
For the college entrance examination in Linxian close all Internet cafes by the property owner quest

 Linchuan Internet cafes were closed. Internet cafes Linchuan government received notice. Liao Shijie for map

Southern News reporter Shu-boat on May 30, has friends in the End of the World community posting said in Linxian as soon entrance, forced the closure of the county all the Internet cafes, post that "the county all the Internet cafes are doomed, cable been stopped, only can use telephone line. " Posted users scolded, "You shut down Internet cafes based on what law?"

Southern Metropolis Daily Press investigation found, was the first time in Linxian because the college entrance examination this year, closed Internet cafes, Jiangxi Linchuan also closed the area because the entrance hundreds of Internet cafes, many within recent years this phenomenon has occurred.

Close all Internet cafes all day

May 30, a netizen posted the End of the World community, said on May 25 posted in Linxian Association for Internet cafe Internet cafe closed bulletin: "The relevant departments asked Internet cafe closed down, and when to open further notice." According to the users said transfer because of the upcoming college entrance examination is compulsory for all Internet cafes closed in the county, "the county's Internet cafes are all doomed, cable been stopped, only use telephone line."

Southern reporter then contacted the Secretary Linxian County Cultural Affairs Zhang Jinsheng confirmation, but the phone is turned off, they call the Southern reporter Linxian Propaganda Minister Qin, Qin minister said he did not know on the matter. But a local source told the South are journalists, it's true.

The insider told the South are reporters, Linxian County's 67 Internet cafes are concentrated in Linxian of the original food plant, now shut down all Internet cafes have been closed down all day, authorities said the closure of Internet cafes because "two tests" (college entrance examination and Ed.) The source told the South are journalists, the loss of Internet cafes have also no way to be close, "This is a government order."

Linchuan Culture: reasonable illegal

According to media reports in Jiangxi, Jiangxi artificial neural network in urban areas has also asked hundreds of Internet cafes in the May 10 to June 9 during the day, according to regional differences were out of business, do not match will be punished, the local telecommunications sector also mandatory disconnected from the network access the Internet cafes, Internet cafes during which each loss will be over 10,000. Local media the "New Legal News" reports, this practice has been going on for several years, Lin Chuan, Lin Chuanqu Cultural Affairs Culture Unit, the district office for the leadership Xiong Guanghui Internet cafes told the newspaper interview, said, "We to do so, reasonable and non-legitimate, indeed beyond the scope of administrative licensing powers, to Linchuan education brand, we have to do this. "

Southern reporter also found that during the forced closure of Internet cafes entrance, cutting off network access Internet cafes situation has occurred in many places, such as "Internet cafes because of Yangzhou entrance off network," and "Internet cafes Funing usual entrance to be off when the network The "One category of posts in various forums, everywhere.

Telecommunications: helpless Culture: There is under

Linchuan Telecom broken Internet access services to local Internet cafes told the media after the explanation that "we know this is not very appropriate, but the Government's request, we would not be." But Lin Chuanqu Department of Cultural Affairs under the notice sent to owners of Internet cafes, said he burst to close the Internet cafes are "under" Internet access service establishments regulations "and city and district leadership direction", the South's access to all the regulations, only prohibits acceptance of Internet cafes Minors and the hours and other rules on Internet cafes and Internet cafes in the entrance examination does not provide closed during the closure.

Posted questioned Linxian users of Internet cafes are shut down his paper, asking: "You shut down Internet cafes which are based on law, there is no violation of the provisions of the Constitution to protect civil liberties? Your motivation is good, but the motive is good, you can explain behavior is correct? "

> Related reading: Chongqing Internet cafes to accept a minor minimum fine of 5,000 yuan Hohhot: University City Hotel highlights the regulatory gaps in internet cafe Internet cafe owner on a card fraudulent use of forged identity cards led to the special police fugitive


Wen Jiabao and South Korean President Korean talks will start negotiations on FTA-related

International Online reports (Xinhua Ling, Jinmin Guo, Liu Yiyao): a visit to Korea on the 28th afternoon, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and South Korean President Lee Myung-bak at Cheong Wa Dae for talks. Both sides agreed to continue to push forward China-ROK strategic cooperative partnership. FTA negotiations between China and the ROK are expected later this year or next year in the first half.

Wen said China to develop relations with South Korea's important position on the peripheral diplomacy is willing to join with the ROK, focusing on the overall situation and long-term, enhance communication, coordination and cooperation to benefit both peoples and promote regional peace and prosperity. He said the good momentum of China-ROK economic and trade cooperation, the two sides should make joint efforts to overcome the international financial crisis and the negative impact of further enhancing the level of cooperation, bilateral trade volume achieved on schedule in 2012 reached 2,000 billion U.S. dollars, to reach 300 billion U.S. dollars in 2015 objectives. He proposed the two sides should strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination, and help key cooperation areas and projects, to cultivate new growth points for economic and trade cooperation De, Shenhua high-tech and recycling economy areas of cooperation and promoting bilateral trade facilitation, common to oppose trade protectionism, Tong Shi To expand cultural and youth exchanges. He also said that China supports South Korea in the second half of this year held in the Group of 20 summit.

Lee said the ROK are committed to developing strategic partnership of cooperation in extensive areas between the two countries developed rapidly. ROK is willing to continue to work with China to maintain high-level exchanges and political dialogue, further enhancing bilateral trade levels, and actively promote free trade zone between the two countries build and expand clean energy, environmental protection, green economy and other fields, to the Shanghai World Expo, each run "Visit" as an opportunity to promote cultural exchanges. South Korea hoped the Group of 20 within such multilateral mechanisms to strengthen communication and coordination with China.

Lee informed the ROK, "Tian number" incident 调查 situation and deal with Kaolv hope that the Chinese side to facilitate the proper handle this case, stability in the Korean peninsula, an important role.

Talks into a wide range of small-scale meetings and has conducted two meetings, the length of time than the original five minutes later. Before the talks, Lee Wen Jiabao at the Blue House lawn to hold a grand welcome ceremony. After the talks, China and South Korea signed a Sino-ROK FTA feasibility study on the VLSI joint memorandum of understanding on cooperation.

Wen and Lee also met with the China-ROK joint study on behalf of the experts, the two leaders spoke highly of the Committee's work and hope that they continue to offer advice and suggestions to promote China-ROK relations.