
in Shiqi telecommunications Street area

slowly by domestic mobile phone consumers. Yu Tao's photo

swept the country last year, mobile phone style cottage, quietly put out this year. Instead, one by one called the name of national brands come loud. Domestic mobile phone is launching a new round of offensive words against the brand to the joint venture, sought to win greater market share. Domestic brand mobile phones in 2010, is being put up that a \

phenomenon: down cottage face fostering new gas

last year, an imitation of form, function-based cottage style mobile phone, China had swept the land, whether or Shiqi area network telecommunications forum street, selling the most fiery, to be discussed are the variety most frequently The cottage models. But as the quality of the surface, cottage also hate that also makes a variety of foundries with the cottage, intimately connected with the company, rush to disassociate themselves out.

However, this unit cottage style abrupt end of this year, replaced by the formation of its own characteristics, is an national brands. Reporter visited the store found that the previous mix of domestic mobile phone sales mix is different from the second half of last year, a variety of domestic brand mobile phones gradually increased their zhuanmai gui. In particular, in Shiqi telecommunications Street area, dominated by foreign brands billboards, this year increased the number of domestic brands figure, consulting, purchase of domestic mobile phone consumers significantly more than before.

survey data also support this phenomenon. According to research firm Analysys International released figures show the first quarter of this year accounted for one third of the domestic mobile phone market share, while last year only 10% of the domestic mobile phone market, domestic mobile phone in just more than 1 year has made considerable progress within.

Cheng Department of Zhongshan Suning phone introduction of domestic mobile phone market share in Zhongshan, about 20% from last year up until last year, we are concerned about the cottage at the same time, some domestic brands have been quietly layout of the market, after more than 1 year the development of domestic brands such efforts now have received good results.

\counters or in the operating room in an ordinary mobile phone, with a cell phone is the price of a unified national price. \stable prices to consumers establish a good brand image.

He said the quality of home phones also increased input power, the basic small repair, cell phones have gradually made more repeat customers and word of mouth of consumers, the increasing number of domestic mobile phone at home.

trends: focus on quality and take the classification line

in the industry seems, a new generation of rising domestic mobile phone, drawing numerous family, quickly to meet market demand, which is the largest domestic mobile phone advantages.

Mr Cheng said: \price positioning, the same function of domestic brand mobile phone joint venture is often lower than 34 percent, the market acceptance of generally higher.

Mr Cheng believes that the rough and tumble with each other before the domestic mobile phone now has a lot to improve the situation. He said that for consumers, previously the largest purchase of mobile factors into account price, so domestic brands in the mobile phone market is the most commonly used means of a price war, but there was no quality assurance, price war finally ended in failure. Now consumers are more brand conscious and quality reputation among consumers spread more and more important.

\show some advantages, but flowers are the only main attack white women, this target group orientation, so that these companies competitive in the industry have made their own advantages, achievements witnessed by all. \

disadvantage: the core technology is still weakness

in the industry view,aquatic expert analysis, the rapid development momentum of China-made mobile phone, there are worries. Industry insiders pointed out that from Zhongshan market, the current fastest growing smart phone, smart phone market share close to 40%, but made the smart phone models are few.

\R & D areas in the mobile phone system, because input costs, large, multi-core technology, or the relative lack of domestic mobile phone. If you do not have core technology, fear of domestic mobile phones will eventually step in 2003 that followed the wave of development, Zuizhong brand out of the market is still a joint venture . \

