
the Yangtze River

BEIJING, July 19 The Central Meteorological Station at 18 o'clock on the July 19th release of tropical low pressure forecast: East China Sea, tropical low pressure center at 17 o'clock on the July 19 is located in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, south-east of the East China Sea about 520 kilometers southeast of the sea , that is, 26.5 degrees north latitude,the same time, 125.8 degrees east longitude, near the center of the largest wind power has seven (16 m / s), the Center a minimum pressure of 1002 hPa.

expected, the low pressure center will be the speed of 20-25 km per hour, moving to the northwest, the intensity will be slightly strengthened, may develop into a tropical storm, and then gradually to the south of Zhejiang, Jiangsu Province along the middle to near the coast, and there possible during the day on 20 with coastal areas in the north or along coastal waters.

affected, 19 night to 20 during the day, the East China Sea, north-central coast of Zhejiang, Shanghai, coastal, central and southern coastal Jiangsu Province, Hangzhou Bay, the Yangtze River, the wind will gradually increase to 6-8, parts of the ocean or gusts up to 9-10 regional level; the northeast of Zhejiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu, there will be showers southeast.

In addition, the South Sea tropical low pressure center at 17 o'clock on the on July 19th in Wenchang City, Hainan Province, about 800 km southeast of the central South China sea, is 15.2 degrees north latitude, 116.8 degrees east longitude, near the center of the largest wind power has seven (16 m / s), the Center a minimum pressure of 1002 hPa.

expected, the low pressure center will be 10-15 kilometers per hour, moving north west, the next 24 hours may develop into a tropical storm.

affected, 19 night to 20 during the day, the South China Sea will have 6-8 central wind gusts up to 9-10 parts of the ocean's level.

