
Aba cooperation strategy is to eradicate their primary task

BEIJING, July 26 Xinhua, according to foreign media reports,in some EU member states when engaged in belt-tightening, the deal with tribal Pakistan and Afghanistan, illegal contact, the military chief of staff Mike • Mullen said the U.S. convinced that Osama bin Laden and its agents - "base" on the 2nd People Zawahiri are still in Pakistan.

Mullen believes that the existence of these terrorist organizations, leaders,mbt shoes, explains why "Aba cooperation strategy is to eradicate their primary task (terrorist leader) is a safe haven."

This is the 19th visit to Pakistan, Mullen. He believes that al-Qaeda hiding in "a very safe place," and difficult to track. Mullen praised Pakistan's actions against armed groups, in Afganistan, he considered the "Haqqani Network" anti-government organizations should also take action. Head of that organization in Pakistan, a series of planned activities pose a threat to Afghanistan.


