
senior editor

According to U.S. media news and comment website Mediaite reports, the U.S. Cable News Network (CNN) Middle East affairs, Nasr, senior editor (Octavia Nasr) said that as the Twitter (Twitter) praised the speech delivered in connection with the Lebanese Hezbollah late leaf Leader Fadlalla caused enormous controversy, she will leave CNN.

Lebanese Shiite Muslim cleric Fadlalla chief (Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah) 4 month, died aged 75. Fadlalla support people, mainly in Lebanon and Iraq, the United States to include "terrorist" list.

It is reported that Nasr issued a document on the twitter, praised by the United States as a terrorist Fadlalla, saying Fadlalla own "very respected" a Hezbollah leader. His remark caused great controversy.

Nasr afterwards push the text to convey the meaning of her life support Fadlalla sorry. CNN's blog where she explained that she was referring to the Shiite holy Fadlalla staff in women's views are different from ordinary people. Nasr in his blog, said he made absolutely no respect Fadlalla or say mean,meeting this morning said, she regretted the circumstances surrounding the matter without reference to such a simplified pre-publication review.

CNN for international news coverage of the vice president of Kesilawei (Parisa Khosravi) in an internal memorandum has also been confirmed, has been working for 20 years Nasr CNN "will be leaving CNN".


