
Xinhua 25 July 23

May 31, near the Mediterranean Sea in Israel, Israeli soldiers tried to enter the Gaza Strip on board a coastal vessel in international humanitarian relief. Am local time the same day the Israeli Navy to try to coast into the Gaza Strip opened fire on the international humanitarian relief fleet. Xinhua News Agency issued

May 31, Palestinians held a rally in Gaza City to protest the Israeli attacks on international relief fleet and caused heavy casualties. Israeli warships am local time the same day into the Gaza Strip, the coastal areas to international humanitarian relief fleet opened fire, causing dozens of casualties.

Xinhua 25 July 23, Israeli officials reported that the Turkish side will be the return of three by the end of May it was intercepted and aid ships. Some analysts believe that this is a relationship with the Turkish side to ease the release of the active signal.

On the same day, the United Nations Human Rights Council to appoint a three member panel to investigate the Israeli navy intercepted vessels.

Be returned

23 Israeli officials said, intends to return to Turkey "Maweimaer horse" number and the other two aid vessels.

"Yesterday we decided to install more conditions not allow these ships to leave under the circumstances," a reluctance to name the Israeli official said, "the Turkish side has received the notice, shortly after the vessel will leave."

Israel previously said that the return of these vessels should they no longer attempt to break the naval blockade of Gaza as a precondition. But according to Israeli officials, the Turkish side resolutely opposes this precondition.

May 31, the Israeli navy to intercept a fleet of humanitarian assistance in Gaza. Israeli soldiers in the "Maweimaer horse" and volunteers aboard the conflict. 9 volunteers from Turkey died.

Cut-off ship after the incident, the Turkish side responded strongly to recall Ambassador to Israel,000 U.S. dollars, and Israel canceled joint military exercises, held 3 times.

Some analysts believe that the return of Israel to the Turkish ships to intercept "Flirting" is another positive signal.

21 this month, Israel to lift its travel warning citizens to go to Turkey, said the Israeli tourists in Turkey, protesters faced the threat less likely.


22 Israel said the Israeli navy the right to "use all means" to stop two ships coming out from Lebanon to proceed Gaza.

In a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's letter, the Permanent Representative of Israel said Gabriela Shalev, Israel "in the framework of international law to retain the right to stop the vessel."

"These vessels at this stage the intention is to break the naval blockade," Shalev said, "can not rule out armed vessels, carrying personnel have provocative intent."

Some analysts said that while Israel after the hijackings of vessels in the international community faced a lot of pressure, but side sea blockade on Gaza, not to make concessions.

Israel last month announced a relaxation of civilian goods into the Gaza Strip, the restrictions, but did not relax the restrictions on aid channels, "point to point" direct delivery of aid is still not possible.

In addition, Israel has not relaxed restrictions on the Gaza Strip maritime, saying "whether civilian or military ships vessels to break (the sea) have been regarded as a retaliatory blockade provocation."

To investigate

47 members of the UN Human Rights Council voted 23 to establish an expert group to investigate the Israeli navy intercepted vessels.

The group comprises the three independent experts,cheap MBT Salama, were from the United Kingdom  Silva, from Trinidad and Tobago, Karl Hudson - Mary Phillips and Shanti from Malaysia Dairiam.

The expert group will be in August to Israel, Turkey and the Gaza Strip, gather information, questioning witnesses, in September to report to the Human Rights Council. The United Nations agencies hope that this survey to bring peace to the region, bring justice to the victims.

Israeli hijackings of vessels over the internal investigation of the Israeli army of 23 retired generals Jiaolaai Rand told AFP that if the Israeli army used water cannon eliminated before boarding the deck, it may not happen so serious bloodshed.

Ehrlander told the Israeli "New News" reporter: "If the stern of use (high-pressure water gun), when the boat arrives, will create better conditions for soldiers on board."

(This article Source: Xinhua on: Jiang Xiao-Cong)

