
the body of water less than the young

AP 24, according to Japanese media reports, Japan has been around since the 17th week of high temperatures continued to have caused 52 people died of heat stroke, there are nearly 5900 people were admitted to the hospital emergency treatment, heat stroke patients are often elderly.

According to "Yomiuri Shimbun" reported that 23 many parts of Japan, the maximum temperature over 35 degrees Celsius, which Tatebayashi City, Gunma Prefecture temperatures as high as 38.9 degrees Celsius. According to statistics, the Japanese throughout the week at least 52 people died of heat stroke, in which as many as 18 in Saitama.

Reports that were sent to hospital for treatment of stroke patients to the older crowd. Kyoto Women's University Professor Seiichi Nakai said that older people regulate temperature decline, the body of water less than the young,France and Puerto Rico joining the U.S. here., hot feeling on the relatively slow, so add less water, easy to heat stroke.

Japan's meteorological department forecast hot weather will continue for the future, also urged the public attention to sunstroke.

Related reports: west wind "hunting" leads Hot

AP Currently, the Northern Hemisphere, Japan, Russia, Europe and China have been heat waves, some Japanese researchers recently told local media, in the northern hemisphere over the hot weather is the Central latitude westerly winds from west to east, winding like a snake as road making. Climate Information Division Japan Meteorological Agency said the Northern Hemisphere westerly winds generally move slowly along the diagonal, around the globe, but early this month, starting from the westerly wind suddenly began to bend to move on. 12,000 meters of altitude observation Jude Biao air, you will find that if the Arctic wind direction west bend, west wind in the south latitudes will be shrouded high-pressure, air temperature rise. Conversely, if the trend of the flow of the south west bend, then the mid-latitudes the temperature is reduced. (New Express)


