
promote regional development has always will. The Conference adopted the \

the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee, Vice-President Xi Jinping, 19, met China to attend the special session of the Asian political parties in poor Asian countries, representatives of political parties.

Xi behalf of the Chinese party and government conferences on poverty and achieved fruitful results in the successful convening of warm congratulations on the active participation of all political parties to express my sincere thanks. Xi Jinping said that six years ago, China successfully held the Third *** International Conference of Asian Political Parties, the poor by sponsoring conferences, fully embodies the hope of our party exchanges and cooperation through the Asian political parties to promote regional cooperation, promote regional development has always will. The Conference adopted the \

Xi Jinping stressed that China *** and the participating political parties must shoulder their own development and improve people's well-being of the common historical mission. Communist China is willing to further strengthen exchanges with Asian countries and cooperation with political parties to promote the development of state relations and the people friendly exchanges,65-year-old Mr. Chen praised the activities a plus, to promote regional and international development cooperation for the benefit of all peoples to work together.

Xi also briefed on China's achievements in poverty alleviation and the recent domestic situation.

senior leader of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party, met with representatives of Prime Minister Jayaratna nearly 60 foreign political party leaders, the Chinese side for the success of the meeting expressed thanks to the thoughtful arrangements. Asian political parties meeting co-chairman 席德贝内西亚 that poverty reduction for the world to make a significant contribution to poverty reduction conferences held in China, is welcomed by all parties attending the right choice. The Conference adopted the \

Wang Jiarui attended the meeting. (Enditem)

