
from Bloomberg New Energy Finance

China Securities Journal reported on August 3 from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) The latest survey shows that although governments around the world on the development of clean energy to a lot of promises, but in fact all countries to non-clean energy subsidies considerably in excess of renewable energy and bio-fuel subsidies. In fact, oil, coal and other fossil fuels sector by government subsidies, making clean energy subsidies received by dwarfs.

fossil fuel subsidies is much higher than clean energy

BNEF preliminary study concludes in 2009, governments around the world for renewable energy and bio-fuel energy technologies, projects and has provided about 43 billion U.S. dollars to 46 billion U.S. dollars in support.

the totals include electricity price (feed-in-tariffs, FiTs), renewable energy certificates (renewable energy certificates, RECs),Christian Louboutin shoes online store, tax breaks,Aug. 5 power, cash grants, and other direct subsidies. Does not include more upstream subsidies, subsidies for corn farmers, such as to make it available to the U.S. ethanol plant material; do not include any amount produced under the control of the value of carbon transactions.

clean fuel with 430 billion dollars to 46 billion U.S. dollars to subsidize contrast, the International Energy Agency (IEA) last month estimated that in 2008 global fossil fuel subsidies amounted to 557 billion U.S. dollars.

\\direct subsidies for renewable energy subsidies of about ten times. Moreover, these do not take into account the enormous fossil fuel safety and public health costs, as well as a series of shocking in the Gulf of Mexico, the Niger Delta and other places catastrophic pollution incident. \the gap is expected to reduce subsidies

BNEF preliminary analysis shows that the United States is a clean energy subsidies to the most generous country in 2009, its for the clean energy provided a total of about 18.2 billion U.S. dollars in direct subsidies. Of these, approximately 40% for support for the U.S. biofuels sector development, and the rest for renewable energy. In this, the federal economic stimulus plan played a key role, only the U.S. Treasury Department for the clean energy projects on 38 million financial support.

According to preliminary analysis, the Chinese new wind power installed capacity in 2009 14GW, the world leader in wind power installed capacity, and provides approximately 20 billion dollars in direct subsidies. However, this figure is not complete, because China still has a lot of critical support for new energy sources are low-interest loans to state-owned banks form. State-owned power grid company and the government's strong encouragement, the potential of mining finance, to support the renewable energy sector to develop.

European countries in 2009 through the purchase of electricity price subsidies for new energy power for about 195 million. BNEF preliminary study found that in 2009 Germany provided the world's largest single clean energy project document subsidy cost of its policy for the Internet price of about 9.6 billion U.S. dollars, reflecting the country in recent years, an unusual number of PV system installation on.

fossil fuels and government subsidies for clean energy to provide the gap between the decline in 2010. First, based on BNEF study found that renewable energy and biofuels support will grow to 188 billion U.S. dollars, because the global economic stimulus in the increased allocation for clean energy; Second, the international crude oil prices from mid-2008 Peak fall, some countries in order to maintain relatively low prices of fossil fuels and decrease the cost.

(This article Source: Report of China Securities: Li Yang Dan)

