
in the same place

Recently, many users use this music phone and M8 Both smart phones and found that signal bad has affected the normal life.

music phone: hands can block the signal

Lenovo Group has vowed to beat through music phone Iphone, but since mid-May on the market, consumers complaints of bad music phone signal on continuously. Liu told this newspaper that people in Guangzhou, in the same place,the mid in the league, with other brands of cell phones over 3G signal, but with music PHONE cell phone signal worse two or three cells, and significantly better signal indoors outdoors, 3G call quality poor. At the same time, hold the phone as long as the normal hand, the signal attenuation immediately. In order to ensure the call, Mr. Liu has now closed the 3G channel, only the use of 2G mobile phone network.

In fact, the 315 consumer complaints against network statistics show that from June 19 the site received the first music phone signals were poor Lenovo complaints began to July 9, received a total of 106 valid Legend music phone complaints, all related to poor signal.

bad for the signal problem, Lenovo Group, the official said, after the existence of such problems may be related to 3G signal there is a certain instability in the relationship, allowing the user to upgrade the firmware to the latest version of the 973 can solve the problem.

M8: others did not respond to phone calls

parallel imports flooding the market at the occasion of Iphone, Meizu introduced the industry as \But soon, M8 problems signal bad group broke out.

's call many times in one day a friend of the M8 phone, the phone beeps show has been connected, but the other party has not answered. The friend later told reporters that he did not receive a phone call that day, phone display is normal, but has not rung.

and as a fellow reporter mistakenly M8 almost forget about the peer-aircraft originally scheduled for 12:00 to Beijing following a major figure in interviews, but the schedule changed due to be interviewed, interview time in advance of the peer units call several times nobody answered his phone, and finally open up their families through the phone to find him.

the signal is not good, Meizu solution is to provide free replacement.

technical people: signal a fight or a major cause

the signal is not just a bad domestic situation that is unique smart phones, has just listed the Apple Iphone4 also suffered a \lead to signal reduction, or even dropped calls. Apple CEO Steve Jobs admitted yesterday, Apple's cell phone signal problems exist, and provided free of charge to iPhone 4 users machine sets to solve the signal problem.

industry veteran Wu-Jun Wang told reporters, and now smart phones with GPS navigation, WIFI and other functions that require cell phones to receive and send signals, plus phone call signals, various signal functions are concentrated in a small place, the signal too many lead to \

News Analysis

made mobile phones still need to improve the quality

group into smart phones for China-made \quite attractive. In order to achieve the low cost of compression becomes inevitable, it is bound to sacrifice some quality assurance.

same time, the Yang group, said the success of Apple's mobile phone manufacturers in China not only as a model, but also a huge pressure, Iphone, the various \introduction of products not yet fully mature, from the current situation, M8 such imitators as well as followers of this music phone, though China is the smart phones have the mainstream product, but still need to improve product quality.

