
apart from strengthening the supervision of professional bodies

in the Office, the State Council recently issued \large amount of project financing arrangements for the operation of matters and matters such as collective decision by the leadership. This is the first to form the central document to require state-owned enterprises to implement \

In fact, the \As early as 1996, the Central Discipline Inspection Commission plenary requires complete central enterprise \Since then a number of central enterprises have established a system, but specific performance is not known. Followed in June 2008, the SASAC has the website clearly states that \

, however, appears to have drum-like against the \Today a number of state-owned enterprises, money, personnel, projects, engage in engineering, \Power arising out of control, decision-making mistakes, misconduct, etc. too numerous to mention. SASAC has revealed the head of the international financial crisis, 68 central enterprises involved in financial derivatives business Fukui 11.4 billion.

do this in the State's Office jointly issued a document, released two signals: one state-owned enterprises in the \case and the Gujing executives Woan) the issue is the number one company too much power,thousand pick one, to increase the system fortification efforts; second is the \The pilot of a \

In my view, the implementation of the \The first is to \is to highlight key points, increasing the \investor of state-owned assets, institutions and audit institutions, Jiang \Fourth, apart from strengthening the supervision of professional bodies, but also fully 发挥 internal supervisors of functions, so that financial, Shen Ji, Zhigongdaibiao positive Gongzuo assembly of supervision body, the formation of all-round, multi-level of internal monitoring system.

this multi-pronged approach, to effectively urge the state-owned enterprises have rules of procedure of leadership, decision-making are based on expenditure standards, the \power along the democratic, open, standard running track, to ensure that the \probability. (High-Fu-Sheng)

