
Breads and starches.

Among the most embarrassing and bothersome hair conditions is dandruff. White flakes associated with dandruff can cause social awkwardness and can be quite meddlesome in prospective romantic situations. Dandruff’s only redeeming factor is that it is generally nothing to be concerned with from a health stand point. In fact, there are many ways to get rid of dandruff naturally. Don’t reach for that bottle of commercial dandruff shampoo. Check out these natural ways to get rid of dandruff.

Dandruff is caused by excessive shedding of dead skin cells. This is a natural process of the human body and can be cured easily. Getting rid of dandruff naturally can be as easy as using a commercial shampoo. These natural remedies for dandruff are effective as well as inexpensive.

  • Mix one part lemon juice to one part water and apply to the scalp. This is said to be an effective way to get rid of dandruff naturally.

  • Mix one tablespoon olive oil with an egg and apply to scalp daily until you have gotten rid of your dandruff.

  • Using a shampoo enriched with tea tree oil is said to alleviate the symptoms of dandruff.

  • Take vitamin supplements including Biotin. This B vitamin aids in the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates. Biotin is also believed to help get rid of dandruff naturally.

  • Apple cider vinegar and water when mixed in equal parts and applied to the hair can help you get rid of dandruff. Allow this mixture to sit for 15 minutes prior to rinsing.

  • Coconut oil when applied to the scalp daily is yet another great way to get rid of dandruff naturally.

Causes of dandruff can include poor diet, hormone imbalance,UGG Bailey Button Black,unfaithfulness to their own religion. According to the Nation of Islam, stress, and environmental factors. Taking care of your body by eating right and by keeping physically fit can be beneficial. When trying to get rid of dandruff naturally, it is also a good idea to avoid the following items:

? Refined sugar.

? Breads and starches.

? Alcohol.

Dandruff is often thought to be associated with yeast. The consumption of these foods is believed to exacerbate conditions brought on by yeast. By avoiding these foods and by including yogurt into your diet, you can get rid of dandruff faster. Most dandruff can be relieved by these natural remedies. The implementation of a good diet in conjunction with these natural scalp treatments will help you get rid of your dandruff.

Call your physician if you are experiencing dandruff that is yellow in color. This can indicate an infection. Most infections which present themselves like dandruff can be treated with an antibiotic. It is also important not to scratch your scalp too hard. Over scratching your scalp can lead to lesions, which in turn become susceptible to staph as well as other infections. Also, if you are unable to get rid of your dandruff naturally your physician can help. He or She can provide you with a prescription that will get rid of your dandruff.

