
the black race organization has eight empire gradually formed their own style

BEIJING, July 16 along with the annual electricity Snooker China Open held at the pool of Chinese folk craze is heating up again. However, the existence of various forms of various types of billiards community although the large number of large, loose, but the management and organization structure, and entertainment-based non-profit or low-profit behavior is difficult to form a model of sustainable development. CCSPORTS events led coalition \

\of the gaming population and billiards enthusiasts compelling history of the cattle is also known as network reality billiards game,

\venues all over the poster, brochures, each event will be broadcast video, as well as potential members to provide real-time log cards, etc., are to send a message to the outside world: the black eight ordinary people to participate in the Empire is the only packaging event, fans of all billiards second life can be respected by the passion to the cause for the city of white-collar, young students build the release energy, the pursuit of fashion, the best platform to find opportunities!

As of mid-July 2010, opened the first black eight empire based event - free game has start a full 3 months, and in this short period of 90 days, the black 8 18 Empire League venue has been affiliated successfully launched the 100 games,China news agency reporter Liang Jin, the cumulative number of entries more than 1,200 people, the cumulative real-name registration system, more than 3,000 members of the rapid, black has become a vast empire eight billiards tournament favorite form of fans, but also realized CSPORTS League matches every day with the game plan early .

of competition for this high-density (year 9 months) is the first black model eight Empire, through the intelligent event management platform, the ball room of resources and the effective integration of billiards enthusiasts, while the black eight unique empire The binding mode of online games and reality, but also attracted a large number of white collar and students to join in the next six months, the Alliance facility will increase to 100, more than 15,000 registered members, number of entries accumulated more than 10,000 people. Black 8 empire is destined to become in a short time at home and abroad will be the biggest and most influential of the social events.

a short period of three months, the black race organization has eight empire gradually formed their own style, some dark empire host eight races to get the black empire of eight NBA great color, causing the players a strong interest in basic is not the end of each game, the next game had already started to apply it! This personal style has become a black empire eight races a beautiful landscape, attract more friends to join like billiards eight empire black, black empire eight designers will soon be loved as we launch more products.

