
wheat germ

The herpes virus is a highly contagious and serious medical condition that is spreading quickly throughout the United States. There are two different types of the herpes virus. Herpes simplex type I which causes fever blisters or cold sores and Herpes simplex type II which is genital herpes and is sexually transmitted.

Both types of the virus are highly contagious. The virus is also able to be spread to your nose, eyes and other areas. The virus is so highly contagious that you could pass it along to your kids with a simple kiss if you have an active fever blister. Some people can actually be carriers of the virus, but haven’t experienced visible signs and are able to spread the virus to others.

For those of us who have ever experienced a cold sore, it isn’t only non-appealing to our appearance but they also hurt and can be very bothersome. I have suffered from fever blisters since I was a teenager and remember how embarrassed I was to go to school with a fever blister. My lip would swell and then begin to crack and break open. The fever blister would usually take at least a week to heal.

According to the CDC there are twenty percent of people over 12 suffering from genital herpes. If you happen to have an outbreak, try to avoid direct contact to another person’s skin. While the blisters are active they are highly contagious.

Over the years of suffering from fever blisters I have researched the herpes virus and learned some great tips to help ward it off. While there are drugs that can be taken on a daily basis to try and hold off outbreaks this isn’t necessary. There are many natural ways to ward off the virus avoiding spending hundreds of dollars on medications.

Many of us are impatient and would like a quick fix,uncomfortable, but in reality there is no quick fix for herpes. We must take several steps to help insure the virus is left dormant and not active. There are ways to fight the virus and put it to sleep. However, once a person contracts herpes they will always have the virus but it may not be active.

There are times when outbreaks may be more prevalent, for instance when women are having their menstrual cycle and are pregnant. The outbreaks in these situations are usually triggered by changes in hormones. Other triggers may be the sun, a virus including a cold or the flu, and when the body is overly tired. Trying to maintain a healthy immune system is a great defense against herpes. When the body’s immune system becomes weak we are more susceptible to infection or contraction of a virus.

Many of us may have used Aloe Vera as treatment for sunburn or to treat a scar that needed healing before. Aloe is extremely beneficial to the skin. Aloe is also a good fighter against the herpes virus as well. Aloe can be found in several products available to us,christian louboutin sandals online, including soaps and lotions. When aloe is used as an active ingredient in products used to treat herpes it can be very effective. The use of Tea tree oil has proven to be affective in addition to the herb Prunella vulgaris in the war against herpes.

To help fight herpes, we should avoid products that contain aspartame, because this has been shown to trigger herpes outbreaks. Lysine oil seems to help fight against the herpes virus. Eating a diet with high quantities of lysine including fish, chicken, beef, lamb, milk, cheese, beans, brewer’s yeast and most fruits and veggies can help fight off the virus. Steer clear of foods such as chocolate, coconut, oats, peanuts, soybeans, wheat germ, whole wheat and white flour, because they seem to increase the odds of a herpes outbreak. Try to avoid stress.

Thousands of people across the United States suffer from and outbreak of herpes every day. However, there are steps that can be taken to help keep the virus at bay. Before resorting to medication, try some of the more natural remedies. Get a lot of rest and eat a proper diet.

