
in the same place

Recently, many users use this music phone and M8 Both smart phones and found that signal bad has affected the normal life.

music phone: hands can block the signal

Lenovo Group has vowed to beat through music phone Iphone, but since mid-May on the market, consumers complaints of bad music phone signal on continuously. Liu told this newspaper that people in Guangzhou, in the same place,the mid in the league, with other brands of cell phones over 3G signal, but with music PHONE cell phone signal worse two or three cells, and significantly better signal indoors outdoors, 3G call quality poor. At the same time, hold the phone as long as the normal hand, the signal attenuation immediately. In order to ensure the call, Mr. Liu has now closed the 3G channel, only the use of 2G mobile phone network.

In fact, the 315 consumer complaints against network statistics show that from June 19 the site received the first music phone signals were poor Lenovo complaints began to July 9, received a total of 106 valid Legend music phone complaints, all related to poor signal.

bad for the signal problem, Lenovo Group, the official said, after the existence of such problems may be related to 3G signal there is a certain instability in the relationship, allowing the user to upgrade the firmware to the latest version of the 973 can solve the problem.

M8: others did not respond to phone calls

parallel imports flooding the market at the occasion of Iphone, Meizu introduced the industry as \But soon, M8 problems signal bad group broke out.

's call many times in one day a friend of the M8 phone, the phone beeps show has been connected, but the other party has not answered. The friend later told reporters that he did not receive a phone call that day, phone display is normal, but has not rung.

and as a fellow reporter mistakenly M8 almost forget about the peer-aircraft originally scheduled for 12:00 to Beijing following a major figure in interviews, but the schedule changed due to be interviewed, interview time in advance of the peer units call several times nobody answered his phone, and finally open up their families through the phone to find him.

the signal is not good, Meizu solution is to provide free replacement.

technical people: signal a fight or a major cause

the signal is not just a bad domestic situation that is unique smart phones, has just listed the Apple Iphone4 also suffered a \lead to signal reduction, or even dropped calls. Apple CEO Steve Jobs admitted yesterday, Apple's cell phone signal problems exist, and provided free of charge to iPhone 4 users machine sets to solve the signal problem.

industry veteran Wu-Jun Wang told reporters, and now smart phones with GPS navigation, WIFI and other functions that require cell phones to receive and send signals, plus phone call signals, various signal functions are concentrated in a small place, the signal too many lead to \

News Analysis

made mobile phones still need to improve the quality

group into smart phones for China-made \quite attractive. In order to achieve the low cost of compression becomes inevitable, it is bound to sacrifice some quality assurance.

same time, the Yang group, said the success of Apple's mobile phone manufacturers in China not only as a model, but also a huge pressure, Iphone, the various \introduction of products not yet fully mature, from the current situation, M8 such imitators as well as followers of this music phone, though China is the smart phones have the mainstream product, but still need to improve product quality.

TEDA team opening a temporary state of depression after the final suffered a major loss to the team

the game yesterday, TEDA team 15 minutes before the opening performance of very low, almost the entire defense is being paralyzed. In this regard, coach Haan after the match, said: \

match negative reading, Haan after the game did not refer to their responsibilities, but in fact, the Conservancy's starting lineup was a surprise hit him. Estimated according to the old man, Changchun strikers will come in able-bodied Kinney, so think twice, he decided to partner Ho Yang and Zhongwei Zoric, but the last round of competition in the performance of central defender position to play a good side of Sasha is changed Road. But Ginny did not debut,July 19 Xinhua, Changchun Du Zhenyu speed using the direct penetration of the Road TEDA team defense, the two central defender must keep a clean sheet for the first grain to bear the main responsibility. Of course, in the final analysis, TEDA team opening a temporary state of depression after the final suffered a major loss to the team, because very few rivals match will hit the door.

Haan after the game for the players after the opening of the slack is also very angry, he even asked some did not understand: \Why do not they pressed? \At this point, when the old man some to heart, \

let the old man feel satisfied that, after adjustment of midfield when the team a new look in the second half performance. \(Xinhua Shen Wei)

Master Lee is a taxi company drivers tomorrow. Master Lee said

taxi drivers Lu-yu accident, rushed the police, and later charged with protecting the scene, I did not realize until the injured were rushed to left, his car was actually stolen money.

6:40 yesterday morning the promise of peace in the Wuchang Road, Wuchang vehicle plant in the vicinity, a van ran a red light, the zebra crossing on a migrant workers Zhuang Fei. The good brother Master Li to see the injured eye bruising, brain blood DC, and hurried to his car to the curb,we found that, call the alarm call and protect the scene. Soon, the police will be injured to hospital. When Master Lee ready to return to their car, the side of the traffic police surprised him by asking: \. \

Master Lee is a taxi company drivers tomorrow. Master Lee said, his good intentions to save, I did not realize it was in disarray, \At noon yesterday, we found the scene, many people experience confirmed the master Lee. (Intern reporter Zhao Qiang Mei-juan Chen Dong NANHUA new)

apart from strengthening the supervision of professional bodies

in the Office, the State Council recently issued \large amount of project financing arrangements for the operation of matters and matters such as collective decision by the leadership. This is the first to form the central document to require state-owned enterprises to implement \

In fact, the \As early as 1996, the Central Discipline Inspection Commission plenary requires complete central enterprise \Since then a number of central enterprises have established a system, but specific performance is not known. Followed in June 2008, the SASAC has the website clearly states that \

, however, appears to have drum-like against the \Today a number of state-owned enterprises, money, personnel, projects, engage in engineering, \Power arising out of control, decision-making mistakes, misconduct, etc. too numerous to mention. SASAC has revealed the head of the international financial crisis, 68 central enterprises involved in financial derivatives business Fukui 11.4 billion.

do this in the State's Office jointly issued a document, released two signals: one state-owned enterprises in the \case and the Gujing executives Woan) the issue is the number one company too much power,thousand pick one, to increase the system fortification efforts; second is the \The pilot of a \

In my view, the implementation of the \The first is to \is to highlight key points, increasing the \investor of state-owned assets, institutions and audit institutions, Jiang \Fourth, apart from strengthening the supervision of professional bodies, but also fully 发挥 internal supervisors of functions, so that financial, Shen Ji, Zhigongdaibiao positive Gongzuo assembly of supervision body, the formation of all-round, multi-level of internal monitoring system.

this multi-pronged approach, to effectively urge the state-owned enterprises have rules of procedure of leadership, decision-making are based on expenditure standards, the \power along the democratic, open, standard running track, to ensure that the \probability. (High-Fu-Sheng)

the Yangtze River

BEIJING, July 19 The Central Meteorological Station at 18 o'clock on the July 19th release of tropical low pressure forecast: East China Sea, tropical low pressure center at 17 o'clock on the July 19 is located in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, south-east of the East China Sea about 520 kilometers southeast of the sea , that is, 26.5 degrees north latitude,the same time, 125.8 degrees east longitude, near the center of the largest wind power has seven (16 m / s), the Center a minimum pressure of 1002 hPa.

expected, the low pressure center will be the speed of 20-25 km per hour, moving to the northwest, the intensity will be slightly strengthened, may develop into a tropical storm, and then gradually to the south of Zhejiang, Jiangsu Province along the middle to near the coast, and there possible during the day on 20 with coastal areas in the north or along coastal waters.

affected, 19 night to 20 during the day, the East China Sea, north-central coast of Zhejiang, Shanghai, coastal, central and southern coastal Jiangsu Province, Hangzhou Bay, the Yangtze River, the wind will gradually increase to 6-8, parts of the ocean or gusts up to 9-10 regional level; the northeast of Zhejiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu, there will be showers southeast.

In addition, the South Sea tropical low pressure center at 17 o'clock on the on July 19th in Wenchang City, Hainan Province, about 800 km southeast of the central South China sea, is 15.2 degrees north latitude, 116.8 degrees east longitude, near the center of the largest wind power has seven (16 m / s), the Center a minimum pressure of 1002 hPa.

expected, the low pressure center will be 10-15 kilometers per hour, moving north west, the next 24 hours may develop into a tropical storm.

affected, 19 night to 20 during the day, the South China Sea will have 6-8 central wind gusts up to 9-10 parts of the ocean's level.


he said the Taliban used a cell phone with his office where contact was made

According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on July 17, Afghan Defense Forces of a renegade soldier shot and killed three days ago with British soldiers on patrol, then mysteriously disappeared. The soldier on the 16th proactive media outreach, the disclosure of his own shot dead British soldiers in Helmand province, the causes and insider.

A claim - Hussein's 21-year-old man, 16, call the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) division in Kabul, said he was shot that day in Helmand province, three British soldiers on patrol who , saying the attack with the Taliban and Al Qaeda did not have any relationship. Taleb is through a mobile phone division with the BBC Kabul contact.

Lasted about 10 minutes in a telephone interview, Taleb on BBC journalist said that he belongs to the Hazara tribe, from central Afghanistan's Ghazni province have been living in Iran several years and was years ago, returned to Afghanistan, the Afghan Defence Force shortly thereafter to serve. Taleb said the reason he shot and killed British soldiers in Afghanistan, mainly to express the British soldiers in Helmand province, Afghanistan, and done dissatisfaction. He said the British soldiers came to Afghanistan not for the protection of the Afghan people, the opposite where they killed innocent people, killing many civilians including children. Taleb said that because he has the identity of the Afghan Defense Forces soldiers, British soldiers shot dead before so did not cause any doubt.

Taleb also told reporters that British soldiers shot entirely his own idea, and the Taliban militant group, Al Qaeda, Iran or Pakistan are not related. Taleb said before, he had been in Afghanistan serving in the military, never had any contact with Taliban or al Qaeda, but in the shooting incident, he fled the Taliban is not far away from this camp, and formally joined the organization. Taleb said that the Taliban is really "our own country for the war."

BBC Pashto Channel reporter Daoud - Azzam Taleb was answering the phone, he said the Taliban used a cell phone with his office where contact was made, and then handed over the phone British soldiers killed Taleb claims. Azzam said: "We can not be sure that person is Taleb, but I asked his name, young, race, hometown and the service time is right. When I rebut his attacks on the Taliban will be killed the civilian population, he says, the Taliban is fighting for his country's soldiers. "

British Ministry of Defence said the current investigation of the incident is ongoing. British Prime Minister Cameron insists, this does not change the British and Afghan troops fighting alongside the strategy, establishment of the Afghan national army itself is the right thing, with the ultimate goal is to British soldiers in their own home. In response to the above-mentioned telephone interview incident, the MoD said they are very concerned, saying, "Although we can not declare the legitimacy of these individuals to comment, but accused us of engaging in a number of suicide attacks or the intentional killing of civilians is absurd. "

13, an Afghan soldier in a military base in southern Helmand province, British soldiers shot and fired the grenade, resulting in three British soldiers were killed, the dead included British Commander on Bowman, who was sleeping at the base . He is the last in July Rupert - Thorne Luolu Jun Colonel killed in the attack been killed in E Yingjun top general. British special forces are being hidden on Taleb possible large-scale search region. British commander in Helmand province, said Richard, the murderer will not affect NATO troops and Afghan forces the relationship between the firm.


whether in popular or financially

New Express News, according to "The New York Times" reported on the 17th, the U.S. Federal Election Commission (FEC) in a report said that as Vice President of the United States presidential election in 2008, too many political contributions accepted, and false in the elections During the travel costs associated with private jet, so he need to pay up 219,000 U.S. dollars to the FEC (about 1,483,729 yuan) amount.

FEC auditors found that, in order to obtain presidential nomination, Biden on the campaign trail during a number of irregularities.

The FEC's "debt collection," Biden's press secretary Elizabeth Alexander, 17, said he would pay the arrears Biden.

In the report, FEC accused Biden of accounting rash. Even so, but the support person has said that the rash is relatively small accounting errors, and excess political contributions are less than 1% of the total propaganda.

It is understood that Biden had won more than two million U.S. dollars (about 13,550,043 yuan) supporting funding for publicity. Federal law requires FEC to obtain information on all funds the audit and to allow the latter to act in accordance with Chapter. In the course of the audit, the audit found that Biden's publicity committee had received "inappropriate", the draft, the form is allowed to cheap travel to and from New Hampshire and Iowa's private jet.

Auditors said that while Biden has a private jet company paid 7,911 U.S. dollars (about 53,597 yuan) the costs, but actual costs have far exceeded this figure, Biden's Election Commission had already agreed to 26,889 U.S. dollars (approximately RMB 182,172 yuan) to the U.S. Treasury to pay the difference.

Moreover, while the maximum campaign contributions from individuals receiving more than 2,300 U.S. dollars can not be about 15,582 yuan), but the FEC found that many of Biden's campaign contributions have exceeded this amount. In this regard, he turned over information the Commission has pledged 106,216 U.S. dollars received (approximately 719,613 yuan), and 85,900 U.S. dollars worth (about 581,972 yuan) handed over a check.

It is understood that, in 2007, after announcing his presidential candidacy, whether in popular or financially, Biden is far less than the then rival Barack Obama and Hillary, then exit in the January 2008 election. (When the news)

Positive material

Mayor of New York pay for their campaign

2010 New Year's Day, Michael Bloomberg was sworn in New York City Hall New York City mayor, this is his third time as mayor of New York. New York City mayor, known as "the real power behind the U.S. president's character." In the past 100 years, Bloomberg third term is the fourth New York mayor.

In the 2009 election, in order to get a third term, Bloomberg, the billionaire spent a record 102 million U.S. dollars. He spent the first political campaign beyond his own wealth to any one person in U.S. history.

Bloomberg is the nation's financial information services "leader" - Bloomberg, "empire" of the king. His campaign said his financial skills and experience to lead New York out of the difficult economic situation are very valuable.

New York, 2001, was first elected mayor, Michael Bloomberg, the threatened "annual salary of one U.S. dollar is willing to serve the public."

The third time in 2010 after being elected, Bloomberg has not traditionally held large-scale inauguration, but the five boroughs of New York to do a day's volunteers.


villages and peasant households to visit to help Rotary's seven poor households

BEIJING, July 16 Xinhua news Chaozhou federation, the morning of July 15, Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province Overseas Chinese President Yang Ximing leading cadres went down to the town down Raoping Fushan Village, villages and peasant households to visit to help Rotary's seven poor households, and to assist the object of all relief funds sent to 500; encourage them to establish the confidence of poverty, for the early poverty.

Raoping Fushan Town, Village 7 downstairs Chaozhou federation of poor households to assist the object, these poor people are mostly low skilled labor, fewer sources of income, living a difficult life. To better implement the \

every home in a poor household, municipal federation cadres are being, eager to understand their lives, production, listening attentively to achieve poverty reduction goals on schedule headed ideas and plans; hope to assist through one on one as soon as possible to help them to find ways to eliminate poverty. Chaozhou City Federation of poor people on the care and love expressed his thanks and said it will try every means to fight poverty as soon as possible, to live up to the party and the government's care.

Chaozhou Overseas Chinese Vice Helin Hui, City Federation of Mu-shu, deputy researcher took part in the activities.

the Supreme People are speeding up the development of People's Procuratorate

According to Justice Net reported that the work of Supreme People's Procuratorate Criminal Compensation Office recently issued \implementation of the new standards on compensation, on the amount of compensation from the 111.99 yuan to 125.43 yuan increase over the previous year on an increase of 13.44 yuan compensation standards.

new compensation standard is the work of the Supreme People's Office of Criminal Compensation Law Article 6 Genjuguojia compensation provisions and the State Bureau of Statistics in July 2010 announced the 2009 national urban non-private unit of workers is calculated on the average wage.

Article 6

the State Compensation Law provides that violations of civil liberty, and the daily compensation of workers on the previous year in accordance with the national average wage. \According to the law and statistics, in 2010 prosecutors handling criminal violations of civil liberty compensation cases, the daily compensation that is calculated in accordance with 125.43 yuan, an increase over the previous year 13.44 yuan on compensation standards.

It is reported that revised the State Compensation Law expressly provides that assault and battery, causing serious consequences shall be paid to the appropriate mental injury solatium. Amending the Law on State Compensation will be December 1, 2010 into effect. Supreme People's Procuratorate Criminal Compensation Office official says, the Supreme People are speeding up the development of People's Procuratorate, the State Compensation modify work rules.

then China

Global network of journalists to declare Pei Road, according to South Korea, "Chosun Ilbo," July 17 news, South Korean military and national defense scientific research (ADD) has developed a range of 1,500 kilometers of the domestic cruise missile has been deployed for combat.

July 17 issue of the "Monthly Chosun" 8 issue, said South Korean military official said the National Defense Research Institute since 2008, began the development of a range of 1,500 kilometers of ground-ground missiles "basaltic-3C", and has successfully put into operation this year in the central theater in a unit deployed hundreds of missiles to the missile. It is reported that after only Han Jun, a range of 500 km of the "basalt-3A" and a range of 1,000 kilometers of "basaltic-3B" had actual combat deployment.

Range of 1,500 kilometers of "basaltic-3C" to complete development and operational deployment, the South Korean armed forces in addition to the range of North Korea's nuclear facilities, but also covers in the original Korean Pyongan Cheung, Ichon, Kangwon Province Korea County Daisy Li, the North Korean Ham Mirror Yu Ping South Road, Wonsan area workers "Scud", "Nodong" missile base in North Korea a major military installations.

"Basaltic -3" series is the latest Korean cruise missile, by the Korea Institute for National Defense Science and Development, South Korea defense company LIG NEX1 volume. "Basaltic-3C" 6 meters long cruise, from 53 to 60 cm in diameter and weighs 1.5 tons, the same engine used jet aircraft engines. The missile speed of Mach 1 (speed of 1260 kilometers) below the warhead weighing about 450 kilograms, the accuracy error of 1-2 meters, performance comparable to the U.S. tactical Tomahawk cruise missiles.

Korean long-range cruise missile technology than China media

The world has more than 500 km range cruise missiles, only the United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Israel, six countries (should also include Pakistan), has developed a cruise missile over a range of 1,500 kilometers, only the United States, Russia, Israel and South Korea four countries.

Military official said: "After the basalt-3C into combat, if you encounter unexpected events, it can be accurate in the early war against North Korean missile threat to South Korea's military bases and war command Sheshi. In the past, north of Pyongyang, South Korea's missiles on The number of missile bases do nothing, but by the basalt-3C's debut, will be able to overcome this disadvantage. "missile launch by North Korea in 2001 amended the" Missile Technology Control Regime "(MTCR) provides that South Korea can develop limited ballistic missile range of 300 kilometers, but in the provisions, cruise missiles and unmanned reconnaissance aircraft (UAV) belonging to the same family, as long as the "warhead weight" not more than 500 kilograms, the missile's range is unlimited. With this in mind, the North Korean Ministry of National Defense for the development of ballistic missiles of the situation, since the last century 90's, more focused on the development of cruise missiles to overcome the disadvantages of the North Korean ballistic missile technology.

According to Korean media reported basaltic-3C data to crude estimates, if Han Jun missiles deployed in South Korea the West Coast, then China, Beijing, Shenyang, Tianjin, Qingdao, Shijiazhuang, Jinan, Shanghai, Nanjing, Changchun, Taiyuan, and dozens of large medium-sized cities in the "basalt-3C" ground to ground missiles like the range, North China, Northeast and central parts will be covered by the range of the missile. And if the missiles are deployed in the northern or eastern South Korea, or even cover the Japanese capital Tokyo, and Russia's Far East port of Vladivostok. Recently, the security situation in Northeast Asia for Multimodal speech events become very subtle, at this moment, South Korea suddenly announced the deployment of long-range cruise missiles, combat moves glaring.

More exciting content please visit the World Wide Web (www.huanqiu.com)


including the major elections in Taiwan's intelligence compiled

BEIJING, July 16 Xinhua reported, according to Taiwan's TVBS, the Taiwan authorities, \transfer.

Wu Ying, originally scheduled for January 16 next year, retirement age, but because of high blood pressure and other illnesses and sick, active between the resignation in June, Taiwan's \

63-year-old Zhang Jiping, then to first admitted, \

Zhang Jiping former Board Director of the First Division, is responsible for analyzing the political situation, including the major elections in Taiwan's intelligence compiled, are Zhang Jiping familiar Responsibilities. At the end of the \

but the psychological price gap between the two sides obviously.

AP Inter Milan's transfer market has entered a quiet period, Biabiany, Kudiniao ... ... Inter Milan in the past enjoyed planting the fruit, on the Inter Milan transfer news more is transferred and not transferred out.

first Baluoteli local time yesterday, Moratti confirmed that Inter Milan and Manchester United in hand on the Baluoteli offer, but the psychological price gap between the two sides obviously.

Moratti media tugging Baluoteli first day of the first training to be late for 7 minutes without letting go of the rejected, Moratti said: \genius. \

about Baluoteli the transfer, Moratti said: \their transfer policy, the present, both sides agreed there is a long distance way to go. \

Moratti also talked about Mascherano, it seems, like with Blanca said, Moratti does not want to buy this at all costs, he said: \outstanding performance over the past few seasons, he is a smart player, has a tough character, but we are in the same location on You Henduo players, also Tongyangfeichang same name, our techniques and tactics from your perspective Have we position also requires a player. \

Baluoteli the situation is not complicated, both negotiations are successful on the high price, no one team out of high prices on the left, the real trouble is Burdisso, Roman hopes to buy Inter Milan Argentine defender, but both sides The first time the talks broke up.

this, Inter Milan's sporting director Marco Branca introduced, he said: \Diso price? you think is just 3.5 to 4 million euros to buy Burdisso? As of now we can rent, but Burdisso really worth more, we know that he wanted to Rome, but Rome's bid is too lower. Of course, the idea is to have respect for the players, but can not ignore the wishes of the club. After all, we took him to Italy, has been in the respect his wishes. \There will be a negotiation between Rome. The other player is faced with the transfer Colombian Rivas, his agent Yidaerge said: \

Maicon already aborted move to Real Madrid, but his agent, Caliendo began to make trouble, and Caliendo First, said: \Real Madrid abortion, and it can only be because not want to buy a club, a club do not want to sell, but the Inter Milan player has never asked the idea. \can be said that Manchester City on Maicon interested, of course, we also support the initial contact ... ... \Baluoteli, but according to Caliendo say, maybe Manchester City side will put forward the question on Maicon, Moratti had just put down the heart and also hanging up the ... ...


Ying-Long Xu

According to the Voice of \.

Ying-Long Xu: The entire run should be the end of 2009, to what I just said 5,6 is a great mid-month El Nino, so it is the easterly flow, from the easterly flow over the eastern Pacific , in the east will move easily through the process of weakening, it is not conducive to the development of typhoon.

Ying-Long Xu said the El Nino climate anomalies brought about not only the typhoon pushed back. Southwest last winter and spring from the five provinces of China suffered serious drought in a century, to most parts of India this spring, 44 degrees of heat waves, it like a naughty child, causing trouble all over the world.

to 6 months, El Nino has finally gone. To clean up a mess in people when the other abnormal weather phenomena - La Nina again.

\The basic characteristics of El Nino sea surface temperature anomalies along the Pacific coast increased sea level rise, and the formation of warmth within. To origin of cold water into the waters of the eastern Pacific warm water, and caused tsunamis and hurricane, causing some areas of drought, excessive rainfall in some areas has abnormal weather.

La Nina means \\This process constitutes a cycle of temperature change, in the \Similarly, \

National Marine Environmental Forecasting Centre

El Unit expert Chen Hsing-jung, by the impact of La Nina, 8 months after the typhoon number will gradually increase.

Chen Hsing-Jung: After the end of this El Ni?o, from the beginning of this year in June, immediately enter a state of the opposite of El Nino, La Nina is such a phenomenon. By the La Nina effect, in August after the typhoon number will be gradually increased. This is El Nino and La Nina have statistics on the impact of the typhoon, reached a conclusion.

However, some good news is that due to global warming, La Nina and no destructive. China Xing-Rong Chen 7,8 rainfall in two months and made judgments.

Chen Hsing-Jung: From the perspective of climate background, because La Nina occurs immediately, and we forecast that, from July after after the main flood season, flood season of the rain belt may move northward. The previous two months were in the south, more rainfall in South China, currently in the Yangtze River, we expect to continue to the north, and then probably when the southern North China, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, eastern or central part of the precipitation will increase, the Yangtze River to South will be reduced gradually.


the black race organization has eight empire gradually formed their own style

BEIJING, July 16 along with the annual electricity Snooker China Open held at the pool of Chinese folk craze is heating up again. However, the existence of various forms of various types of billiards community although the large number of large, loose, but the management and organization structure, and entertainment-based non-profit or low-profit behavior is difficult to form a model of sustainable development. CCSPORTS events led coalition \

\of the gaming population and billiards enthusiasts compelling history of the cattle is also known as network reality billiards game,

\venues all over the poster, brochures, each event will be broadcast video, as well as potential members to provide real-time log cards, etc., are to send a message to the outside world: the black eight ordinary people to participate in the Empire is the only packaging event, fans of all billiards second life can be respected by the passion to the cause for the city of white-collar, young students build the release energy, the pursuit of fashion, the best platform to find opportunities!

As of mid-July 2010, opened the first black eight empire based event - free game has start a full 3 months, and in this short period of 90 days, the black 8 18 Empire League venue has been affiliated successfully launched the 100 games,China news agency reporter Liang Jin, the cumulative number of entries more than 1,200 people, the cumulative real-name registration system, more than 3,000 members of the rapid, black has become a vast empire eight billiards tournament favorite form of fans, but also realized CSPORTS League matches every day with the game plan early .

of competition for this high-density (year 9 months) is the first black model eight Empire, through the intelligent event management platform, the ball room of resources and the effective integration of billiards enthusiasts, while the black eight unique empire The binding mode of online games and reality, but also attracted a large number of white collar and students to join in the next six months, the Alliance facility will increase to 100, more than 15,000 registered members, number of entries accumulated more than 10,000 people. Black 8 empire is destined to become in a short time at home and abroad will be the biggest and most influential of the social events.

a short period of three months, the black race organization has eight empire gradually formed their own style, some dark empire host eight races to get the black empire of eight NBA great color, causing the players a strong interest in basic is not the end of each game, the next game had already started to apply it! This personal style has become a black empire eight races a beautiful landscape, attract more friends to join like billiards eight empire black, black empire eight designers will soon be loved as we launch more products.

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7 月 evening of 16 from Malaysia, China, sponsored by IPC International Group, the campus reconstruction Yushu charity extravaganza of \evening wear, car models show,and immediately put it on the brake, quiz competitions and other sectors, selected 10 contestants and China to join the 10 contestants to participate in contest finals race. Malaysia, Taiwan and China compete with the contestants to the power of the United States show contestants perfect style. The event activities all proceeds donated to the school reconstruction in China Yushu.

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senior editor

According to U.S. media news and comment website Mediaite reports, the U.S. Cable News Network (CNN) Middle East affairs, Nasr, senior editor (Octavia Nasr) said that as the Twitter (Twitter) praised the speech delivered in connection with the Lebanese Hezbollah late leaf Leader Fadlalla caused enormous controversy, she will leave CNN.

Lebanese Shiite Muslim cleric Fadlalla chief (Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah) 4 month, died aged 75. Fadlalla support people, mainly in Lebanon and Iraq, the United States to include "terrorist" list.

It is reported that Nasr issued a document on the twitter, praised by the United States as a terrorist Fadlalla, saying Fadlalla own "very respected" a Hezbollah leader. His remark caused great controversy.

Nasr afterwards push the text to convey the meaning of her life support Fadlalla sorry. CNN's blog where she explained that she was referring to the Shiite holy Fadlalla staff in women's views are different from ordinary people. Nasr in his blog, said he made absolutely no respect Fadlalla or say mean,meeting this morning said, she regretted the circumstances surrounding the matter without reference to such a simplified pre-publication review.

CNN for international news coverage of the vice president of Kesilawei (Parisa Khosravi) in an internal memorandum has also been confirmed, has been working for 20 years Nasr CNN "will be leaving CNN".