
wheat germ

The herpes virus is a highly contagious and serious medical condition that is spreading quickly throughout the United States. There are two different types of the herpes virus. Herpes simplex type I which causes fever blisters or cold sores and Herpes simplex type II which is genital herpes and is sexually transmitted.

Both types of the virus are highly contagious. The virus is also able to be spread to your nose, eyes and other areas. The virus is so highly contagious that you could pass it along to your kids with a simple kiss if you have an active fever blister. Some people can actually be carriers of the virus, but haven’t experienced visible signs and are able to spread the virus to others.

For those of us who have ever experienced a cold sore, it isn’t only non-appealing to our appearance but they also hurt and can be very bothersome. I have suffered from fever blisters since I was a teenager and remember how embarrassed I was to go to school with a fever blister. My lip would swell and then begin to crack and break open. The fever blister would usually take at least a week to heal.

According to the CDC there are twenty percent of people over 12 suffering from genital herpes. If you happen to have an outbreak, try to avoid direct contact to another person’s skin. While the blisters are active they are highly contagious.

Over the years of suffering from fever blisters I have researched the herpes virus and learned some great tips to help ward it off. While there are drugs that can be taken on a daily basis to try and hold off outbreaks this isn’t necessary. There are many natural ways to ward off the virus avoiding spending hundreds of dollars on medications.

Many of us are impatient and would like a quick fix,uncomfortable, but in reality there is no quick fix for herpes. We must take several steps to help insure the virus is left dormant and not active. There are ways to fight the virus and put it to sleep. However, once a person contracts herpes they will always have the virus but it may not be active.

There are times when outbreaks may be more prevalent, for instance when women are having their menstrual cycle and are pregnant. The outbreaks in these situations are usually triggered by changes in hormones. Other triggers may be the sun, a virus including a cold or the flu, and when the body is overly tired. Trying to maintain a healthy immune system is a great defense against herpes. When the body’s immune system becomes weak we are more susceptible to infection or contraction of a virus.

Many of us may have used Aloe Vera as treatment for sunburn or to treat a scar that needed healing before. Aloe is extremely beneficial to the skin. Aloe is also a good fighter against the herpes virus as well. Aloe can be found in several products available to us,christian louboutin sandals online, including soaps and lotions. When aloe is used as an active ingredient in products used to treat herpes it can be very effective. The use of Tea tree oil has proven to be affective in addition to the herb Prunella vulgaris in the war against herpes.

To help fight herpes, we should avoid products that contain aspartame, because this has been shown to trigger herpes outbreaks. Lysine oil seems to help fight against the herpes virus. Eating a diet with high quantities of lysine including fish, chicken, beef, lamb, milk, cheese, beans, brewer’s yeast and most fruits and veggies can help fight off the virus. Steer clear of foods such as chocolate, coconut, oats, peanuts, soybeans, wheat germ, whole wheat and white flour, because they seem to increase the odds of a herpes outbreak. Try to avoid stress.

Thousands of people across the United States suffer from and outbreak of herpes every day. However, there are steps that can be taken to help keep the virus at bay. Before resorting to medication, try some of the more natural remedies. Get a lot of rest and eat a proper diet.

the meaning of a lily tat differs depending on the species. Calla lilies denote beauty

Floral tats are the grand daddies of body art. Why? Besides skulls and hearts, they are the most requested tattoos amongst men and women in pop culture. Universally, people gravitate to flower tattoos because of their various meanings, usually attributes and qualities common to humanity. As a result,with nearly 9 out of 10 students in the 12th grade taking at least one AP exam., an individual sporting a floral tattoo is sending out a specific message, one that is describing his or her inner self. Because this may change over time, tat wearers usually have more than one. Nevertheless, multiple floral tats are socially acceptable considering the overall beauty of floral tat designs.

Type 1: The Lily

The lily is a flower tattoo that dates back to ancient Egypt. During that time, the lily was a symbol of fertility. Nowadays, the meaning of a lily tat differs depending on the species. Calla lilies denote beauty; tiger lilies signify pride and prosperity and orange lilies represent hate. Because of the various meanings, individuals who use lilies as a form of body art normally have a strong reason for doing so.

Type 2: The Rose

A rose tattoo, one of the most popular floral tats,Kensington ugg boots on sale, varies in meaning depending on color and size. Red roses are a symbol of love; pink roses signify grace; white roses denote innocence; and, rose buds stand for youth and beauty. Women of every age get them on their body, especially on the back, ankle and stomach. Men usually mix rose tats with skulls and other tribal art.

Type 3: The Daisy

The daisy is a flower tattoo synonymous with a female name. Women usually get this tat because of its beauty and symbolic meaning of purity, faith and love. One daisy on the ankle is an excellent tat for a female just starting to experiment with body art. It is the kind of flower tattoo that will never go out of style.

Type 4: The Hibiscus

The hibiscus is a flower tattoo that is very popular, especially in Hawaii. Considering it is this states’ national flower, this comes as no surprise. The meaning of this floral tat is delicate beauty or consumed by love. So, it is the perfect flower tattoo for anyone who is a romantic at heart.

Type 5: The Sunflower

The sunflower is a flower tattoo that shifts in meaning depending on size. Very large sunflower tattoos represent loyalty while smaller ones denote adoration. Individuals who usually wear sunflower tats are trying to make a bold statement for everyone to see.

Type 6: The Lotus flower

The lotus is a flower tattoo with meaning derived from several cultures. Indians and Chinese people tat this flower as a symbol of spiritual awakening while Europeans use the lotus as a stamp of innocence. For this reason, the lotus flower is a piece of body art that can be misinterpreted by others. Therefore, wearers of this type of floral tat usually have to explain the full significance of their tattoo.

Type 7: The Cherry Blossom

The cherry blossom is a flower tattoo that has its roots in Japanese culture. This body art has two meanings – female beauty and transience. As a result, a woman who is going through a sudden, quick change might tat a cherry blossom on our body as a sign.

These seven types of flower tattoos are the basic ones. Of course, there are more types of flowers one can use as body art. To get more information on floral tats and other kinds such as angel or dolphins, visit FreeTattooDesigns.org.

2. Gingko –

Through the ages man has been using herbs for all types of ailments, especially the enhancement of memory. The Ayurveda family of herbs has the largest group of herbs that are used for the enhancement of memory all over the world. Here are a few of them:

1. Brahmi – It is certified that this herb contains several different chemicals that help promote protein synthesis in the brain and nerve cells. Protein synthesis is needed for good memory. This herb can help make a person think more clearly, which in turn makes the memory more vivid. Brahmi also helps people to assimilate and understand information easier. In adults this herb relaxes and soothes the cells of the brain and can bring it back to a more normal functioning state. Brahmi is a valuable anti-depressant and anti-anxiety agent.

2. Gingko – This herb improves circulation of the blood that supplies the central nervous system. Circulation of blood to the brain is a must for a healthy and capable brain. Gingko also repairs any damage done to cells in different parts of the body, including the brain. Gingko also affects the clotting of blood. Gingko extract is prescribed amnesia patients and those who have Alzheimer’s.

3. Gotu Kola – Is another herb that helps improve circulation of the blood to the brain, as well as other parts of the body. It also protects the brain from damage caused by the wear and tear of its cells. This herb can restore a person’s energy and make them feel more energetic in the future. It also improves concentration and enhances memory.

4. Ashwagandha – This herb is an adaptogen, stress reliever, and re-vitalizer. It actually has a cooling and calming effect on the brain. The direct result of this herb is that it increases the capacity for memory by the brain. This is a main component is most “brain tonics”.

5. Mulethi – Believe it or not, it’s licorice. Mulethi rejuvenates the brain. In times of stress, Mulethi has a calming effect on the brain and relaxes the person. It also helps with better blood circulation and helps maintain sugar levels in the blood.

6. Vacha – This is a very vigorous herb because the effect of it is very rapid. It increases overall memory and also strengthens the nervous system. This is another herb that is prescribed for those with amnesia.

7. Ginger – It improves over all memory. Also it helps to supply nutrients to the brain.

8. Ginseng – Helps to improve memory, increases attention span and even helps with motor coordination. Reduces fatigue and improves stamina.

9. Hawthorne – Strengthens the capillaries and provides antioxidant protection for tissues. Increases the oxygen supply to the brain and helps the heart output.

For a long time now,You can also negotiate on services that you want performed whether it is your lawn service, mankind has known and understood the medicinal powers of a variety of herbs. Through time they have become home remedies and as of late,UGG Roseberry Boots chocolate, doctors and scientists have acknowledged that some herbs do appear to have medical properties and use them more and more in their treatment plans for their patients.

Breads and starches.

Among the most embarrassing and bothersome hair conditions is dandruff. White flakes associated with dandruff can cause social awkwardness and can be quite meddlesome in prospective romantic situations. Dandruff’s only redeeming factor is that it is generally nothing to be concerned with from a health stand point. In fact, there are many ways to get rid of dandruff naturally. Don’t reach for that bottle of commercial dandruff shampoo. Check out these natural ways to get rid of dandruff.

Dandruff is caused by excessive shedding of dead skin cells. This is a natural process of the human body and can be cured easily. Getting rid of dandruff naturally can be as easy as using a commercial shampoo. These natural remedies for dandruff are effective as well as inexpensive.

  • Mix one part lemon juice to one part water and apply to the scalp. This is said to be an effective way to get rid of dandruff naturally.

  • Mix one tablespoon olive oil with an egg and apply to scalp daily until you have gotten rid of your dandruff.

  • Using a shampoo enriched with tea tree oil is said to alleviate the symptoms of dandruff.

  • Take vitamin supplements including Biotin. This B vitamin aids in the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates. Biotin is also believed to help get rid of dandruff naturally.

  • Apple cider vinegar and water when mixed in equal parts and applied to the hair can help you get rid of dandruff. Allow this mixture to sit for 15 minutes prior to rinsing.

  • Coconut oil when applied to the scalp daily is yet another great way to get rid of dandruff naturally.

Causes of dandruff can include poor diet, hormone imbalance,UGG Bailey Button Black,unfaithfulness to their own religion. According to the Nation of Islam, stress, and environmental factors. Taking care of your body by eating right and by keeping physically fit can be beneficial. When trying to get rid of dandruff naturally, it is also a good idea to avoid the following items:

? Refined sugar.

? Breads and starches.

? Alcohol.

Dandruff is often thought to be associated with yeast. The consumption of these foods is believed to exacerbate conditions brought on by yeast. By avoiding these foods and by including yogurt into your diet, you can get rid of dandruff faster. Most dandruff can be relieved by these natural remedies. The implementation of a good diet in conjunction with these natural scalp treatments will help you get rid of your dandruff.

Call your physician if you are experiencing dandruff that is yellow in color. This can indicate an infection. Most infections which present themselves like dandruff can be treated with an antibiotic. It is also important not to scratch your scalp too hard. Over scratching your scalp can lead to lesions, which in turn become susceptible to staph as well as other infections. Also, if you are unable to get rid of your dandruff naturally your physician can help. He or She can provide you with a prescription that will get rid of your dandruff.

Located just off the coast of Florida lie the beautiful islands of the Bahamas

Located just off the coast of Florida lie the beautiful islands of the Bahamas, a picturesque Caribbean destination where rest and relaxation is the name of the game. While the Bahamas haven’t enjoyed the recent celebrity exposure like St. John or St. Barts, the islands are still one of the best places to explore the Caribbean culture and enjoy the local lifestyle.

Unlike other vacation destinations, the islands of the Bahamas enjoy beautiful weather year round. Summer temperatures range from 80 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit, and the cool season (September to May) enjoys temperatures in the mid 70s. For travelers who crave the nightlife, the temperate Bahamian nights allow even the biggest night owls to enjoy themselves clear into the morning hours.

The Bahamas cater to all types of vacationers and have something for everyone to enjoy. For travelers looking for family-friendly vacation fun, large vacation resorts on Paradise Island and Grand Bahama Island offer the perfect getaway. Kids can play on the endless beaches and zip down water slides while parents can enjoy a poolside drink, a couple’s massage, or even do a bit of gambling. Families looking for a bit more action can snorkel off the coast, rent boats and jet skis, and even swim with the dolphins.

For vacationers looking for a more adventurous excursion,Are Stop Smoking Injections Right For You, the Out Islands of the Bahamas offer incredible ecological sights, local culture, and a peaceful seclusion and sense of privacy. Among great places to explore are the Abaco Islands, the Berry Islands, and Eleuthera/Harbour Island. On the Out Islands, travelers can enjoy sailing, fishing, and diving without feeling crowded or rushed. Travelers can also get away from the cookie-cutter hotels and live like the locals (literally) by renting a vacation house or cottage. Boat rentals are also very popular as many of the smaller, uninhabited islands are unreachable any other way.

The Caribbean Sea is home to a multitude of beautiful and unique marine life, thanks in large part, to the tropical waters and coral reefs. While professional divers come to the Bahamas from all over the world, vacationers don’t have to be diving experts in order to experience the under water beauty. Thanks to the crystal clear Caribbean waters, vacationers can explore the marine life just by looking over the side of a boat or snorkeling right off the beach. More adventurous travelers can try their hand at scuba diving with gear, lessons and safety instructions all included. Exploring the marine life is made even easier by the warm water temperatures, ranging from 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, depending on the season (for comparison, the water temperatures in Southern California hover between mid 50s and high 60s degrees Fahrenheit).

The variety and versatility of activities found in the Bahamas is second to none in the Caribbean. The beautiful islands are a wonderful place for everyone to vacation, from kids and grandparents, to young adults, couples,christian louboutin shoes wedding shoes, and honeymooners. While people can’t agree whether its the sand, surf, or sun that makes the Bahamas so great, one thing is certain: the islands are a little slice of heaven, sure to be enjoyed, and never to be forgotten.


Would you like to use your hard disk in different computers

Need more hard disk space to supplement that of your existing hard disk which is fast running low? Don’t fancy opening your PC case and installing an additional disk? Would you like to use your hard disk in different computers? Would you like a unit that you could easily carry around? Well, an external hard disk is the solution for you. Here are some models worth considering.

Plextor Portable Hard Disk

If size matters to you, this is the hard disk to go for. You can easily slip this into your pocket. This 2.5in external device comes with a capacity of 320GB with an eSATA connection to boot. What’s more, a cable is also supplied unlike other drives. Tests have shown that it is capable of transferring a 650 MB file under ten seconds. The read time is also impressive. Good if you’re planning a SATA upgrade in the near future.

Western Digital My Passport Elite

If a stylish design is a concern, you could opt for this model, if you don’t mind forking out some extra bucks. Its curved corners and the combination of metallic silver and black finish is pleasing on the eye. Weighing only about 200g it can easily fit your pocket.

If you’re not considering SATA in the near future, then this would be the drive to go for. It comes in the 250GB and 320GB versions.

A notable feature is it’s warranty which lasts for five years. A good buy if you’re planning for long-term use as you would not have to worry about repair costs. Most other hard disk manufacturers offer up to three years warranty only for a similar product. My Passport also comes with an excellent Windows back up software.

LaCie External Hard Disk

If you’re looking for a drive with a huge capacity, then LaCie is an excellent choice. It boasts one terabyte of disk space. With its plain black finish, it may not be the stylish model you’re looking for, but it makes up for it in terms of performance.

This drive, too, does not have SATA support, but USB data transfer is pretty fast. A 50MB file could be transferred in less than two seconds. If you can never get enough disk space, go for this.

Maxtor OneTouch 4 Plus

This is a desktop 1 TB hard disk weighing about a kilogram. You may not like its angular shape which sits something like a pyramid on your desk. However,UGG Roseberry tall boots sale, its performance can never be called into question. There’s firewire support if you’re a fan of one. The only shortcoming is that it doesn’t support SATA.

Western Digital My Book Home Edition

If you’re looking for a versatile external hard disk and don’t mind the price, My Book will fit the bill. This 1TB hard disk comes with USB, Firewire and SATA support. This Western Digital model, too,000 or more depending on the size of the house or building. The bigger the home or building, comes with a five-year warranty. Package includes USB and Firewire cables.

you can find all sorts of fun Christmas craft projects

If you have kids,This statement is often said, you know just how much they love holidays, and especially the Christmas season. Because of their love of the season, maybe you should think about letting your children help decorate your house for Christmas. Kids love to help out, but they can do much more than just helping to set out decorations inside and outside the house. You should think about letting them make their own handmade decorations. They will get a real sense of pride and accomplishment by seeing their own creations on display. They do not have to be complicated, either. In fact there are many different fun and exciting Christmas decorations that can easily be made by kids.

Just about everyone who is celebrating Christmas has a Christmas tree with all the trimmings. If you are putting up a Christmas tree, a fun project for kids that gets them involved is making their own Christmas ornaments. You can use a variety of materials from paper to cardboard to disposable cups and plates. If you have a local craft store, they most likely have guides or cutouts that you can use to make your own ornaments. The pieces themselves are probably very plain, but are shaped in a Christmas shape such as a star or snowflake and it would be up to your and your child to decorate or paint them. If you have younger kids, this is a great project because with a smock and a paint brush they’ll be creating their own decorations in no time!

Although Christmas trees are popular, there are lots of other ways to decorate for the holidays. Christmas signs or sayings and pictures are usually put throughout the house. Often there are the popular Christmas messages (Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Ho Ho Ho, etc.) or a picture of Santa claus. You can use these as ideas for your kids. Using construction paper or some sturdy paper,buy UGG Roseberry Boots, your kids can paint their own pictures or make drawings based on popular Christmas themes. You could always put the pictures on the frig, or to make them even more special you could frame them and put them around the house with other christmas pictures. Children of all ages can do this project and it won’t be expensive since you can use materials that you already have.

Another great project that is easy for kids to do is to make a Christmas centerpiece for your table. You can use this if you are hosting a Christmas dinner and all the guests will be very impressed I’m sure. To make an easy centerpiece you can go to your local craft store and buy a large vase or bowl, artificial flowers, and other Christmasy items. Given the basic materials, you can just have your kids use their imaginations and creativity to design the centerpiece. They can even use kid-friendly materials such as construction paper to create additional decorations to add to the centerpiece.

These projects are just a couple of examples of how you can get your kids involved. Just head to the craft store and you will probably see all sorts of ideas or projects that the kids can help out with. But don’t stop there. If you do some searching online, you can find all sorts of fun Christmas craft projects, many for free. Just do a search for something like “free Christmas crafts” or “Christmas crafts for kids” and I’m sure you’ll find plenty of options. Also, don’t forget your local library or bookstores. Many times you’ll find craft books geared just for kids to make Christmas crafts. They usually tell you what to buy, have detailed instructions, and sometimes patterns ready to copy.

In the end it doesn’t really matter which type of project you choose. Just getting the kids involved in creating homemade Christmas decorations will be a great experience for them, especially if you are involved as well to make it a real family project. For your kids, they will be proud and excited to see their own pictures, decorations, or ornaments displayed for your family – and Santa claus – to see! Most of the options mentioned here are easy to make and don’t require a lot of money or time. Just get them involved and you both will have lasting Christmas memories to share.

which is an arm of the US government

The government of the United States is one of the largest customers in the world and requires almost everything that is manufactured or offered as a service in the world. There is a misconception that it is possible to do business with the US Government only if you are a big business. But this is not true. Even a very small business can look to get a share of the business if it sets its mind to it.

There is no doubt that working with the government is hard, and may take you some time to get results, but once you have put yourself in the system you would be able to have a continuous stream of business as long as you adhere to the rules.

You need to educate yourself thoroughly about the process of doing business with the government. You must basically have a system in place in your business to accept electronic fund transfers and a sufficient value of business credit cards. You need to find out your NAICS code and ensure that you qualify as a small business. North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by statistical agencies in the Federal Government to classify business establishments.

These statistics are then used for collating statistical data related to the U.S. business economy. Then of course you need to identify the agencies in the government that will have need of the products that you manufacture,women's ugg Kensington sale, or the services that you offer. Most of these departments once you have identified them may even have special programs that may give you preference if you so qualify.

Now that you have identified your NAICS code and are sure of where and to whom you can sell your product or service, you would need to get a DUNS number. This is a universal standard that could give you universal identification. It is a nine digit sequence also called a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) that keeps track of more than a hundred million businesses all over the world and is easily available from Dun and Bradstreet. This can be applied for online business as well.

This helps you to do business and also attract suppliers, as it enhances the credibility of your business. It also enables all your customers, the government included, as well as your supplier and lenders to easily identify you and also get some information about your company.

You then need to register with the Small Business Administration (SBA) which is an arm of the US government, and also with the agency or agencies you have identified as potential customers. After that, it just means that you have to be on the lookout for notices posted by agencies for procurement action. The Commerce Business Daily is a good source of this information. Then start your bidding and be competitive and get the contracts awarded to you. The processes may take time. Always be in touch with the local SBA office. You could always get additional information there.

Take heart from the fact that 90 percent of the contracts awarded by the government are for values below $5000,which questions to ask and certain things to look for. Before you know it, and purchases made by the US government total about 225 billion dollars annually. So surely you can get your share of it.

to performance these are the hottest luggage items for 2009.

The hottest luggage for 2009 are items that are convenient, within size requirements in accordance with airline policies, and more often than not made of leather as it is typically more durable than its counterparts. In this article I will point out the hottest luggage trends of 2009 and explain just what it is that makes them so hot. From value, to accessibility, to performance these are the hottest luggage items for 2009.

For convenience, some of the hottest luggage for 2009 features wheels. From wheeled briefcases, to larger luggage pieces, even wardrobe cases, the hottest luggage for 2009 bears wheels. Wheeled luggage can make getting through the airport and to your gate much quicker and is far easier on your back. It is no wonder why airline personnel don these items.

With the new size requirements placed on luggage, messenger bags are some of the hottest luggage items for 2009. They are available in many different styles from trendy to conservative and can be found in an assortment of materials including weather repellent nylon and leather.

Duffel bags have emerged once again as a luggage staple. While typically fitting within the 45 inch requirement for carryons, duffel bags are a great alternative to otherwise bulky luggage. Duffel bags are one of the hottest luggage styles for 2009 for their versatility and their price point falling on the less expensive end of the price spectrum.

Backpacks have been used for travel for quite some time. They are easy to transport,discount Christian Louboutin, have an ample amount of space for a carryon and are very easily accessible. Backpacks are one of the hottest luggage items for 2009 for these factors.

Leather is timeless and leather luggage is no different. Some of the hottest luggage for 2009 is made in leather. Leather is weather resistant, durable, and stylish. From duffel bags and backpacks to messenger bags, they can all found in styles made of leather.

Fashion is everywhere and the travel world is no different. Designers such as Betsey Johnson, Tokidoki, Coach, Tumi, and Diane Von Furstenberg produce some of the hottest designer luggage for 2009. Discounted designer luggage can be found online from retailers such as Amazon.com, and of course the old standby-EBay.

The hottest luggage for 2009 is based on functionality and convenience while keeping within a low to moderate price point. Luggage,7 Floors of Hell in Cleveland, while it is nice to be aesthetically pleasing is more importantly needed to serve its purpose. While some of the items on this list may not fall into the aesthetically pleasing category it is definitely qualified as some of the hottest luggage of 2009 for the other aforementioned qualities.

you deserve whatever you get.

Horror movies are known for many things. Among these things are gore, bumps in the night and sadistic serial killer monsters that simply will not die. Still,re not changing the size of your current bed, it is quite common that we find ourselves cheering for the killer during these slaughterfests. The reason? Usually it is because they are chasing a lame character that we have learned to despise through the first part of the horror movie. Sometimes it is because of the annoyingly stupid mistakes that the horror movie victims tend to make. Here are the top five annoying habits of horror movie victims:

Mistake number one – The decision to have sex in the middle of nowhere

Besides the incredibly loose morals that this requires, it also must require a measure of extreme stupidity. Think it over. You are in the middle of the woods with strange noises everywhere. Two of your friends are missing without a trace, and you are not really sure where civilization is. Your last bit of firelight just burned out, and you decide to….have sex? Go ahead and kill em Jason.

Mistake number two – Investigating the sounds

This one drives me crazy. You have just discovered your best friend’s dead body in the closet of the haunted house you were visiting. Your other friends are all missing. You hear a bump in the next room. You run to the doorway and instead of going out the front door, you decide that you must know what that bump was. Again, you deserve whatever you get.

Mistake number three – You test the spirits in a haunted place

A perfect example of this stupid horror movie mistake would be in the Mummy. They find the Book of the Dead for goodness sakes, and decide to…read from it? Seriously? Leave the dang book and go very far away from there. If you really had any brains, you would have never went chasing mummies in the first place,UGG Kensington Boots sale, but why would you raise them as well?

Mistake number four – Ignoring the crazy person

For some reason, every single horror movie has at least one crazy person that knows the “truth” before the victims are actually placed in real danger. This person is always ignored, and the victims end up dead because of it. Why not listen to the old geezer and go have a beer with them instead? It sure would be less painful than a machete.

Mistake number five – Screaming and crying while you run

Everybody always wonders why the killers are able to find the girls in the horror movie. This is largely due to the fact that they have a built in GPS inside their throats called a voice box. Think about it. The killer finds them, and they get scared and run. As they run, and no matter how far ahead of the killer they get, they cry and scream like a banshee. Has it occurred that they are signaling to the killer their exact location? They may as well draw them a map. Shut up and run away. When you get far enough ahead, then hide and keep yourself good and quiet.

Better still, go ahead and do these things. If they didn’t, then horror movies would not be so fun anymore.


have mixed groups. If the entire class consists of English language learners

Teaching the English language to students whose first language is not English certainly has its frustrations. English language learners may struggle with cultural barriers, comprehension of written or spoken English, or even fear of speaking English. Here are some tips for teaching English language that can apply to most ESL teaching situations.

Get to Know Your Students

Getting to know students is important for teaching any subject, but it is especially important for teaching English language learners because they are from different cultural backgrounds. It is helpful to do research on the cultural backgrounds of your students. Look especially for taboos and social norms. You do not want to speak or behave in a way that will offend your English learners.

English language learners need to be comfortable in the classroom so that they do not fear speaking up in English. Create a relaxed atmosphere. Use teaching strategies that encourage students to interact with each other and the teacher. Also, be careful not to make assumptions about what your English language learners know or about how they learn.

Vice versa, be aware that English language learners may be assuming certain things about your teaching methods or modes of assessment. In the United States most teaching encourages students to ask questions. Elizabeth Bifuh-Ambe points out that a student from Korea has learned by the Confucian method and will accept whatever the teacher says.

Know the Ability of English Language Learners

When teaching English language, match your expectations of student results to their ability. As suggested by Kathleen Vance and Dale Fitzpatrick, think about building students’ English skills like climbing a ladder one rung at a time. First build listening skills using English that is one level above them.

Teach Content-Specific English Vocabulary

An English language learner is trying to understand every word she hears. Lack of English vocabulary makes this frustrating. Teaching vocabulary is vital to student word recognition. Provide visuals and show videos with captions.

Think of how we have conversations with children. We use simpler English but at a normal pace. We use language about present situations like setting the table for dinner. We ask who and what, yes and no questions.

Provide a Structured English Language Classroom

English language learners need to know what is coming next. Note taking,these little touches to make your food photography the best it can be.,christian louboutin shoes 2009, written assignments and test taking are complicated by their lack of English skills. Teaching English language also involves teaching English learners strategies for doing these tasks.

Teaching how to learn before teaching concepts is vital because English language learners are hindered by their lack of prior knowledge of English and of their teachers’ methods.

Vance and Fitzpatrick suggest that teachers give English language learners mock tests and assignments. Feedback from mock tests makes the language learner familiar with English directions and classroom expectations.

In preparation for written or oral assignments, have students use graphic organizers to aid their comprehension.

Increase Prior Knowledge

English language learners need opportunities to learn English outside of the classroom. In a mainstream class, pair an English language learner with a peer coach who is a native speaker. In cooperative learning, have mixed groups. If the entire class consists of English language learners, look for peer coaches or socializing opportunities outside of the classroom.

If possible, arrange for English language students to visit classes and observe prior to being admitted to those classes.

Tell language students in advance what the next lesson topics are. Provide vocabulary and notes in advance where possible. Encourage English language learners to listen to books on tape in English. Show them how to watch television with the captions on.

Visit Websites for Additional Tips

Your best source on teaching English language is always others who are teaching English language. Go to websites like onestopenglish or UsingEnglish. com for more tips. You can avoid most of the frustrations of teaching English language by following these tips and seeking support from other teachers.


  • Bifuh-Ambe, Elizabeth. “Literacy Skills Acquisition and Use: A Study of an English Language Learner in a U.S. University Context.”

  • Vance, Kathleen and Dale Fitzpatrick. “Teaching Tips and Assignment Ideas for ESL Students.”
  • back when the country was emerging from the post “dot com bubble” recession.

    Claims for unemployment hit an all time high in the United States. Recently the Labor Department announced that new claims hit a 16 year high.

    Some economists warn of further layoffs in the coming months due to plant closures and the already battered construction industry facing further cutbacks. Even those seemingly unaffected by the current recession like retail, hotels, and restaurants are likely to begin layoffs in the near future.

    New claims for unemployment rose from 515,000 to 542,000 in just one week. This is a much higher figure than even Wall Street economists expected. The Labor Department also reported that this is the most claims made since July of 1992, back when the country was emerging from the post “dot com bubble” recession.

    After word of the jobless claims increase spread to Wall Street, the Dow Jones industrial average took a nose dive, dropping more than 444 points in just a few hours.

    Legislators quickly approved a bill that would extend unemployment benefits throughout the holidays after hearing the report. President George W. Bush is expected to sign the bill, which will extend unemployment benefits for seven extra weeks.

    In some states, where the unemployment rate is higher than six percent, unemployment benefits will allow an additional 13 weeks for a total of 20 extra weeks. The national average for unemployment benefits is about $300 a week.

    Last June Congress approved a 13 week extension bringing the jobless benefits to about 26 weeks. Without these extensions most Americans drawing unemployment will have exhausted their benefits by the end of the year.

    The US economy got worse last month as stocks, new construction, and consumer expectation all dropped faster than anytime since 2001. Analysts expected a 0.6 percent drop in economic activity in October; however the real percentage was actually 0.8 percent.

    It is now estimated that the economy will suffer a reduction of about 425,000 jobs over the next month,and Joey Kramer, the previous estimate was about 325,000 jobs. Cutbacks in spending and a slump in the housing industry have attributed largely to the high rate of unemployment.

    With the growing unemployment rate, it is expected that the economy will worsen still since laid off workers will more than likely fall behind on mortgage payments and credit card payments.

    Jobless claims are considered by many economists to be a warning of how fast companies are laying of employees. Citigroup Inc.,bailey button uggs on sale, Union Pacific, and Boeing Co. are just a few of the bigger companies that are announcing layoffs this month.

    the Dinaric Alps and the Jura Mountains

    Mountains have always inspired awe and a sense of majesty in humans. Throughout history certain mountains have become a part of the very fabric of society and civilization. Europe is home to many of the most famous mountains to rear above the plains and valleys of our planet.

    Since ancient times Mount Olympus in the Macedonian region of Greece is the legendary home of the Hellenistic Gods of the Old World. At nearly 10,000 feet from its sea level base to the “Throne of Zeus” at her crown,The old “, Olympus is the highest mountain in Greece and one of the most topographically prominent in all of Europe.

    Only a short distance West along the Mediterranean coast, Italy provides the location for two more of the most famous mountains in Europe. In 79 A.D. the volcanic Mount Vesuvius earned her place in history with a massive eruption which buried the Roman cities of Pompeii and Hercalaneum under a destructive blanket of lava and ash. Vesuvius still maintains an active life. Her last major eruption was barely over fifty years ago and she still has the potential to cause damage to the city of Naples. Just across the Strait of Messina on the Italian island of Sicily is one of the most active volcanoes on Earth. Mount Etna is the largest of the three active volcanoes in Italy and is in a perpetual state of activity that often closes tourist access to the peak.

    Moving North are three more of the most famous mountains in Europe. The Alps mountain range along the border between Italy, France and Switzerland is also an extremely popular tourist and mountain climbing venue. While Mont Blanc is not the highest peak in Europe it does not miss by much and is well covered by cable cars and climbing tours. Jungfrau in the central part of the range has the distinction of bearing the highest railway on the continent. The railway line tops out at over 11,000 feet above sea level and offers some of the most spectacular scenery you can find in the Alps.

    Then there is the Matterhorn. This distinctive pyramid-like peak is the definitive landmark of the Alps. The Matterhorn has always been one of the benchmark mountain climbing experiences for the experienced. With steep slopes and unpredictable weather this mountain is equally famous for the number of lives it has claimed. For the less daring, the Matterhorn’s heights can be appreciated by utilizing the Klein Matterhorn cable car lift. Reaching 12,500 feet, this is the highest cable car in Europe.

    Not all of Europe’s famous mountains are on the mainland. Scotland in the United Kingdom is home to the UK’s highest peak, Ben Nevis. While the North Slope provides an exciting challenge for the experienced climber, the mountain provides many easier slopes for the 100,000 plus climbers who enjoy this popular height.

    While there are many more famous mountains throughout Europe rising in such magnificent ranges as the Carpathians,UGG Roseberry Boots sale, the Pyrenees, the Dinaric Alps and the Jura Mountains, these are but the best known around the world. All these fascinating geological features are well equipped to demonstrate the sublime beauty of planet Earth.

    After bamboo is harvested

    One of the hottest trends in home renovation is bamboo flooring. Available in a wide variety of colors and styles, bamboo is a sleek, modern alternative to hardwood flooring. Retailers claim that bamboo flooring is sustainable and stronger than traditional hardwood floors, but can bamboo flooring really rival that of hardwood?

    Many argue that bamboo flooring is environmentally friendly because it is a fast-growing resource. Bamboo grows to maturity within three to five years, while traditional hardwoods such as oak mature after one hundred years! However, products are not considered environmentally friendly just by evaluating their source.

    Bamboo products have had a surge of popularity around the world. In an effort to meet the market’s demand for more bamboo, many forests have been cut down to make room for expanding bamboo farms.

    For those interested in how eco-friendly a company or their flooring is, consumers must research the companies themselves to determine whether or not their products are actually good for the environment.

    Those seeking the most eco-friendly flooring product would probably enjoy pre-finished,and the two sides began to sing carols, click-in bamboo flooring. It is considered one of the most “green” floorings (and the easiest to install) because it is typically made with water-based laminates and does not require the use of adhesives, which are almost always made with harmful chemicals.

    After bamboo is harvested, the bamboo poles are cut into long strips. Then the strips are connected together using adhesives. Strand woven bamboo flooring is made by stripping bamboo, crushing the strips,Bailey Button Triplet ugg boots cheap, and weaving the bamboo strands together. The strands are then pressurized and hardened using resin or adhesives.

    Most bamboo flooring uses smaller amounts of harmful chemicals (such as formaldehyde) in their adhesives and laminates. Some manufacturers avoid using formaldehyde altogether and advertise their products as formaldehyde-free.

    Unlike traditional hardwoods, bamboo flooring is not stained. It derives its color in one of two ways. Bamboo is sometimes colored using dyes. However, few of these dyes are considered eco-friendly, most comprising of heavy metals and toxic chemicals. Usually, bamboo is darkened using a heating process; the longer the bamboo is heated, the darker the bamboo becomes. Unfortunately, this process comes at a price. The darker the bamboo becomes, the weaker it becomes as well.

    Contrary to retailer’s claims, bamboo is not stronger than hardwood floors. Even when bamboo is not heat-treated, it is still subject to scratches, dents, and shoe marks just like any other flooring. Some bamboo farms harvest their bamboo before it reaches maturity; which compromises the strength of the flooring radically.

    Is bamboo flooring for you? On average, bamboo does cost less than hardwood floors and has proven to be water-resistant. So long as the consumer researches the flooring manufacturer and picks a quality brand, bamboo flooring could last for decades.

    s way of saying that you are getting too close

    I have spent the better part of my life learning about and spending time around snakes, and one thing always amazes me more than anything else. The myths and misconceptions about these fascinating creatures are almost always way off base. The one snake around here that people love to make up stories about is the cottonmouth, or water moccasin.

    The cottonmouth snake is fairly hard to locate around these parts, and up until about three years ago, I had never seen one in the wild. Yet, if you talk with anyone around these parts, they would swear that they have hundreds of them around their yards, and they are all killers. Knowing this to be false, I still wanted to see one in the wild and find out just how tempermental these snakes really are. So I went looking.

    After several weekends,played by Gregory Peck, and lots of searching, I finally had success one beautiful summer day a few years back. There on the very rock that I had fished off of a million times was the supreme reptile in these parts, the cottonmouth. I was very excited and more than a little nervous as I made my way closer to take a look.

    The first thing that struck me about the snake was how fat it was. Cottonmouths are very heavy bodied and they seem much more fat than they do long. I was quite fascinated by the beauty of the snake. The cottonmouth was sunning itself on the rock as cold blooded reptiles often do. I got within about ten feet of the snake before he even really knew I was there.

    After realizing I was standing there, he turned to me and coiled. The famous cottonmouth was staring directly at me, and I must admit it sent a little shiver down my spine. The cottonmouth has a very serious bite, and will not be shy about delivering it. That much I knew to be true, as I had studied the cottonmouth extensively. Still,Bailey Button Triplet uggs on sale, the snake did not appear to be the monster that others had said.

    One thing I did note about the cottonmouth was that it did not attempt to slink away like most snakes would. It held it’s ground and stared at me intently. I got the feeling that it had no intention of giving up that rock. After several minutes, I decided to move around a bit. As soon as I did move, the cottonmouth gaped open its mouth and showed me it’s business. When a cottonmouth feels threatened, it gapes open it’s mouth, and shows you the white interior of it’s mouth. That is the snake’s way of saying that you are getting too close, and that it will bite you if you come closer.

    After several minutes, the snake had not moved at all. It just sat there and gaped, and occasionally vibrated it’s tail at me. This is another of the cottonmouth’s warnings. It was fascinating to watch this supreme reptile standing it’s ground like that.

    What was most fascinating is what the cottonmouth did not do. It did not strike at me, though it certainly would have if I had continued to move closer. It did not pursue me as others had claimed repeatedly over the water cooler at work. It did not even really attempt to threaten me short of the simple open mouth warning that was more than enough for me. It simply stood it’s ground.

    While the fact that the cottonmouth stood it’s ground was impressive, I did not get the feeling that this snake was overly aggressive. He simply had a warm rock, and was not willing to give it up easily. I am sure that if I had pestered it in some way it would have moved on to another rock or went into the water. The snake was simply being a snake. Not the monster that many said it was.

    The cottonmouth is a beautiful example of nature’s heartbeat. It is not an evil monster, and it is not an attacking type of snake at all. It is simply confident and a bit territorial. Either way, it made for a wonderful afternoon of snake watching for me, and allowed me to see for myself the majestic beauty of the legendary cottonmouth.


    I trust I will hear from you soon

    Writing a letter of complaint can be just as irritating and time consuming as the poor service, shoddy quality, or lack of common courtesy that sparked the need for a letter. When writing a letter like this, it is important to remember: a letter that does some good is worth much more than a letter that shows just how angry someone made the writer. This is best accomplished when writers attempt to put themselves “in the shoes” of whomever they’re writing.

    It makes the task of letter writing easier to break the process down into 5 Dos and 2 Don’ts which separate letters of complaint that actually get results from those that get thrown out.

    Do Be Polite

    As hard as playing nice can be when someone has been offended or genuinely mistreated, there is serious leverage gained from poise and grace in a letter of complaint. This is partially because the person receiving the letter is rarely the person who caused the trouble. Why make someone who wasn’t involved instantly defensive and, therefore, less likely to listen to the complaint simply because of how the letter is written?

    Do Be Specific and Logical

    A clear and simple restatement of your grievances with some form of logical order and a suggested method for fixing the problem make for an excellent letter of complaint. This saves whoever ends up reading the letter the trouble of asking, “Well, what can I do about it?”

    Do Get to the Point Quickly

    A letter of complaint is not the place to ramble on, or in circles to make a point. If the person in charge of reading and answering your complaint has to slog through several pages of back story, narrative, and/or finger-pointing,discuss their concerns, they may very well give up trying to help the writer.

    Do Expect Return Communication

    While politeness will get the writer of a complaint letter respect, ending the letter with phrases like “I look forward to your reply,” or “I trust I will hear from you soon,” are more likely to provoke correspondence or, at the least, some form of response.

    Do Sleep On It

    This could really be two steps. First, write the letter while still angry, hurt, or irritated and familiar with the specific events and trouble behind the complaint. However, don’t send the letter until the next day, after removing the angry and impolite remarks in favor of the above suggestions.

    Don’t Sound Crazy

    Take a lesson from people who write to newspapers or comment on blogs and other internet news sites: Think before you write. Many web commenters may not realize that, when they write lines and lines of disorganized, negative content,Bailey Button Triplet ugg boots on sale, they don’t sound knowledgeable, they come across as neurotic or eccentric. Long, rambling letters about everything that went wrong may be help you vent your frustration or feel better about yourself; however, a letter of complaint should not be about venting or soothing your ego, it should be geared toward getting someone to correct a problem or situation.

    Don’t use foul language or ALL CAPS

    While it seems obvious, it it is still important to keep your letter of complaint professional and avoid personally insulting whoever reads it. It is also important to remember that in letters (and online) using all capital letters is generally understood to be the same as shouting. It is inappropriate to use all capital letters for emphasis – use italics or underlining instead.

    and want to try an option that is safer than the medicines

    Panic attacks are one of the leading afflictions in the world today. They are so common,christian louboutin sandals for sale, that it is impossible to go through your day out in public and not come into contact with someone that suffers from them. Widespread though they may be, they still continue to confound the medical community in many ways. The best medical solutions include addictive drugs, or long expensive therapy. There is a supplement that exists that can help. It is called Seredyn and it is successful 90 percent of the time. No typo there.

    Seredyn is known to give people with panic increased calm, and reduced worry in a very short period of time. Generally Seredyn works within only 30 minutes. The best part of this is that Seredyn is completely non-addictive, and free of side effects for most people! On average, this calming effect lasts from 4-6 hours, though some have said it lasted up to 8 hours.

    Seredyn is a natural supplement and not a prescription drug so you can buy it easily and without any hassle. This outstanding new way to deal with anxiety is very promising, and can be taken every single day with no ill effects.

    If you suffer from panic attacks or anxiety, you are familiar with the horrible merry go round that you get on when taking prescription medications for this problem. They are designed for temporary usage, and if you are lucky enough to find a medicine that works, you are eventually asked to come off of them. When you do, the anxiety and panic attacks come back worse then ever and your search begins all over again. Not to mention the horrible side effects of most of these medicines.

    Seredyn is a great option for those that are having trouble with mild anxiety as well. The dosage gives you many options from mild anxiety, to full blown panic disorder. It is up to the individual. This supplement can have very mild side effects but they are very rare. In the largest percentage of people, it is side effect free.

    If you live with panic disorder, and want to try an option that is safer than the medicines, talk to your doctor about Seredyn and see what they think. With panic disorder,as there will be the bank’, you have to be willing to search for solutions and this is one option with no ill effects. You really have nothing to lose, and a lifetime of serenity to gain. Make sure to consult your doctor before trying any new supplement.

    rosemary oil

    Summer is a great time for enjoying barbeques, camping,At present the main focus of the program is to study how insects move, gardening, or even a warm evening on the porch. All these activities can be ruined by the dreaded mosquito bite. With money becoming just as much of a concern as these pests, homemade mosquito repellents have emerged as a way to fight the bite. Here are some tips when you’re looking into homemade mosquito repellent.

    The best thing to do to prevent the bite is actually to keep mosquitoes away from your home in the first place. There is no homemade remedy for this, but there are things you can do around the house to lessen the likelihood of mosquitoes. Be sure to always remove stagnate water from around your house. Keep small children’s pools empty and turned over when not in use and drill a hole at the bottom of tire swings to keep water from collecting in it. Mosquitoes are also repelled by many common garden plants, such as lavender, marigolds, catnip, or rosemary.

    DEET is an effective mosquito repellant but has many drawbacks. The repellent is known to cause skin irritations and The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that DEET not be used on infants less than two months old. DEET may dissolve some fabrics as well. The repellent DEET is also known to have some harmful effects on the environment. Many homemade mosquito repellents are good for your skin, won’t harm the environment, and work just as well if not better than DEET repellents.

    Homemade mosquito repellents are a great all natural alternative to harmful chemical repellents. Homemade mosquito repellents are cheap and easy to make. They smell much nicer than the chemical smell of DEET repellent, and their benefits are innumerable.

    Mosquitoes follow the trail of carbon dioxide you leave behind you as you breathe. You can confuse mosquitoes by a burning candle or incense around you as an effective home repellent. Mosquitoes are also repelled by the smell of lemongrass which is a common scent of both candles and incense. Spraying amber colored Listerine outside, near the area where you usually sit, can repel mosquitoes for up to two days.

    A quick homemade mosquito repellent that you probably have in your home right now is olive oil. Rub some olive oil onto any exposed skin. Mosquitoes can not penetrate the oil to bite you. The oil also breaks down the outside of the mosquito’s body which will stop them from biting you or anyone else in the future. This homemade mosquito repellent only lasts about one to two hours before you have to reapply.

    Certain plant oils also serve as effective homemade mosquito repellents, including lemon eucalyptus oil, basil oil, cinnamon oil,UGG Bailey Button Triplet boots cheap, lavender oil, rosemary oil, and peppermint oil. Lemon eucalyptus oil is recommended by the CDC as an effective mosquito repellent and is known to be as effective as DEET repellent. To make a homemade mosquito repellent from lemon eucalyptus oil add one ounce of oil for every six ounces of water. Be sure to shake the mosquito repellent before each spray and avoid contact with eyes. A few drops of any of the other plant oils can be added to the homemade mosquito repellent for an even more pleasing scent. When using any of these plant oils instead of lemon eucalyptus oil, a more concentrated solution, two ounces of oil for every six ounce of water, is needed.

    Another easy homemade mosquito repellent is made by mixing together 2 1/2 teaspoons total of any combination of the previously listed plant oils and 1 cup 190-proof grain alcohol. Place ingredients in a spray bottle with a tight-fitting lid and shake vigorously. To use, rub a small amount on any exposed skin or spray it on to clothing. Shake the homemade repellent well before each application.

    Experimenting with these simple homemade mosquito repellent recipes is a cost effective and safe way to protect you and your family from mosquito bites. Try a few out and see what kind of money and hassle you may save.

    you will eventually notice that your skin become glowing and looking better everyday.

    When it comes to treating, facial steamers are proven to be one of the most effective ways in which these skin problems can be treated. Facial steamers are actually an old method of keeping skin healthy and glowing and you should definitely take advantage of the many benefits it can bring. A facial steamer is deemed as highly beneficial because it helps open up the pores on your skin. As this happens, you can now facilitate deep cleaning agents to remove harmful bacteria and sebum build up beneath your skin. Sebum and bacteria are among the primary causes of skin breakouts. In the end, your skin becomes radiant and healthy looking as these unwanted things are effectively removed and flushed out.

    Nowadays,no sugar, facial steamers come in different variants. One of them is the portable facial steamers which come in as small handy steamers you can easily bring anywhere. Among the types of facial steamers today,christian louboutin shoes wedding shoes, the portable ones are considered to be the most affordable because they are not too complicated. They contain the basic functions which your skin will need.

    You only need to fill up its reserved water reservoir with clean water and there’s also a separate compact where you can pour in some essential oils to soothe your senses as you are using the facial steamer. The essential oils you add in can also give some medicinal benefits on your face. It can effectively detoxify your skin and make sure that it clears out all the bacteria off from your face and of course, out of your pores. There is also a settings panel which you can easily manipulate to control the temperature.

    Aside from portable facial steamers, you can also take advantage of a facial sauna. This method is also a good natural way of treating your skin onwards rejuvenation. A facial sauna will also help energize your skin and bring back its youthful glow. A facial sauna makes use of an inhaler mask in order to funnel out the mist which will pick the dirt off from your face. It still employs the basic concepts of a facial steamer because it actually makes use of the steam to take out the dirt from your face. As this happens, you will eventually notice that your skin become glowing and looking better everyday.

    An upgraded version of facial steamers nowadays can be seen in the form of electronic aroma and herbal steamers which make use of herbal essences and steam to rejuvenate and clear out the skin. These facial steamers are also made compact with a stand that also contains rollers which are lockable. In this way, you can feel safe when using them close to your skin. You do not have to worry about relaxing as you let the herbal facial steamer work its magic on your skin. In addition to these, the herbal facial steamer is also considered to be a hundred percent natural because it makes use of plant essences as well as aromatherapy to treat your skin. And not only does it help clear up your skin but it also helps you relax from the soothing and calming effects of aromatherapy.


    reading or language tutor for children or adults

    Motherhood is more than a full-time job. Many moms also want or need to bring home the bacon. Balancing work and parenthood is tricky. Finding a rewarding career that accommodates your parental obligations can be even trickier.

    Finding your ideal career depends largely on your interests and talents. However, the best careers for mothers are those that provide the flexibility to balance the duties and joys of motherhood with the responsibilities of your job. Below are some options for working moms to consider when choosing a career.

    Sales Jobs

    The sales profession isn’t for everyone. However, if you enjoy interacting with others and are a strong communicator, sales positions are among the best careers for mothers. As payment is often commission-based, sales jobs may allow you to work at your own pace.


    Many working moms find their niche in freelancing. Freelancing is an option for those with a variety of skill sets, including writing, editing, computer programming, web development, data entry and graphic design. Accounting, event planning and bookkeeping also lend themselves to freelance arrangements. Because you can often work at home and manage your own schedule as long as you meet deadlines, freelancing is one of the best careers for mothers who also have a knack for networking and marketing their services.

    Teaching and Other Work Within School Systems

    Work hours in public and private school systems often closely mirror the schedules of your children. Teaching, working as a teacher’s aide, school nurse, guidance counselor or administrative support person for a school are among the best careers for mothers.

    Health and Fitness

    Are health and fitness your thing? As a personal trainer, fitness instructor or perhaps even a massage therapist, you can take on clients whose schedules work well with your own.

    Private Instruction

    Do you have knowledge and training in an area in which people seek tutoring? You might be able to make a career out of private instruction. Whether you work as an adult literacy instructor, a math, reading or language tutor for children or adults,if you own a home for $100,discount christian louboutin sandals, or a piano or dance instructor, you can earn an income doing something you enjoy and work around your children’s schedule.

    Event-Related Services

    From photography to catering, celebrations offer a wide variety of career options for working moms. Since weddings and other events often occur during evenings and weekends, these types of careers work well for mothers who wish to be home with their children during the day and have child care options at other hours.

    Other “By Arrangement” Services

    The best careers for mothers are often those that let you set your own appointments. Many such careers are in domestic services such as house cleaning and gardening. Others include professions such a real estate, financial services and counseling.

    The best career for a working mom ultimately depends on her skills and interests. There are a variety of professions that offer the ability to build a successful career while maintaining the freedom and flexibility to be involved in your children’s lives and meet the many obligations that come with motherhood.

    can relieve pain

  • Though ankle injuries can heal fast, severe injuries can be the cause of pain in later life. Most athletes at some time or the other injure or sprain their ankles. Injuries can occur on force landing, particularly on a rough uneven surface. At such times the ligaments can be stretched unnaturally into awkward positions causing injury or sprain. Sometimes the pain may vanish only to resurface when the injury is almost forgotten! This can happen especially if healing has remained incomplete at the time of the injury. A single injury to the ankle increases risk of repeated injury, which in turn increases the vulnerability of the ankle to pain. The most common causes of ankle pain are:

    • Torn tendons or tendonitis. This can occur when the tendons are overused because of vigorous sports or athletic activity causing inflammation of the tendons. Injury and arthritis can also cause tendonitis. The ankle may become weak and tender, causing swelling and pain. Rest and immobilization along with anti-inflammatory medicines and application of local analgesic creams can help.

    • Inflammation of the joint lining or synovitis. The synovium is the lining that cushions the ankle joint and allows it to move smoothly. Injury to the ankle can cause inflammation resulting in swelling, heat and pain. Repeated injuries to the ankle and poor muscle tone can trigger this condition. History of injury helps diagnosis. X-rays may help detect a fracture. Treatment involves rest and immobilization. A cortisone shot may be required for severe pain.

    • Ankle sprain accompanied by looseness (instability) of the ankle joint. Can happen after a severe injury to the ankle, particularly when the ankle has twisted inward or outward at the time of injury when there is every chance of rupture of the supporting ligaments. This can cause pain and lead to premature degenerative arthritis.

    • Inflammation of the nerve along the ankle joint, also called neuritis. Neuritis causes pain and can also affect muscle function. The ankle has bundles of nerves that traverse the inner and outer portion of the joint. When there is injury to the ankle these get inflamed. Sometimes ankle instability or ‘looseness’ can be an indirect cause. Scar tissue formed during injury may be compressing a nerve that only an MRI will reveal.

    Treatment After Ankle Injury

    Treatment after an ankle injury will involve giving rest by keeping the leg and foot elevated with a pillow. Cold packs of ice for 15 minutes, every hour or two will help reduce swelling and numb the pain. Hot fomentation can increase swelling and is not recommended. An aspirin is avoided because it prolongs bleeding time. A crepe bandage or ankle stir-up will help. If injury is severe, a cast may be needed. Sometimes crutches are suggested so as to avoid putting weight on the injured ankle. Immobilization for too long can be erroneous. If mobilization starts early, it helps collagen bundle orientation, which helps restore the motion range of the ankle and promotes healing.

    Treatment after an injury must be proper,If you find that you do enjoy the job of a helicopter pilot still, followed by a thorough check up so that pain does not recur in future. If rehabilitation is incomplete or improper it can cause instability and increase the risk of being injured again. Fitness can be ascertained when:

    • The person walks normally without a limp.

    • Can hop on the injured foot without pain.

    • The injured ankle has regained about 90% of its original strength. This can be judged by comparing with the normal ankle.

    • There is full range motion of the ankle.

    • The patient can resume normal activity: he can walk and jog at least 50% of what he did before, without pain.

    If the treatment is incomplete the patient will always feel pain while climbing stairs or walking on an uneven surface. When the ankle remains lax for a long period is needs to be rehabilitated by exercises to help improve and restore stability and strength and help mobility to return to normal range. Here are some:

    • Try to stand on a step with your heels just a little off the step and then slowly raise yourself on the ball of your foot holding for about 3-4 seconds. Slowly lower your heels to original position. Repeat about 20 times, several times a day.

    • Try to move your ankle to determine its entire range of motion with up and down, in and out and circle movements, without moving the leg. Trying writing the alphabet in the air using your toes.

    • Stand on the floor and try to raise one foot off the floor while balancing your body on the other foot to a count of 15. Gradually increase the count to 20 and then 30. Repeat with the injured foot on the floor.

    Other therapies

    Sonotron Therapy is non-invasive and drugless. A device called a Sonotron is used. It utilizes low power modulated radio frequency and audio energy. Dr. Alfonso Di Mino invented it in 1987 in the US. It has no side effects and is considered safe for treating acute and chronic pain in joints and soft tissues. For more details see:


    Alternative therapies like Pranic healing, hands-on healing, Reiki, can relieve pain, if done regularly.

    It is imperative for any ankle injury to be properly treated with medication,Roseberry ugg boots sale, rest and exercise following an injury, so that risk of future injury is reduced and chronic pain can be avoided later in life.

  • the more engaging the activity

    When discussing the variety of activities available for toddlers with special needs, the list is somewhat dependent on the type of disability and depth of involvement. Therefore,be sure to consult a guide book for valuable information on hotels, the following list of activities is designed as a generic set of exercises that are utilized to enhance sensory and motor skills in toddlers with a number of special needs. Pick and choose which ones your child will benefit from, but they are all designed to be fun while enhancing your child’s abilities to their fullest extent.

    Sensory skills are often enhanced by associating fun with learning. Of course, the more engaging the activity,bailey button uggs, the more your child will want to participate. Keeping your child’s interest in the task at hand is paramount to your child’s mastery of that skill. The following activities for your toddler will engage your child and allow you to monitor their progress:

    Animal Sound Associations:

    Find pictures of various animals (cows, horses, pigs, etc.) and make the sounds those animals make. Have your child make that sound too a few times and then go on to the next one. Later, show a picture of one of the animals you have already gone over and ask your child what sound they make. Don’t worry if they don’t get the sound right the first time and don’t bombard your child with too many animals in one sitting. Reward your child when they do a good job in any way you deem appropriate. This is a fun exercise for both of you that develops cognition and critical thinking!

    Musical Instruments:

    Nothing fancy here, just maybe a tambourine or a something to drum on. These activities will stimulate hearing and motor skills and associate action with sound. Developing coordination by playing with musical instruments and connecting that play to sound will help the child’s “cause and effect” development.

    Drawing Activities:

    Whether you use multi colored chalk on the sidewalk or crayons on a sheet of paper, drawing is always a fun and challenging activity for special needs kids. Encouragement is the keyword here. Don’t be frustrated if your child draws a picture of a dog that looks like an unrecognizable blob. It is merely the engagement of their efforts that is the reward itself. Refinement in their artistic abilities can come later. Remember we are not looking for the next Rembrandt, just growth in your child’s development!


    Balloons are a surprisingly easy and inexpensive way to engage your toddler with special needs in an activity. Hand/eye coordination is developed and touch sensory also is enhanced as your child reaches out to bounce the balloon. Make funny sounds as you tip the balloon towards your child as they will associate this with entertainment. Buy brightly colored balloons as this will also enhance their ability to differentiate between colors and hues. Balloons are always fun and your child will be engaged for a good deal of time!

    These are just a few activities that you can use for your special needs child. Of course, these activities are just a starting point and you will refine and replace them as your child develops their skills. Don’t be afraid to challenge your child to grow in their skill set but at the same time, don’t place expectations beyond their reach. Growth in your special needs child is something experienced by both of you and the rewards you experience is in the journey itself.



    LOS ANGELES (AP)—Los Angeles Clippers coach Vinny Del Negro has three new

    Dean Demopoulos, Marc Iavaroni and Robert Pack will work under Del Negro
    when he begins his first season with the team this fall.

    Dave Severns was hired as director of player development on Thursday.

    Demopoulos spent five seasons as the top assistant with the Portland Trail
    Blazers, and four seasons with the Seattle SuperSonics after 18 seasons at

    Iavaroni spent last season as an assistant with the Toronto Raptors. He was
    head coach of the Memphis Grizzlies for two seasons. He’s also had assistant
    coaching stints with Phoenix, Miami and Cleveland. Iavaroni played seven years
    in the NBA and five years in Europe.

    Pack was an assistant with New Orleans last season. He played 13 years in
    the NBA.

    Severns worked with Del Negro the past two seasons in Chicago. Previously,He averaged a career-high 8.2 points,
    he spent 13 years in player development with Nike.

    the body of water less than the young

    AP 24, according to Japanese media reports, Japan has been around since the 17th week of high temperatures continued to have caused 52 people died of heat stroke, there are nearly 5900 people were admitted to the hospital emergency treatment, heat stroke patients are often elderly.

    According to "Yomiuri Shimbun" reported that 23 many parts of Japan, the maximum temperature over 35 degrees Celsius, which Tatebayashi City, Gunma Prefecture temperatures as high as 38.9 degrees Celsius. According to statistics, the Japanese throughout the week at least 52 people died of heat stroke, in which as many as 18 in Saitama.

    Reports that were sent to hospital for treatment of stroke patients to the older crowd. Kyoto Women's University Professor Seiichi Nakai said that older people regulate temperature decline, the body of water less than the young,France and Puerto Rico joining the U.S. here., hot feeling on the relatively slow, so add less water, easy to heat stroke.

    Japan's meteorological department forecast hot weather will continue for the future, also urged the public attention to sunstroke.

    Related reports: west wind "hunting" leads Hot

    AP Currently, the Northern Hemisphere, Japan, Russia, Europe and China have been heat waves, some Japanese researchers recently told local media, in the northern hemisphere over the hot weather is the Central latitude westerly winds from west to east, winding like a snake as road making. Climate Information Division Japan Meteorological Agency said the Northern Hemisphere westerly winds generally move slowly along the diagonal, around the globe, but early this month, starting from the westerly wind suddenly began to bend to move on. 12,000 meters of altitude observation Jude Biao air, you will find that if the Arctic wind direction west bend, west wind in the south latitudes will be shrouded high-pressure, air temperature rise. Conversely, if the trend of the flow of the south west bend, then the mid-latitudes the temperature is reduced. (New Express)


    By BERNIE WILSON AP Sports Writer

    By BERNIE WILSON AP Sports Writer

    Sacramento Kings co-owner Joe Maloof is expanding his skateboarding competitions and offering a $1 million bonus to any skater who can win four in a row.

    Maloof says he thought of the bonus as a way to keep momentum going following the third Maloof Money Cup Orange County last weekend in Costa Mesa, Calif.

    He says street star Chris Cole would be welcome to skate for the bonus, depending on his commitment to the new Street League.

    The 28-year-old Cole clinched his third $100,000 Maloof Money Cup payday in 13 months on Sunday night.

    Maloof says he would like to have four competitions next year in the United States,according to U.S. media reports, as well as a previously announced contest in South Africa.

    t ever catch him doing pregame media availability. Not that it’


    Between "The Decision,South Korea has requested for it to return," his choice to initially ignore the city of Cleveland in a newspaper thank you and other PR missteps this offseason, it’s been open season for criticism on LeBron James(notes). Has he been listening? You bet.

    So how does LeBron exact his revenge? It’s hard to say. James is already pretty tight when it comes to media access to those who don’t regularly cover him. You won’t ever catch him doing pregame media availability. Not that it’s particularly unusual—many veteran players don’t do that just based on the volume of requests—but LeBron isn’t granting some great level of access at the moment that he’ll take away this season.

    Maybe he feels like he’ll be exacting revenge on opposing fans and teams talking bad about him in the wake of his choice to join the Heat. If that’s the case, a motivated LeBron James could be a very scary thing next season.

    More from Sporting News: Bosh Never Discussed Cleveland with LeBron

    we were fairly aggressive to get that done. He’

    By CLIFF BRUNT AP Sports Writer

    INDIANAPOLIS (AP)—Larry Bird always said he wouldn’t rush the rebuilding of the Indiana Pacers.

    He stuck to his word, and it paid off. He waited until all the free agency hype died down before delivering one of the biggest moves for his franchise in years - the acquisition of point guard Darren Collison(notes) from New Orleans - in a four-way trade that also includes New Jersey and Houston.

    “We said at the beginning of the summer that we were going to be patient and don’t make drastic moves just to make a move,” Bird said. “We have a plan here. It’s a three-year plan, and I expect to get the job done in three years.”

    The term rebuilding might no longer apply now that the Pacers have added the 22-year-old Collison to a core that includes forward Danny Granger(notes) and center Roy Hibbert(notes).

    “I think it helps out tremendously,” Bird said. “I think this was the piece that we needed. The vision I have for this franchise is to get the core group up and ready to go as quick as we can, and this piece here will accelerate everything.”

    The Pacers also announced Wednesday they have dealt Troy Murphy(notes) to the Nets, who sent guard Courtney Lee(notes) to Houston. To complete the trade, the Rockets shipped swingman Trevor Ariza(notes) to New Orleans.

    Indiana also got James Posey(notes) from New Orleans in the deal.

    The Pacers were searching for a point guard because T.J. Ford(notes) fell out of favor last season with coach Jim O’Brien. The Pacers get a good young one in Collison, who played well when Chris Paul(notes) was injured. He averaged 12.4 points and 5.7 assists as a rookie last season, including 18.8 points and 9.1 assists in 37 starts.

    “I didn’t think he’d have the year he had last year,” Bird said. “He’s solid. He likes to defend. He always could shoot the ball. We think he’s a complete player.”

    The Nets get a good rebounder in the 6-foot-11 Murphy, a New Jersey product who is an excellent outside shooter for his size. The former first-round pick from Notre Dame is a career 39 percent shooter from 3-point range. He played in 262 games for the Pacers,averaged 15
    points last season as a sophomore.
    , with averages of 13.3 points and 9.2 rebounds per game.

    “We are very pleased to add Troy to our roster,” Nets general manager Billy King said. “He is a quality power forward who has the ability to stretch the floor, and we feel that he will be a very positive addition to our frontcourt rotation.”

    Posey has spent 11 seasons in the NBA with career averages of 8.8 points and 4.8 rebounds per game. Last season, he averaged 5.2 points and 4.3 rebounds. The cash-strapped Hornets were able to move the remaining two years and more than $13 million remaining on Posey’s contract.

    The Rockets cut salary with the move after re-signing point guard Kyle Lowry(notes) and power forward Luis Scola(notes), both restricted free agents, and picking up backup center Brad Miller(notes).

    Ariza was due to make about $6.3 million this season, the first of four years left on his contract. Houston signed Ariza in July 2009, when free agent Ron Artest(notes) decided to join the Los Angeles Lakers.

    Rockets general manager Daryl Morey said their involvement in the trade was mostly about the opportunity to get Lee, a 6-5 guard whom they’ve coveted since the 2008 draft.

    “We really target players who we think will fit in well here over time,” Morey said. “When we got our first chance to acquire him, we were fairly aggressive to get that done. He’s very versatile.”

    The Rockets envisioned the 6-8 Ariza developing into a dependable scoring threat on the wing. He averaged a career-high 14.9 points in 72 games last season, but shot 39.4 percent from the field and 33.4 percent from 3-point range.

    “To get something you like, you’ve got to give up something,” Morey said. “It wasn’t a situation where we were down on Trevor. It was really about that we think Courtney has a big future.”

    Lee, acquired from Orlando on draft night in 2009 in the Vince Carter(notes) deal, averaged 12.5 points in 71 games for the Nets last season, including 66 starts. He shot 43.6 percent from the field last season and will likely back up shooting guard Kevin Martin(notes) with the Rockets.


    AP Sports Writers Chris Duncan in Houston and Tom Canavan in Albany, N.Y., contributed to this report.


    This article Source

    BEIJING, Aug. 6 Xinhua According to foreign reports on the 6th, Indian-controlled Kashmir,he would ask them to keep easing the blockade., rare heavy rains caused flooding has killed at least 60 people dead and hundreds injured.

    reported that heavy rain triggered floods washed away by Buddhist residents of major urban areas mainly Dalac Leh, local officials said floods caused

    TV pictures showed Leh is full of collapsed buildings, telephone poles runs through the streets, people in knee-high mud in difficult search for survivors.

    floods came very suddenly, many people are asleep failure to hedge.

    local officials said at least 60 people were killed in floods, more 200 people were injured. There are a large number of missing persons buried in the rubble,cheap MBT Baridi shoes, as rescue workers could not reach some of the affected areas, the death toll could

    (This article Source: China News Network)


    AP Real Madrid this \Bremen

    AP Real Madrid this \Bremen, who quickly persuaded or accurate,redeemed code slot. You don’, \years later, empty-handed situation.

    Wednesday, Bremen in the Champions League qualifying match against Sampdoria, if Ozil play, then Real Madrid will withdraw from the acquisition. Ozil has expressed the wish to join Real Madrid, and he was also dissatisfied with the club refused to offer Real Madrid, but not yet an \that he will stay in Bremen for one year to complete the remaining contract.

    According to the Spanish \Real Madrid that the 16 million euros is too expensive, you know Ozil's contract ended next year, when he joined Real Madrid for free. However, the strength from the players point of view, 16 million euros in fact very cheap, even Mourinho admits that he likes Ozil, because the German player is a versatile front court that can play many positions.

    \Real Madrid will certainly increase, as proposed by the introduction of the main 席弗罗伦蒂诺 Ozil is Real Madrid, before the other locations because of Mourinho's signings proposed requirements, the acquisition has been delayed, but the introduction of the Real Madrid defender Carvalho,MBT Salama online, and the introduction of 9 center face great difficulties, the club has picked up the Ozil this operation. Florentino and Valdano also that the center of a series of candidate No. 9, in addition to Fernando - Lorant, who are not fans like Bieqier more strokes. The Ozil joined Real Madrid C Lo can play center, the team is equal to double benefit solve some problems.

    \Last weekend the two clubs agreed to consider on that today, the two sides will sit down at the negotiating table again, Ozil joining Real Madrid is also expected to soon finalize the issue. Ozil's worth will be 10 million to 16 million euros between. Real Madrid will increase the offer without a price Lemery will not die bite and hold without Lemery general manager Allofs said: \listen to the new offer. \

    Real Madrid and Bremen do not want soap opera has continued after the Wednesday. \If Bremen Real Madrid do not accept the new offer, that next year they may face loss of wealth and the situation. And this is the greatest weapon in the negotiations club. (Sergio)