
whether in popular or financially

New Express News, according to "The New York Times" reported on the 17th, the U.S. Federal Election Commission (FEC) in a report said that as Vice President of the United States presidential election in 2008, too many political contributions accepted, and false in the elections During the travel costs associated with private jet, so he need to pay up 219,000 U.S. dollars to the FEC (about 1,483,729 yuan) amount.

FEC auditors found that, in order to obtain presidential nomination, Biden on the campaign trail during a number of irregularities.

The FEC's "debt collection," Biden's press secretary Elizabeth Alexander, 17, said he would pay the arrears Biden.

In the report, FEC accused Biden of accounting rash. Even so, but the support person has said that the rash is relatively small accounting errors, and excess political contributions are less than 1% of the total propaganda.

It is understood that Biden had won more than two million U.S. dollars (about 13,550,043 yuan) supporting funding for publicity. Federal law requires FEC to obtain information on all funds the audit and to allow the latter to act in accordance with Chapter. In the course of the audit, the audit found that Biden's publicity committee had received "inappropriate", the draft, the form is allowed to cheap travel to and from New Hampshire and Iowa's private jet.

Auditors said that while Biden has a private jet company paid 7,911 U.S. dollars (about 53,597 yuan) the costs, but actual costs have far exceeded this figure, Biden's Election Commission had already agreed to 26,889 U.S. dollars (approximately RMB 182,172 yuan) to the U.S. Treasury to pay the difference.

Moreover, while the maximum campaign contributions from individuals receiving more than 2,300 U.S. dollars can not be about 15,582 yuan), but the FEC found that many of Biden's campaign contributions have exceeded this amount. In this regard, he turned over information the Commission has pledged 106,216 U.S. dollars received (approximately 719,613 yuan), and 85,900 U.S. dollars worth (about 581,972 yuan) handed over a check.

It is understood that, in 2007, after announcing his presidential candidacy, whether in popular or financially, Biden is far less than the then rival Barack Obama and Hillary, then exit in the January 2008 election. (When the news)

Positive material

Mayor of New York pay for their campaign

2010 New Year's Day, Michael Bloomberg was sworn in New York City Hall New York City mayor, this is his third time as mayor of New York. New York City mayor, known as "the real power behind the U.S. president's character." In the past 100 years, Bloomberg third term is the fourth New York mayor.

In the 2009 election, in order to get a third term, Bloomberg, the billionaire spent a record 102 million U.S. dollars. He spent the first political campaign beyond his own wealth to any one person in U.S. history.

Bloomberg is the nation's financial information services "leader" - Bloomberg, "empire" of the king. His campaign said his financial skills and experience to lead New York out of the difficult economic situation are very valuable.

New York, 2001, was first elected mayor, Michael Bloomberg, the threatened "annual salary of one U.S. dollar is willing to serve the public."

The third time in 2010 after being elected, Bloomberg has not traditionally held large-scale inauguration, but the five boroughs of New York to do a day's volunteers.


