
School dilemma

China Youth Daily reported on July 26 when a job after graduation.

May be rare if the untimely catch up with the employment ice age, the face is that of unemployment after graduation.

In order to avoid becoming unemployed "ronin", but more importantly to maintain the "graduates" status, Japan's senior students are choosing a helpless stalling tactics - repetition.

There is a 7 graduates chose repetition

According to "Yomiuri Shimbun," the latest "University of strength" survey, 2009 (March 2010 graduation) of 568,000 college graduates, at least 7.9 million people to choose the "repetition" as high as 7 one. It was learned that the Japanese University of repeaters on the actual state of the first detailed investigation.

The survey in Japan 735 national, public and private four-year universities for the survey. The results showed that the target year 2009, the number of graduates and the actual difference between the number of graduates up to 79 000.

For this figure, "Yomiuri Shimbun," 20 major universities to continue to the survey conducted for the Investigation. The results showed, first, because the drop-out, study, and death is not caused by a small proportion of graduates to be negligible. Secondly, all those who are basically repeat the successful job search activities are not. Third, because of poor performance repetition phenomenon concentrated in the third year. Come to the conclusion to 79,000 repeaters are "employment repeater."

According to Japanese government statistics, this year a total of 31,000 graduates find work in the case of not graduating on schedule, coupled with the current identified 79,000 "Employment repeater," unemployed "ronin" total 11 million people.

Enterprise Italian "graduates"

According to statistics of the Japanese Federation of Economic Organizations, new business this spring with a ratio of 91%, less than 5 percentage points last year. It is from 1997, the first time since the survey began declining for two consecutive years.

When companies recruit people more like "fresh graduates." While the Japanese government in 2007, employment guidance to "strive to recruit graduates of previous" positioning for business obligations, but the Japan Business Federation survey, 59% of businesses did not hire graduates of previous plans. With Japanese business executives in charge of personnel said, "graduates employment stability and higher, and more training value."

In the employment situation is grim and companies like "fresh" in the context, "repeat" natural phenomenon began to increase. However, although the year to retain student status, next year may act as a "Graduate students" job, but the result is next year's "Graduate students" the number of surge, job competition more fierce. Rather than repeat is stalling tactics, some more appropriate than as an expedient measure.

"University-wide income" and "liberal education" deterioration of the quality of student

The current Japanese universities is "all in" times. Had no need to re-use college entrance examination, "mortal" and "difficult path," like the words to describe. Similarly, the "favored" also no longer apply.

University of lowering the threshold of a direct negative impact brought by the students of lower quality. Students enrolled in the past companies have a higher value is the basis of their scholastic ability,28 of them, but "students" in the name has not and "high quality" to draw parallels.

In addition, since 2002's "liberal education" also suffered criticism. Because the excessive emphasis on "character education" and deleted a number of basic school education, subject content, in which the education system in the cultivation of students lack the sense of competition, but also a lack of competitiveness. This is so that companies are unhappy.

It was reported that, although the "university-wide into the" elimination of the high threshold of college enrollment, graduation job search stage is the formation of a new barrier. "Competition is not no, but delayed."

School dilemma

"Repeater" so much increasing the number of students in school, even more than the number of people, is a problem; not to repeat a grade school graduate employment rate is difficult to see even more problematic. At the University of "full income" of the times, relations between the employment rate of graduates of the school's reputation and face, a more direct impact on the number of biogenic.

In order to improve the school's employment rate, Japanese universities to help students seeking employment in the scheming. Some university faculty members to mobilize to collect all the employment information and to send teachers to accompany students to participate in corporate interviews; others launched the "Examination Collection" type of questions measures to meet the enterprise test; some mock interviews in the school organization, to increase students live experience; Some schools held various civil servants, accountants, lawyers, etc. Examination remedial classes to help students get a variety of accreditation, to increase employment of capital.

At the same time, some university graduates to tolerance of repetition. Some schools have also adopted preferential policies to reduce school fees. Seikei University, Tokyo to take "extended graduation fee by half," the system, select the repetition of the graduates this spring, a 30% increase over last year. Kitakyushu City University on the "Employment repeater" only one quarter of the normal charge tuition.

However, there are a considerable number of universities should be taken for the system to support the repeater confused. Annual leave because of a large number of graduate students is hardly a good extension. Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto in 2100, this year's graduates choose to repeat a grade as high as 21%. "Financial crisis continues. This continues, the repeater will more and more", the school which is a sense of melancholy.

(This article Source: China Youth Daily)

