 3 minutes to the end, I do not run the wrong way a little Normal, only the fastest boss kill two also had 4 minutes 3 seconds, do not know Zehui Shi )
Chapter1 end

interface into the articles, the ammunition and two Rpg fill up!
2-1, the box on strange do not fight, shot off the hook bombs, rushed to the middle of two strange to the next bomb to put them down there, turn around and M3, the above matter archery, blow up a bomb, for Rpg before walking out after the dog story, aimed at the ground look a little dog in front buttoned edge of the highest appreciation, before turning away with a strange, never mind, rush, on the box down for M500, fat look buttoned directly open the door, and then skip directly to the bridge to the door .
story to hit with a sniper barrel, car bombing of the turn, then attacks off the hook after the other barrel, immediately washed for M3, the bridge turn left down the stairs, into the hole after the first three dogs, shot H-back, certainly not die, leave them alone, to red, 2 dogs, and then H once, and then continue the fight, the door on the ladder.
earth's body will be out flying insects, only the door the last body will first stand up, killing only the flies, rushed towards the door, this door is locked, M3 aimed shot smashed the lock, open flash people on the ladder, enter the terminal.
directly to a key to the room, smashed into the door, then knock down the key, the keys changed after the M3, the film's plot, open the door look at the fat fight Yang, and then go directly to the open pier flash ~ the door, then jump off, over pontoon, then climbed into the thick of ~, Skip fence, and then direct red, across the room out the blame, whether they, left open the door straight run.
go straight there after the windows, the strange fight death, there are two strange M3 went down to the ground, go to the small plot that killed two flies! Do not go up that ladder, for M3, continue to walk, have not played archery, until you reach the stairs that a group of strange M3 all brought down a few shots, then go straight up the stairs, the stairs of the blame do not fight directly on the 2nd floor, Let Christina you send in the past, the M3 and then covered with bullets, jump off the stairs directly to Ben, showed their running, open the door to Christina, Do = door, walked straight door, directly into the plot for M500, electricity Saw them three guns down, the keys, flash ~ directly open the door, into the next scene, go straight after the iron gate open collaboration, into a plot that 3 QTE, then end!

2-2, out with M3, where the dogs shot blow up a bomb, do not control the dog's life and death, turning rushed to a bomb near the shot ringing off the hook, the former walk, climb up the train left, anyway, the dog is not on the high jump shooting which left a gun to H-back, then hit explosion shells, turn left to go before the jump tub, on the right there are 2 bomb, blow up, get off hole.
for M500, to Christina for a light (the fastest way is to follow the recognized tracks to go), all odd shot it out, there are two no matter how to play all the bugs, M500 supplemented random shot on the OK to play where the (not always washed here, because Christina a light, you run too fast will be dark, can not see Road)! The end of the hole, you rolled up on the fence, then immediately turned the two strange down to the ground, the first three to go slow, whether it strange, Christina shake up the fence post, in the past for M3, the former taking four out of strange, straight ran up the ladder, go up onto the right side, then on the ladder, turn left straight run, the first one into the hole, straight run, the innermost one of archery's a drop bombs, M3 throwing bombs in the throws the shot put, and then into the elevator.
out, directly on the ladder, the plot, the direct down the stairs, open the door, so that the previous 2 large boxes to separate you and the machine gun, shot down to the ground a strange impulse came, and then attack the car shooting for the killing, then what happens to a machine-gun machine-gun kick down, buttoned it up for Rpg flash ( If it starts with a lot of trouble to attack), for m3 straight ran two ladders, straight right, do not control what archery, direct jumped.
ago to go to Christina sent to you, you then climb a ladder, go after the other play, which directly run ~ run Last throwing bombs behind the strange, turned around and shot down to the ground, to push the box which then = Christina (sister to the fastest black only get Sokoban there, if you Christina You will find that the danger is not only much slower), if Christina behind the strange not followed directly Sokoban, if there is a group to follow, it would meet all the down past, never dead did not die, turned around to Sokoban, then go straight , jumped out of Tier 1, for m500, jump into the boss battle, shot hit his stomach, boss fall, ran up against the stomach 2 guns, ok!

2-3, will play, pay attention to when playing the giant, oil drums left to it Take a rock or pole when hit, will both reduce the damage a few QTE save some time!
Chapter2 end

enter the item interface, the full complement of ammunition! m3 you use less with only a box of ammunition, an extra attack with a box of bullets! Bring your own bomb launchers sulfur, for bombs, not with extra ammunition to 2 Rpg otherwise use!
3-1, come out props, and then ship first go to map which places the lower left, some good boat control, do not open well as shipping delays, after disembarkation, from the first one up house after house to go past that which props room, turn out the odd time, do not fight , Rao directly to another window to run it in, open the box to take things jump out from another window (if there is blame it on the stand in the window to blame M3 shot down), go straight, turn right, you're up time 1 room of the house, continue straight ahead, turn left on board, set sail! Out of the gate down in front of strange, the first stop in a gate that, to kill those four strange, a little longer follow the control gate also killed (if not kill it 4 you sail between the two doors, Christina does not control the gate which first hit, then you will be bombed, delay time), the gate opened out.
out later, to the bottom right there, disembark straight crocodile carefully, on the ladder, do not into 1 room to 2 rooms, direct take things, take over, go to the other side of the house to go after the house, ran back on board.
then top right, after disembarking directly into the innermost to the right of which a small tower, take things down A strange not to kill, directly reversed terminal!
sail to the left there, left without blame, to disembark after the take stuff, flash people! To the last door there, open the door.
direct run into the jump into the water, do not shoot a bomb arrow head tube which, anyway, it Dabu Zhao you into the small village after the put Rpg, directly from the left front of the house around to shake suspension bridge, where a small channel where there was a hammer and a Xiaoguai Savage, first whether it went straight to climb to the controller, so that Christina to shake, this time that two strange jump came, rpg it out, then ran for M500 jump to where the first two Savage has come a ,3-4 gun fix it, go on a strange door access (must be kill, or you go to play bridge when it fell to GameOver Christina you had) and went out to the right directly across the bridge open, and then the stairs open the door to Christina, back straight, left, jump directly to cable car.

3-2, into the cabin out move to the left, there is little left in front of the tower there is the strange fire bomb arrows, for the attacks killed! And then jump directly to the rocker for M3, where there later to let Christina shake (with two out from behind the strange Christina handling on the line), where you continue to raft washed, ran clear strange! On the raft, alligator hide QTE attention! Opening up organ.
hole, came out to go directly into the factory! After entering, for an archery attack killed the opposite! M3 go for direct red, go straight turn left go straight on to the right of the ladder, go up the ladder again immediately after, immediately and turn the valve! Turn right and then go straight turn left on the ladder, go up first which brought down archery and then press the switch = slide over, those Xiaoguai to Christina processing, you start in the past, and turn the valve, No. 1 saws out, = it up M500 3 gun it out, then jump off, that is, that as you come in and take the ladder to the original way, not the first two ladders up after the turn left, go to another controller that is also There is archery M3 Shun strange about done! Press the Controller for M500, with the slide in the past, open the door, saw out, wait first went to valves that allow Christina to open, then you turn around point and then ran away, this time saw only jumped 3 gun it out, you directly for M3, Pao Lu, almost went there when the fire, Christina on fire off the last turn right, M3 to blame the defeat, and then turn left to jump, turn around at the door = Christina, Strange first down down to the ground, Christina first down on the people directly open flash.
followed fled the scene, as long as the station Jhso side 打怪 on the line, = he open the elevator, go immediately. The elevator, go for m3 door control where the fastest, then = he opened the door on the line, here are a saw, if afraid of him down the ladder to climb up it for M500 = line! Saw the door open time should go to your side of the time, the door opened the door!
plot, the straight down the stairs, and then the stairs open the door, on the pier , take the grenade launcher to go directly to the right, turn left into the story, last 2 minutes! Alignment of the first down that the next batch of strange 2 OK, and then for 2 on top throwing bombs to attack the strange, the right of the killing, then go for grenades from the following, approaching the door when four strange there, grenade under a buttoned 3 a fat dog door, aimed a little on the ground in front of what the dog killed the dog, then shot buttoned M500 fat, do not worry down the stairs, there are two bombs destroyed for M3, and then down the stairs to ship it directly into the Drama!

3-3, multi-hit with sniper barrels on the line, a valve that, go directly to open the valve for M3, and then do nothing to fight back to the ship directly, and only 2 flies over, shot H-down!
the first two valves, ran to the ladder was killed and then blame the attacks on the following, operator good time to go (preferably a machine gun bullet hit you on the ladder after 3 seconds, go after the left side of the machine gun and killed, open the door in the past, resort to the right, then go on to open the valve (I tried not killed by machine gun , strong open the valve, very dangerous, once killed, the death count that time the total time into the game, had to re-play), and then a bunch of flying insects regardless of the sky, directly back to the ship, on the day of opening 2 gun on the line.
and into drama, into the boss battle from the start to Christina with at your side, he took it to Rpg take over, put on, the aiming point is the lower left position of the eyes, mouth click on it (if not allowed to play on Restar)! then you get behind the cannons with Christina , you use the M500 to play the past, prospective gun, then 2-3 on OK!
; Chapter3 end

4-1, out of direct Running a small plot after ~ 4 worms, directly past the ladder, go up the insects have only, as 54, cross the bridge, there are a large number of insects, whether they continue to open the door ~ directly.
into ruins after the drama caused by the map, you fall, Christina will use the attacks to help in the above you play, turn left to jump out three strange, M3 down Forget life and death, continue to walk, there are a small channel to take the shield down on the line, then go straight, turn left on the stairs, then turn right, all the blame can escape to, then straight ahead, across the two shield a spear to take a direct right turn red in the past, and then turn right to go to Christina that directly push the coffin.
; a QTE, down to Christina, processing Xiaoguai, you rushed to the door for M500 that triggers the plot, open up a fire-breathing , a gun down, the door first do not go for a sniper shot and killed archery, and then another archery and 3 will be to shield strange confluence, Rpg buttoned it! then called on Christina jumped directly to the intermediate institutions that, first rotate once, fireball out for M3 to Christina strange behind to deal with, the down on the line, and then turning once, immediately ran to the door that! the door, go = Christina come open the door.
into a corridor, this is a QTE place, A / X / A / X / Rt + Lt. over the post, jump pull bodies!
Location not distinguish here! to face the direction you go in the North, behind the South, left is West, and the right hand is the East! pulling bodies in order are: Northwest / West / North / Northeast / Southwest! directly under the stairs to the middle, turn left go straight and then turn right (go behind, Do not take grenade launchers, and delay time), go to Christina, pull side of the body, You then go around the other side, while pulling bodies. and then there you go out to the middle Rao, on the west side of the body pulling the stairs, then ran back up the middle to trigger a number of strange little story, turn right to you in that , turn left over the three odd certainly, down the line, do not run straight into the fork in the road, have to take the shield, down, turn left go straight, do not control that archery, the rush, turn left down the stairs, into the middle of the stairs, Forget blame behind, pulling bodies, pulling End authorities blame gone. Do not take precious stones, right away, so Keruisila above, you are around the following (be careful not to wrong), enter the following strange little plot that out, never Over the past forcibly pulling bodies, and then turn around and escape of small insects, the room, ran to the middle of the corridor! directly to the Southwest ~ Forget Xiaoguai, pulling bodies, back away, boss out around out the door faster when run staircase QTE, mad by A, turned to the door.

into objects interface, the ammunition and 2 Rpg fill up!
4-2, come out straight, turn right directly in front of the fire out, the corridor has a strange, do not fight, the fire burned! grasp the opportunity to run past the end turn right, go straight, turn left, there's flame the blame, whether he is directly to blame M3 brought down the two shields, take things to the strange turn to continue down to the ground with the next one floors, stop down, on the left side of the staircase, the former walk = fire When the next turn and then deal with strange, once the fire a good grasp of the past time, Chong ~ left a little room so that you avoid the fire, turn left and continue straight ahead, do not worry red, here is the 2 fire, then go straight in the middle One door on the left allows you to hide the fire, the fire in the past do not worry red, in front of two strange to Ludu the wearer, wait a fire,Teenage moon and new moon, the fire took strange burnt! then rushed for Christina to You send in the past, for M500 (here the small size), the fetch things ~ flash, there to take a hammer attack Savage ~ Christina will be used to fight, you use the M500, edge = the fire fight. rushed you to the fire finished hide when the fire door, down the stairs, the basic fire should be the last, once red, straight known everything about genome turn left down the stairs, hide End fire. Go straight, turn right on fetch things, never archery, and rushed out, M3 kill out a way to survive, there are two export to the left of it = did not fire, clash with the past, under fire back to M500 to take a hammer to play Savage 2, the specific situation you own resourcefulness on the line! to the altar ~ altar rose, placed props, stairs open the door.
into a would-be puzzle scene, there are three layers, attention to Layer 1 = Christina on stage must go turn authority, or be burned Christina's! here
each layer can Restart, its good to find the fastest the order of the rotation body, and then Restart sub-agencies, must be the fastest, which among other Layer 3 boxes must not drive, a bunch of bugs too! 3-layer body was finished, the remains a few steps into the story ~.
Ps: in fact only a double co-operation of 4-14-2 will be faster.
Chapter4 end of the

into objects interface, the ammunition and two Rpg fill up!
5-1, out the door, the door Go straight after a small plot (who heads a lick), do not enter the left door, straight door, then continue to walk, one way to go in the end, turn the valve door, pull into the body, turn right knife gash glass! Turn left straight away, after the glass house out of a small plot lick who, M5002 shot dead, there is also a killing! go, turn the valve, open the door to go out, do not have to go into the other door! double door after right and left in a glass house (room full of licking persons), for a good Rpg, straight off the left side of the gate, continue straight, double door, open the door straight ahead turn right, go head and open the door, = elevator down, turn around and aim Rpg end of the corridor, = lick who almost look buttoned together, playing for time for attacks, = elevator door opened and immediately went, came out to Christina that the Rpg get around, and equipment in hand, the door plot, a QTE later, boss battle, boss into the mouth immediately after the target, a buttoned under (less than 1 second of your time to aim, if the play allowed Restart).
; access to goods interface, the ammunition and two Rpg fill up!

5-2, straight into the door, down the stairs, there are three strange little story, down a bit for spy killed ~, then for M3, is coming out the door when the two soldiers, shot down another tube life and death.
; go have to go first (railings that, walking along the railing means), turn left down a small wonder, direct red, out of a crowd of strange, running that the level of blame when the right turn left, 2 guns all down, and then directly open the door no matter life and death.
Turn left into the door straight ahead, do not play on the left rush, on the left of the stairs, then continue the fight (the right end of the corridor a crowd of strange, they have an oxygen bottle behind), went to see the location of the oxygen bottle, raising his hand shot off the hook, and then open it.
; go after, right straight down the stairs let you block the iron plate, a strange little story, first M500 you here two strange it out, and then for the attacks, the top two playing threw hand grenades death (especially the top which, beside there were oxygen tanks, hit it OK), killed after the red, on the ladder, go straight, jump off to the left to go, there are four strange (and possibly killed by Kristy 1-2 a), the left has a box to hide what the fastest speed with spy killed three holding AK, the remaining months of the change to take electric batons after M3 down past it, and then jump to the conveyor belt on the stairs (where a little trick, two places where transmission is not affected middle), go ahead, jump on the right side of the table, on the stairs, a strange M3 shot down to the ground, opening the door into.
; go away before that, above a throw hand grenades, sniper killing, but the first jump Do the conveyor belt, and a strange attack killed the head (above the ladder there are three rows, the first killed in the first row of the ladder 1, which is ranked No. 2 on the ladder), the conveyor belt, take the middle, red to half of the rise of the throwing hand grenades killed.'s strange to play down the oxygen bottles on the conveyor line, after killing a number of fast red (this point in time is also not afraid of a thrown grenade), at the end of the left on the table, there are also strange Rao In the past, down the stairs, turn right on the console (do not call), the first turn right straight ahead, then turn right down the stairs, go straight, turn left, go straight and then turn left, turn right at the end is the power switch, double open! for Rpg, same route back to the console, halfway out the big bugs, look it out, then pull the switch! on the conveyor belt that left gaps in the railings went past, from the middle of the left conveyor belt 2 has been washed, and then top railings that stop gap = 1 boxes, in the past, immediately rushed, stage door, go in after the jump, first do not open the door to see Christina take over the body of the Rpg, equipment in hand. then the door after the boss battle story, rpg buttoned !

interface into the goods , the ammunition and two Rpg fill up! you and Christina did not need to bring canister or full M3 10 rounds of ammunition enough, saved the two position, Crane ribbon box of sniper bullets, and a large blood; you take a box of sniper bullets, and the full blast of the grenade grenade launchers;
5-3, all the scenes in the longest and most annoying one to the right straight out of ~ 1, the door, on the left side of the stairs, turn right go straight up, one way to go in the end, door! out, for grenade launchers, turn left go straight, then turn right go straight, have the right door, go in, turn left to run a few steps, turn right, across the several strange corridor out, pick up the grenade launcher, Alignment group 2, the special did not hit the Christina will help you with the sniper killing (more than 2 training, prospective, then one can under)! for M500 go right out the big bugs of the head, M500 see the right opportunity to play with white belly where it shot ok (if not immediately play standards Restart, otherwise it is easy to second you), turn right to go for M300 before, jump in the past, have a strange shot and killed with electric batons and went can be preceded by X to hide it, then blame for the attacks put the number killed, and then for M500, longer follow, but also a big bug, as the opportunity to be spotted and shot dead! door pull body, turn around and go straight out of the left console that, after the mobile platform over a small plot, the top of a fat man threw three hand grenades, killing three first-for-spy thrown hand grenades, and fat M500 shot down to the ground! and then you pull the body to Christina in the past, Then you go to platform over the place, for the attacks to help him get to play two shields and electric batons strange! far he will blame himself for a spy and killed, and the fastest speed you pull bodies! past the left for M3 turn, and then plot the first several small military rockets, direct red, half-way with two electric batons get strange, rushed from their side on the line, directly open the door into the room, went down with a gun to rocket troops, mainly his block your Road, then directly to rush the door, which brought down an electric batons continued strange, rushed to open the door!
came out, ran down the stairs turn right, go straight double pull body began to spin up a large table! the edge of the station, take the opportunity to fill your M500 bullet, and then attacks bullet filled! here is mainly attacks here H & K PSG-1 (RIF) which benefits the stability of the gun came (though I suggest you move fast, you do not fight their own fight to Christina, slow down when you call back) to rise to top, the five odd hours in neutral gear to seize them and killed them on the stairs has been run into the next scene!
; out directly to the bridge on the right before pulling bodies, and then back to the left, to Christina pulling bodies, you go first for M500, go first a lick of food in 2 shot dead, another one hit him on the line of attack slowly, and then for good grenade launcher to go directly to the other side of Sokoban, you start pushing your Christina will help you to play with the first attack will be , look behind the shadow of those who see the lick, and stop and turn around H it, if after that there continues to runs, did not turn around to continue to push up 2 boxes you can push to have enough space so that you can jump , do not lick tube there who continue to pull bodies jump into the house, and then open the door to go out (and who does not lick immortal hit), cross a suspension bridge door!
; last Boss battle, and this boss battle is the most time-consuming, the right side of the iron straight up survey 2 into the story! do not go, playing the old W1-situ M500 guns, the old hide Christina W a smooth door of the! then you and Christina retreat ~ Contact Christina to the place where he stopped, and then you press X to hide In the wall, Christina will hide in the room, and soon Jill will first come, first drop you and Christina about her, then you can continue to hide behind wall X, W will soon old said as she came , for Rpg flash out old w seize the artillery, you fill lucky shot directly into the story, if you went into a story! speed to Christina who's Rpg take over, again! (here depends on luck alone, if the old W Jill first came up first or the best, if they come with 2, it is recommended you Restart, otherwise it will waste a lot of time), the old W a pre-flash, he would first like you are rushing, hide about, so he ran Before you click, or let him hasten to get out good ~! O a, 2Vs1, Jill ~ I remember playing with the attack which insects, and then fell Jill, fell immediately after another grab insects (you fall down the stairs, started under Jill 1